Utbytesstudenter från Tyskland


The research strategy of the subject of education is well rooted in the university’s vision to be a global higher education institution with regional involvement. The basic idea is to be responsible for a broad area of knowledge aimed at learning and knowledge formation within the field of education.

Ongoing Research Projects

Enriching Challenge

This is a project in collaboration with Härnösand municipality and Technichus Science Center with the aim to increase knowledge about gifted students, their needs and prerequisites for development...

Future Welfare: Healthcare and School

The program's goal is to pave the way for a larger project, aiming to develop a strong research environment, which in connection with high-quality education can secure competence and skills in the...

Promote attendance - Prevent absence

The project aims for teachers, principals and other school staff at two pilot schools and the municipality's other schools to develop methods and routines regarding preventing, detecting and...

Together for increased school attendance

This is a project in collaboration with Ånge municipality in accordance with the collaboration agreement. The project aims to promote school attendance and prevent school absenteeism.

Employees at the subject education

Linda Evjen


+46 (0)10-1428123

Sandra Lund

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer

+46 (0)10-1428743

Marie Lundgren


+46 (0)10-1427915

Sharon Maes

Universitetslektor, biträdande|Associate Senior Lecturer

+46 (0)10-1428504

Judit Novak

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer

+46 (0)10-1428034

Lars Sandin

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer

Maria Styf

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer

+46 (0)10-1428734

Frank Sundh


The page was updated 12/10/2024