Lena Boström
- Professional title: Professor
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428263
- Email: lena.bostrom@miun.se
- Location: Sundsvall
- Department:
- Department of Education (UTV)
Research projects
Future Welfare: Healthcare and School
What about the boys? An action study focusing on boys' school results in St Olof's school.
Motivation for learning in younger children
Studymotivation in upper secondary school
The leisure center and the governing documents - from political intention to pedagogical practice
Articles in journals
Articles, reviews/surveys
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Conference proceedings (editor)
Doctoral theses, monographs
Articles in journals
Boström, L. , Elvstrand, H. & Orwehag, M. (2024). Didaktik i fritidshem ur svenska rektorers perspektiv : särskiljande föreställningar möter en pedagogisk praktik. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, vol. 28: 4, pp. 142-171.
Damber, U. & Boström, L. (2024). Swedish student teachers’ perceptions of consequences of the teacher shortage for their future profession. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, vol. 10
Boström, L. , Bostedt, G. , Eriksson, V. & Stenberg, I. (2023). Student conceptions of motivation to study revealed through phenomenography: Differences and similarities among primary school students. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, vol. 8: 1, pp. 100505-100505.
Boström, L. & Rising Holmström, M. (2023). Students’ experience of Uncertain times : Learning and well-being inSwedish upper secondary schools during the pandemic. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, vol. 7: 1
Boström, L. , Bostedt, G. & Åhslund, I. (2023). Understanding the dynamics of study motivation : An in-depth analysis of teachers perceptions in primary schools. Journal of Pedagogical Research, vol. 7: 5, pp. 251-265.
Boström, L. , Damber, U. & Collén, C. (2023). University students’ study strategies before and during the pandemic : Experiences from Swedish students. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, vol. 8: 1
Boström, L. (2023). What is the problem and how can we solve it? : School authorities’ perceptions of the shortage of teachers in Sweden. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, vol. 22: 3, pp. 479-497.
Boström, L. , Bostedt, G. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2022). Den allvarliga lärarbristen i Sverige – hur kunde detta hända och vad kan vi göra?. Paideia, : 22, pp. 6-20.
Boström, L. , Elvstrand, H. & Orwehag, M. (2022). Didactics in school-age educare centres – An unexplored field but with distinctive views. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, vol. 6: 1
Haglund, B. & Boström, L. (2022). Everyday practices in Swedish school-age educare centres : a reproduction of subordination and difficulty in fulfilling their mission. Early Child Development and Care, vol. 192: 2, pp. 248-262.
Boström, L. , Elvestrand, H. & Orwehag, M. (2022). In search of didactics in school-age educare centres : To conceptualize what exists but has not yet been found. Nordisk tidsskift for pedagogikk og kritikk, vol. 8: 1
Boström, L. & Sjöström, M. (2022). MethodViz : designing and evaluating an interactive learning tool for scientific methods – visual learning support and visualization of research process structure. Education and Information Technologies, vol. 27: 9, pp. 12793-12810.
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2022). Student conceptions of motivation to study in upper secondary school in Sweden revealed through phenomenography. Journal of Pedagogical Research, vol. 6: 6, pp. 214-230.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Boström, L. & Gidlund, U. (2022). Teacher shortage in Sweden : time to take action?. Education in the North, vol. 29: 2, pp. 48-67.
Boström, L. , Collén, C. , Damber, U. & Gidlund, U. (2021). A Rapid Transition from Campus to Emergent Distant Education : Effects on Students’ Study Strategies in Higher Education. Education Sciences, vol. 11: 11, pp. 721-721.
Rising Holmström, M. & Boström, L. (2021). Student perspectives on health dialogues : how do they benefit?. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, vol. 16: 1
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2021). Study motivation and gender differences : A paradoxical situation in Swedish upper secondary school. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, vol. 8: 4, pp. 2581-2597.
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2020). Hur lär sig elever på två olika yrkesprogram? : En studie om skillnader och likheter i lär- och undervisningsstrategier av betydelse för elevers studiemotivation.. Kognition & Pædagogik, vol. 30: 116, pp. 100-115.
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2020). What about Study Motivation? Students and Teachers’ Perspectives on what Affects Study Motivation. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, vol. 19: 8, pp. 40-59.
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2020). What motivates students to study in upper secondary school? : A study on students’ perspective on study motivation in four different study programs in Sweden. International Journal of Teaching and Education, vol. VIII: 2, pp. 18-34.
Randevåg, L. & Boström, L. (2019). Completing studies in alternative ways in adult education. ‘Who has told me that I cannot ...?’. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, vol. 18: 7, pp. 165-183.
Boström, L. & Berg, G. (2018). Läroplansimplementering och korstryck i fritidshemmets arbete. Educare, : 2, pp. 107-132.
Åhslund, I. & Boström, L. (2018). Teachers’ Perceptions of Gender Differences : What about Boys and Girls in the Classroom?. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, vol. 17: 4, pp. 28-44.
Boström, L. & Dalin, R. (2018). Young people's opinion on rural Sweden. International Education Studies, vol. 11: 6, pp. 45-58.
Dahlström, H. & Boström, L. (2017). Pros and Cons : Handwriting Versus Digital Writing. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, vol. 12: 4, pp. 143-161.
Gidlund, U. & Boström, L. (2017). What is Inclusive Didactics? : Teachers´Understanding of Inclusive Didactics for Students with EBD in Swedish Mainstream Schools.. International Education Studies, vol. 10: 5, pp. 87-99.
Perselli, A. , Augustsson, G. & Boström, L. (2016). A Web Survey on Learning Environments and Staff in Swedish Leisure-Time Centres as a Starting Point for a Nordic Research Network and International Cooperation. International Journal for Research on Extended Education, vol. 4: 1, pp. 147-152.
Boström, L. (2016). De skandinaviska grannspråken : Om läroplanens skrivningar om grannspråksundervisning och språkpolitiska intentioner. Kognition & pædagogik, vol. 99: 26, pp. 14-31.
Boström, L. & Augustsson, G. (2016). Learning Environments in Swedish Leisure-time Centres : (In)equality , “Schooling”, and Lack of Independence. International Journal for Research on Extended Education, vol. 4: 1, pp. 125-145.
Augustsson, G. & Boström, L. (2016). Teachers’ Leadership in the Didactic Room : A Systematic Literature Review of International Research. Acta Didactica Norge - tidsskrift for fagdidaktisk forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid i Norge, vol. 10: 3
Boström, L. & Dalin, R. (2016). Teachers' perceptions of the educational platform : Is there a connection between school improvement and regional educational development?. Journal of Education and Training studies, vol. 04: 02, pp. 10-20.
Boström, L. , Hörnell, A. & Frykland, M. (2015). Learning Environments at Leisure-time Centres in Sweden : A Comprehensive Survey of Staff Perceptions. International Journal for Research on Extended Education, vol. 3: 1, pp. 5-18.
Boström, L. (2015). Regional Educational Development Research and School Improvement : A Systematic Literature Review of Research. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research,, vol. 11: 1, pp. 200--211.
Boström, L. (2015). Regional Educational Development Research in Sweden of Forty Years.. Journal of Studies in Education, vol. 5: 2, pp. 1-20.
Augustsson, G. & Boström, L. (2014). Att vara lärare är att vara ledare. Sundsvalls Tidning, vol. 8 jan
Boström, L. & Ivarsson, L. (2013). Good reading Enviroments for Individual Reading. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, vol. 50: 5, pp. 66-80.
Boström, L. (2013). How Do Students in Vocational Programs Learn? : A Study of Similarities and Differences in Learning Strategies.. Journal of Education and Learning, vol. 02: Aug
Boström, L. (2013). Hur lär sig elever på sex olika yrkesprogram? : En studie om skillnader och likheter i lärstilar.. Utbildning & Lärande, vol. 7: 1, pp. 48-60.
Boström, L. & Hallin, K. (2013). Learning style differences between nursing and teaching students i Sweden: A comparative study. International Journal of Higher Education, vol. 2: 1, pp. 22-34.
Boström, L. & Strzelecka, E. (2013). Min grammatikhistoria : Roliga och sorgliga berättelser ur verkligheten. En fenomenografisk analys av 313 studenters berättelser.. Texter om svenska med didaktisk inriktning / Nationella nätverket för svenska med didaktisk inriktning, , pp. 29-50.
Boström, L. & Strzelecka, E. (2013). Renässans för grammatiken : grammatik. Svenskläraren, vol. 57: 1, pp. 8-10.
Boström, L. & Coburn, A. (2013). To be conformative or not – a question of style or education? : A Comparative Study of Teacher Students in Sweden and Community Education Students in Scotland. Scottish Educational Review, vol. 45: 2, pp. 64-77.
Boström, L. & Strzelecka, E. (2013). Vuxna minns sin grammatikhistoria : grammatik. Svenskläraren, vol. 57: 1, pp. 14-17.
Augustsson, G. & Boström, L. (2012). A theoretical Framework about Leadership perspectives and Leadership styles in the Didactic Room. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, vol. 2: 4, pp. 166-186.
Boström, L. (2012). Do Ten-year-old Children in Sweden Know How They Learn? : A Study of How Young Students Believe They Learn Compared to Their Learning Styles Preferences. International Education Studies, vol. 5: 6, pp. 11-23.
Boström, L. & Löfquist, S. (2012). Students Study Results, A question of Styles, Strategies, or (mis) Matching?. Journal of Studies in Education, vol. 2: 4, pp. 79-97.
Boström, L. (2011). Effects of learning styles responsive approaches. Effects of Learning-Style Responsive Versus Traditional Approaches on Grammar Achievement. Institute for Learning Styles Journal, vol. 1: Spring 2011, pp. 17-38.
Boström, L. (2011). Elevers lärstilar i jämförelse med deras lärares lärstilar. En jämförande studie av elever och lärare i ungdomsskolan i Danmark.. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, vol. 48: 6, pp. 560-580.
Boström, L. (2011). How do teacher students for compulsory schools learn compared to music teacher students in Sweden? : A comparative study of wo different student teacher groups in Sweden. The Quality of Higher Education, vol. 8, pp. 158-178.
Boström, L. (2011). Students´ Learning Styles Compared with their Teachers´ Learning Styles in Secondary Schools. Institute for Learning Styles Research Journal, vol. 1: Spring 11, pp. 17-38.
Boström, L. (2011). Students’ learning styles compared with their teachers’ learning styles in upper secondary school – a mismatched combination.. Education Inquiry, vol. 2: 3, pp. 475-495.
Boström, L. & Calissendorff, M. (2010). Lärstilar i nordisk forskning; teoretiska utgångspunkter och empiriska iakttagelser om grammatik och musik. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, vol. 47: 4, pp. 337-350.
Boström, L. , Dunn, R. , Honigsfeld, A. , Schering, M. , Doolan, L. S. , Tenedero, H. & Russo, K. (2009). Impact of Learning-Style Instructional Strategies and Student´s Achievement and Attitudes: Perceptions of Educators in Diverse Institutions.. Clearing House, vol. 82: 3, pp. 35-39.
Boström, L. & Lassen, L. (2006). Unraveling learning, learning styles, learning strategies and meta-cognition. Education + Training, vol. 48: 2/3, pp. 178-189.
Boström, L. (2006). Ögat, örat eller handen?. Pedagogiska Magasinet, : 3, pp. 45-67.
Boström, L. & Kroksmark, T. (2005). Learning and Strategies. Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning, vol. 12: 4, pp. 39-49.
Boström, L. & Lassen, L. (2005). Læringsstil og læringsstrategier : Skitse til udredning af begreber, metoder og effekter. Kognition og pædagogik - tidsskift om tænkning og læring, vol. 15: 56, pp. 44-65.
Boström, L. (2004). Lärande och strategier. Didacta Varia, vol. 9: 2, pp. 73-79.
Articles, reviews/surveys
Boström, L. , Orwehag, M. & Elvstrand, H. (2022). På spaning efter fritidshemmets didaktik. Acta Didactica Norden, vol. 16
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2022). Motivation för lärande : Teoretiska perspektiv och didaktiska reflektioner. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB
Åhslund, I. & Boström, L. (2021). Hur gör vi med pojkarna? : Om didaktikens betydelse för en likvärdig skola. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB
Boström, L. & Schmidt, S. E. (2011). Laeringsstile. Köpenhamn : Munksgaard Forlag
Bolander, I. & Boström, L. (2008). Lärstilar och läsning : så lär du barn läsa utifrån dera styrkor och behov : En praktisk bok för läsundervisning. Jönköping : Brain Books
Boström, L. (2008). Lärstilar, undervisning och handledning. Stockholm : TYA
Boström, L. & Svantesson, I. (2007). Så arbetar du med lärstilar - nyckeln till kunskap och individualisering. Jönköping : Brain Books
Boström, L. & Josefsson, G. (2006). Vägar till grammatik. Lund : Studentlitteratur
Chapters in books
Boström, L. & Ivarsson, L. (2024). Attraktiva lärarutbildningar med praktiknära forskning. In Globala utmaningar– lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 136-138.
Boström, L. & Rising Holmström, M. (2024). Framtidens välfärd och välfärdens framtid. In Globala utmaningar– lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 147-150.
Boström, L. & Haglund, B. (2020). Att leda fritidshemmet verksamheter. In Lärare som ledare - i och utanför klassrummet. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 309-326.
Grewell, C. & Boström, L. (2020). Fritidshemmet lokaler och materiella resurser i relation till verksamhetens kvalitet. In Betänkande av Utredningen om fritidshem och pedagogisk omsorg : Stärkt kvalitet och likvärdighet i fritidshem och pedagogisk omsorg. Stockholm : Norstedts Juridik AB (SOU 2020:34). pp. 493-516.
Boström, L. , Auno, U. & Bång, Å. (2020). Förstelärare - en kvalitetsdrivande reform?. In Att leda mot skolans mål : Vägval och möjligheter. Malmö : Gleerups Utbildning AB. pp. 193-208.
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2020). USA-valet - några didaktiska och retoriska reflektioner. In Stjärnspäckat : Reflektioner från amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, DEMICON (DEMICOM rapport). pp. 22-.
Bång, Å. , Auno, U. & Boström, L. (2016). Förstelärare – en kvalitetsdrivande reform?. In Att leda mot skolans mål. Malmö : Gleerups Utbildning AB. pp. 247-260.
Boström, L. (2016). Learning Styles Educational Research in the Scandinavian Contexts : Does It Really Matter?. In Learning Styles and Strategies : Assessment, Performance and Effectiveness. New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. pp. 88-102.
Boström, L. & Gidlund, U. (2016). Students’ Need for Structure : The Forgotten Learning Styles Preference. In Learning Styles and Strategies : Assessment, Performance and Effectiveness. New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. pp. 12-20.
Boström, L. , Damber, U. & Ivarsson, L. (2011). Ämnesdidaktisk forskning med relevans för språkdidaktik; teoretiska utgångspunkter, empiriska iakttagelser samt didaktiska konsekvenser. : Vad har vi fått veta, hur, varför och hur kan vi använda oss av kunskaperna?. In ASLAs årsbok 2010. Uppsala : ASLA, Swedish Science Press. pp. 44-60.
Boström, L. (2009). Tänk om.... In En skola för alla stilar : Ett lärstilsprojekt på fem av Göteborgs Stads gymnasieskolor. Göteborg : Göteborgs Stad Utbildning. pp. 22-35.
Boström, L. & Gidlund, U. (2007). Læringsstile som pædagogisk plaform. In Læring og læringsstile : om unikke og fælles veje i pædagogikken. Köpenhamn : Dansk psykologisk Forlag. pp. 45-66.
Gidlund, U. & Boström, L. (2007). Læringsstiler som pædagogiske platform. In Læring og læringsstile om unikke og fælles veje i pædagogikken. Köpenhamn : Dansk psykologisk Forlag. pp. 44-66.
Boström, L. , Gidlund, U. & Nordin, B. (2007). Metodik for læringsstile. In Læring og læringsstile : Om unikke og felles veje i pædagogikken. Köpenhamn : Dansk psykologisk Forlag. pp. 67-85.
Gidlund, U. , Boström, L. & Nordin, B. (2007). Metodik for læringsstiler. In Læring og læringsstile om unikke og fælles veje i pædagogikken. Köpenhamn : Dansk psykologisk Forlag. pp. 67-85.
Boström, L. (2006). Læringens stil. Om Dunn og Dunns stilteori.. In Læringens og tænkningens stil. Vaerlöse : Billsesø & Baltzer. pp. 70-87.
Boström, L. (2006). Lærinsstil i praksis.. In Læringens og tænkningens stil. Værløse: : Billsesø & Baltzer. pp. 123-139.
Collections (editor)
Boström, L. (ed.) , Augustsson, G. (ed.) , Evans, C. (ed.) , Charlesworth, Z. (ed.) & Cools, E. (ed.) (2013). Building Learning Capacity for Life. BRNO : TRIBUN, EU (ELSIN XVIII Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Education, Learning, Styles, Individual differences Network ).
Boström, L. (ed.) , Lassen, L. (ed.) & Knoop, H. H. (ed.) (2007). Læring og læringsstile : Om unikke og felles veje i pædagogiken. Köpenhamn : Dansk psykologisk Forlag
Conference papers
Boström, L. , Elvstrand, H. & Schuler, P. (2024). Being A Principal of School Age Educare Centers; a comparison between Sweden and Switzerland about a complicated assignment. Paper presented at the ICSEI 2024 , International Congress for School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Dublin, January 9-12, 2024
Boström, L. & Elvstrand, H. (2024). Extra adaptations and special support; current issues in School Age Educare in Sweden. In NERA - Abstract book 2024.
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2024). Teacher Shortage in Sweden : Different Perceptions from Different Professional Groups. Paper presented at the ICSEI 2024 , International Congress for School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Dublin, January 9-12, 2024
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2023). Study motivation in primary schools in Sweden - What are teachers' perceptions and responsibilities.. Paper presented at the 25th Annual International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece, 15-18 May, 2023
Boström, L. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Wullner, S. , Rahl, S. & Kragh Blume Dahl, K. (2023). Teachers’ shortage in Sweden, Denmark, and Germany. Paper presented at the ECER 2023, Glasgow, Scotland, 25-28 August, 2023
Boström, L. , Elvstrand, H. , Schuler, P. , Hurst, B. & Cartmel, J. (2023). To Make The Invisible Visible – TIV : International Comparative Study on Didactics in Extended Education. Paper presented at the WERA Extended Education Conference 2023 PH Bern, Switzerland, September 8th, 2023
Boström, L. (2022). Discussion about didactics in the practice in Extended Education. Paper presented at the WERA 2022 Online Conference
Bostedt, G. & Boström, L. (2022). Student Conceptions of Motivation to Study Revealed Through Phenomenography : Middle School and High School Students. Paper presented at the ECER 2022 - The European Conference on Educational Research, Yerevan, 23-25 August, 2022
Bostedt, G. & Boström, L. (2022). Students’ Study Motivation – A Question for All Actors in Daily Work in School. In ATINER’s Conference Paper Proceedings Series EDU2022-0273. Athens : . pp. 1--9.
Boström, L. & Sjöström, M. (2021). Designing and Evaluating an Interactive Learning Resource for Scientific Methods : Visual Learning Support and Visualization of Research Process Structure. Paper presented at the ECER 2021, [DIGITAL],2021-09-08
Boström, L. & Elvstarnd, H. (2021). Finding the didactics for School Age Educare Centers : To conceptualize what exists but has not yet been found.. In Teachers matter – but how?.
Boström, L. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2020). Network building and comparative research about teacher shortage in Denmark, Germany and Sweden. Paper presented at the 1st Dresden Conference on Lateral Entry and second Career Teachers, Dresden, Germany, [DIGITAL], November 24-26, 2020.
Bostedt, G. & Boström, L. (2020). Study motivation - complexity in social interactions and didactics : Upper secondary school teachers' and students' views on students' motivation to study. In 22nd Annual International Conference on Education.. pp. 24--25.
Boström, L. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2020). The Teacher Shortage in Sweden – What to do and how?. Paper presented at the 1st Dresden Conference on Lateral Entry and second Career Teachers, [DIGITAL], November 24-26, 2020.
Boström, L. & Sundgren, M. (2019). Digital Visualization Compared toTraditional Teaching in Geometry : -about Students' Results and Attitudes. Paper presented at the ECER 2019, Hamburg, 3-6 September, 2019
Bostedt, G. & Boström, L. (2019). Motivation to study : Upper secondary school teachers´and students´views on students´motivation to study. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Hamburg 2-6/9 2019
Dahlström, H. & Boström, L. (2017). Gains and losses : Handwriting Versus Digital Writing. Paper presented at the European Conference Madrid 2017
Gidlund, U. & Boström, L. (2017). What is inclusive didactics?. Paper presented at the 19th Annual International Conference on Education, 15-18 May 2017, Athens, Greece
Boström, L. (2016). Learning Styles Educational Research in the Scandinavian context. Does It Really Matter?. In Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers.
Boström, L. (2016). Teachers’ Perceptions of the Educational Platform. : Is there a Connection Between School Improvement and Regional Educational Development?. In Education Abstracts : Eighteenth Annual International Conference on Education 16-19 May 2016, Athens, Greece.
Boström, L. (2016). Young people´s voices in a rural region in Sweden;about the future, norms and choices.. In NERA 2016. Social Justice, Equality and Solidarity in Education?.
Boström, L. & Gidlund, U. (2015). Interactions that Support Children’s Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool.. Paper presented at the ECER´s 31 th Congress, Budapest, August 2015.
Boström, L. & Augustsson, G. (2015). Learning Environments in Swedish Leisure-time Centres : (In)equality, ‘Schooling’, and Lack of Independence. In Proceedings NFPF/NERA´s 43th Congress.
Boström, L. & Gidlund, U. (2015). Students’ Need for Structure—the Forgotten Learning Styles Preference. Paper presented at the ELSIN 20th International Conference, Exeter, UK, June 30-July 3, 2015
Boström, L. , Hörnell, A. & Frykland, M. (2014). Learning Environments at Leisure-time Centres in Sweden : A Comprehensive Survey of Staff Perceptions. Paper presented at the NERA 42nd Congress, Lillehammer, Norway, March 5-7 2014
Boström, L. (2014). Regional educational development research. Paper presented at the ECER 2014, Porto, 1-5 September 2014
Boström, L. (2014). Regional Educational Development Research in Sweden of Forty Years. Paper presented at the NERA 42nd Congress, Lillehammer, March 5-7 2014
Boström, L. & Augustsson, G. (2014). Teachers’ Leadership in the Didactic Room : A Systematic Literature Review of International Research. Paper presented at the ECER 2014, Porto, 1-5 September 2014
Boström, L. & Ivarsson, L. (2013). Good Reading Environments for Individual Reading Development. In Good Reading Environments for Individual Reading Development. Brno :
Eriksson, L. & Boström, L. (2013). How to Understand Learning Styles and Strategies in the Light of the Paradox between Individual and Collective Learning. In Building Learning Capacity for Life.. pp. 100--119.
Boström, L. & Hallin, K. (2013). Learning Style Differences between Nursing and Teacher Students in Sweden : A Comparative Study. Paper presented at the Vårdpedagogiskt Rikskollegium, Östersund, 22 augusti, 2013.
Boström, L. & Hallin, K. (2013). Learning Style Differences between Nursing and Teacher Students in Sweden : A Comparative Study. Paper presented at the NFPF/NERA´s 41 th Congress, Reykjavik, Mars 2013.
Boström, L. & Strzelecka, E. (2013). Lärares undervisningsstrategier i grammatik.. Paper presented at the Svenska med didaktisk inriktning 2013
Boström, L. & Strzelecka, E. (2013). Teachers’ grammar teaching strategies.. Paper presented at the 18th International ELSIN-conference. Building Learning Capacity for Life.
Boström, L. & Augustsson, G. (2012). A theoretical framework about leadership perspectives and leadership styles in the didactic room. In Proceedings of WCLTA 2012 Conference.
Boström, L. (2012). Do ten-year-old children in Sweden know how they learn?A study of how young students believe they learn compared to their learning styles preferences. In 17 International ELSIN- conference. Cardiff :
Boström, L. & Strzelecka, E. (2012). Grammatiken till heders igen : Om ett nytänkande i grammatikdidaktik. Paper presented at the ASLA-symposiet, Association Suédoise de Linguistique Appliquée, 2012
Boström, L. & Strzelecka, E. (2012). Min grammatikhistoria. Roliga och sorgliga berättelser ur verkligheten. : En fenomenografisk analys av 300 studenters berättelser.. Paper presented at the Nationella nätverket för svenska med didaktisk inriktning - SMDI
Boström, L. (2012). Students ' learning styles compared with their teachers' learning styles. : A comparative study of students and teachers of secondary schools in Denmark.. Paper presented at the NFPF/NERA's 40th Congress: Everyday life, education and their transformations in a Nordic and globalized context
Boström, L. & Löfquist, S. (2012). Students Study Results, A Question of Styles, Strategies, or (mis) Matching?. Paper presented at the NFPF/NERA's 40th Congress: Everyday life, education and their transformations in a Nordic and globalized context
Boström, L. (2011). To be conformative or not – a question of style or education? A Comparative Study of Teacher Students in Sweden and Community Education Students in Scotland.. Paper presented at the The Education, Learning, Styles, Individual differences Network (ELSIN) 2011 Conference, Antwerpen
Boström, L. (2010). Elevers lärstilar i jämförelse med deras lärares lärstilar. En jämförande studie av elever och lärare i gymnasieskola. Paper presented at the Nordisk lärarutbildningskonferens Hjörring, Danmark
Boström, L. (2010). How do teacher students for compulsory school learn compared to music teacher students in Sweden? A Comparative Study of Two Different Student Teacher Groups in Sweden : Paper presented at the ELSIN-conference, july 2010, Aviero, Portugal.
Boström, L. & Calissendorff, M. (2010). Learning Styles in Nordic Research: Theoretical Origins and Empirical Observations on Grammar and Music : Paper presented at the ELSIN-conference 2010, Aviero, Portugal.
Boström, L. , Damber, U. & Ivarsson, L. (2010). Ämnesdidaktisk forskning med relevans för språkdidaktik; teoretiska utgångspunkter, empiriska iakttagelser samt didaktiska konsekvenser : Vad har vi fått veta, hur, varför och hur kan vi använda oss av kunskaperna?. In Språk för framtiden. Rapport från ASLA:s höstsymposium, Falun 12-13 november 2010. Language for the Future. : Papers from the ASLA symposium in Falun 7-8 November 2010.. pp. 44--60.
Boström, L. (2007). A pedagogical model for partnership for sustainable development of staff-training for an inclusive curriculum : A spider making a cobweb. Paper presented at the Nordic Network on a Disability Research, Gothenburg, may, 2007
Boström, L. (2007). A pedagogical model for partnership for sustainable development of staff-training for an inclusive curriculum : A spider making a cobweb. Paper presented at the The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Ghent, 2007
Gidlund, U. & Boström, L. (2006). Learning Styles as a pedagogical platform. Paper presented at the 11th International Learning Style Conference. University of Oslo, Norway.
Boström, L. , Gidlund, U. & Nordin, B. (2006). Methodology for every Learning Style. Paper presented at the 11 international European Learning Style Conference. University of Oslo.
Boström, L. (2005). Learning and Method; Research concerning the effects of learning style responsive versus approaches on grammar achievement. Paper presented at the 10 international Europen Learning Style Conference. University of Surrey. Guildford.
Boström, L. & Lassen, L. (2005). Learning, Learning Styles, Strategies and Metacognition. Paper presented at the 10 international European Learning Style Conference. University of Surrey.
Conference proceedings (editor)
Boström, L. (ed.) , Redmond, J. (ed.) , Parkinson, A. (ed.) , Moore, C. (ed.) , Evans, C. (ed.) , Peterson, E. (ed.) , Lassen, L. (ed.) & Ashwin, A. (ed.) (2007). Exploring Style: Enhancing the Capacity to Learn?. Dublin, Ireland : Trinity College Press:
Boström, L. (ed.) , Lassen, L. (ed.) , Rayner, S. (ed.) , Armstrong, S. (ed.) & Evans, C. (ed.) (2006). Enabling Lifelong Learning in Education, Training and Development. Oslo : University of Oslo
Doctoral theses
Boström, L. (2004). Lärande & Metod : Lärstilsanpassad undervisning jämfört med traditionell undervisning i grammatik. Dis. Jönköping : Jönköping University Press, 2004
Boström, L. , Bostedt, G. , Rising Holmström, M. , Stenberg, I. & Eriksson, V. (2022). Majoriteten elever ger gott betyg till Sundsvalls skolor.
Bostedt, G. & Boström, L. (2022). Motivation för lärande. Sundsvall (UR Samtiden).
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2022). Motivation för lärande bör genomsyra hela lärarutbildningen : Lärarnas Riksförbund..
Perselli, A. , Augustsson, G. & Boström, L. (2016). DEVELOPMENTS in the Field of Extended Education : A Web Survey on Learning Environments and Staff in Swedish Leisure-Time Centres as a Starting Point for a Nordic Research Network and International Cooperation. Giessen.
Boström, L. & Schmidt, S. E. (2013). Lärstilsappen : Ett digitalt verktyg att utvärdera lär- och studiestrategier. Kristianstad : Infomentor..
Boström, L. (2009). Hur lär sig ditt barn? : Ett arbetshäfte för föräldrar. Örnsköldsvik : Lärstilsförlaget..
Boström, L. & Gidlund, U. (2009). LESYR : Programvara för taktila läromedel. Örnsköldsvik : Websystem..
Boström, L. , Gidlund, U. , Forsgren, J. , Jonsson, J. & Wiklund, K. (2009). LESYRE : programvara för lärstilsmetodik.
Boström, L. (2009). Pedagogik för erfarna. Örnsköldsvik : Lärstilsförlaget..
Boström, L. (2008). Lärstilar, undervisning och handledning. Stockholm : Transportarbetareförbundet (TYA)..
Kronlid, D. & Boström, L. (2024). Kvalificering, socialisering och subjektifiering vid lärcentrum : En systematisk forskningsöversikt. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier 2024:1).
Boström, L. , Vestheim, O. P. , Holm Hopperstad, M. , Ivarsson, L. , Svedin, G. , Leithe-Lajord, M. , Emilsen, K. & Selmer-Olsen, M. (2024). Lärare utan gränser : Attrahera, behålla och rekrytera lärare i Nordens Gröna Bälte. Mid Sweden University (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier 2024:2).
Bostedt, G. , Boström, L. , Eriksson, V. , Rising Holmström, M. & Stenberg, I. (2023). Motivation för lärande : Elevers, lärares, rektorers och elevhälsopersonals uppfattningar i fem grundskolor (årskurs tre, sex och åtta) om studiemotivation. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier 2023:1).
Bostedt, G. , Boström, L. , Eriksson, V. , Rising Holmström, M. & Stenberg, I. (2022). Motivation för lärande – grundskola : En studie av elevers, lärares, rektorers och elevhälsopersonals uppfattningar i fem grundskolor (årskurs tre, sex och åtta) om studiemotivation.
Bostedt, G. & Boström, L. (2019). Studiemotivation : En studie av fyra utbildningsprogram vid Sundsvalls gymnasium. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University
Boström, L. , Sjöström, M. , Karlsson, H. , Sundgren, M. , Andersson, M. , Olsson, R. & Åhlander, J. (2018). Digital visualisering i skolan : Mittuniversitetets slutrapport från förstudien. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Boström, L. (2016). Ungdomarnas röster i Mittregionen : Om studieresultat, kompetensflykt och bevekelsegrunder för att flytta eller stanna kvar. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier 2016:1).
Boström, L. & Bostedt, G. (2015). Mittuniversitetets utvärdering: Särskilda Insatser i Skolan – SIS, : Kvalitet i utbildningen för elever med vissa funktionsnedsättningar . Stockholm : (SOU 2015:45, pp. 183 – 315. ).
Strzelecka, E. & Boström, L. (2014). Lärares strategier i grammatikundervisning i svenska. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier 2014:2).
Bostedt, G. & Boström, L. (2013). Särskilda insatser på skolområdet (SIS) : Reflektioner om arbetsprocesser och resultat avseende utvecklingsprojekt.
Boström, L. (2008). Begåvningsstöd och begåvningshjälpmedel : en beskrivning från särskolan. Stockholm : Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten
Boström, L. (2007). Goda lärmiljöer : en spindel spinner ett nät. Stockholm : Specialpedagogiska Institutet