Ventos Terrae: Recognising conflict ‑potential and –resolution efficiency in windpower
The aim of the project is to develop a tool for an improved interaction between various groups in planning and design of a sustainable wind power development.
The project is carried out within the research programme Vindval funded by the Swedish Energy Agency. The project objectives are:
- to generate an understanding and knowledge about the challenges that can be seen today with regards to
various groups in planning and design of wind power, - to explore how different planning and approval processes can be developed in order to give different groups the same opportunity for participation and power and thereby create an interplay between different players and to achieve a resource effective wind power sector in Sweden with limited environmental impacts, and
- to develop a model for identifying and assessing causalities between wind planning and conflicts between
opposing interests in order to proactively identify conflicts of interests and competition of land.
Project period
Project leader

Project members