Am I allowed to have snacks in the library?

Thu 04 Apr 2024 11:00

What are you allowed to do and what are you not allowed to do in the library? Join us in our series about the library's rules and help us make the library into a cozier study environment!


Yes, simpler non-messy and non-smelly snacks, such as pastries, fruit, and candy, are allowed. But remember to clean up any crumbs and throw your trash in a garbage bin!

Other news in the series:
Am I allowed to drink coffee in the library?
Am I allowed to talk on the phone in the library?
Am I allowed to eat lunch in the library?
Are we allowed to collaborate on group projects in the library?
Am I allowed to use headphones in the library?
Am I allowed to talk in the library?




The page was updated 4/18/2024