Student Life

On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag STUDENT LIFE. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.

There are 35 English pages and 35 Swedish pages that are tagged with STUDENT LIFE. The content may vary depending on language.

Sudden increase in the number of degrees | 2005 |

Statistics can be interpreted in many ways. In 2005, for example, we could see that the number of students who graduated from Mid Sweden University had suddenly increased to 1557, which was about 2...

Konkurrenslyftet Begins | 2010 |

“Shadow a Student” was one of many highly appreciated activities during the Konkurrenslyftet project, which was intended to encourage more upper secondary school students to continue their studies ...

Starting Shot for the RUN Parliament | 2007 |

In February each year, the RUN Parliament is held. It is a highly appreciated initiative by Mid Sweden University. It brings chief education officers, school politicians and teacher trainers from o...

First batch of psychology students | 2008 |

After a two-and-a-half year long process, Mid Sweden University finally got its own Psychology programme, which was a source of relief and happiness to everyone involved. The following year, the...

Skarp Åre starts | 2008 |

In order to strengthen Mid Sweden University’s profile in the fields of tourism, winter sports and outdoor life, Skarp Åre was started. The one-year education was popular and it was offered by the...

Strengths for the Future

Aside from being the President of the Swedish Sports Confederation, Karin Mattsson Weijber has also been a member of the Mid Sweden University Board since 2007. This means that she has been on the...

To develop the modern university

Anders Söderholm has been the Vice-Chancellor of Mid Sweden University since 2008 – that is seven out of the first ten years. Here, he talks about his view on the future development of the universi...

Third Time Lucky! | 2003 |

Around the turn of the century, Mid Sweden University made some important investments in additional professors, doctoral students and doctoral studies. The third application for full university...

Miun Innovation opens | 2009 |

– Not all ideas result in a company. It is just as important that the researchers and students develop as entrepreneurs, and that they learn to let loose their drive and creativity, says Juliana...

10 years in seven minutes | 2015 |

The film summarizes a part of all that has happened during our ten years as a university. It begins with a message from biathlete and honorary doctor Magdalena Forsberg, who sends us a greeting fro...

Miun Almuni is Started | 2010 |

Mid Sweden University has much to gain from maintaining a good contact with its former students. That is why Miun Almuni was started a couple of years ago. It is a social and professional network f...

Application for Full University Status | 1998 |

From the moment it was founded, it was the ambition of Mid Sweden University to achieve full university status. In 1997, the first application was submitted to the government with the request to...

The page was updated 1/9/2024