Quality education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Globala mål engelska

On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag QUALITY EDUCATION. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.

There are 4 English pages and 6 Swedish pages that are tagged with QUALITY EDUCATION. The content may vary depending on language.


Projektets huvudbudskap: Alla unga människor ska ges samma möjlighet att delta i, och kunna tillägna sig, en inkluderande undervisning med hög kvalitet.


Projektets huvudbudskap: Alla unga människor ska ges samma möjlighet att delta i, och kunna tillägna sig, en inkluderande undervisning med hög kvalitet.

Quality in preschools

The aim of the project is to develop methods and ways of working to create consensus on what quality in preschool is and to develop the skills of preschool principals to work with systematic qualit...

The page was updated 10/2/2019