On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag REDUCED INEQUALITIES. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.
There are 5 English pages and 5 Swedish pages that are tagged with REDUCED INEQUALITIES. The content may vary depending on language.
Sexual health and freedom from violence among young people are the goals of a regional initiative to implement the SEXIT (SEXual Identification Tool) within the Student Health Services at the...
"Health, Learning, and create sense of Security" is a model aiming to offer early and coordinated support to children and their families, in order to reduce more extensive interventions later in...
A comparison of Sweden's larger cities shows that, in segregated housing areas, income levels are lower and health risks for the residents are higher. Where you live also proves to be of great...
What is the significance of different sitting positions when cycling on an arm bike? A new study is expected to give trainers and athletes increased knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages...