Kristin Godtman Kling
- Professional title: Postdoc
- Academic title: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1427851
- Email:
- Visitor address: Studentplan 1, hus A
- Room number: A310b
- Location: Östersund
- Employed at the subject:
- Human and Economic Geography
- Research centers:
I have a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Social Science, focusing on business administration and sustainable business from the School of Business, Economics and Law at Gothenburg University. After completing the program, I worked in the tourism industry in the Jämtland mountains for a couple of years before I decided it was time to continue my studies. 2015 I completed a one-year Master's program in tourism studies at Mid Sweden University, and was then given the opportunity to enter the PhD-program in tourism studies at ETOUR. I defended my thesis in January 2022.
Area of interest
Key words: Nature-based tourism, accessibility, social justice, conflict management, outdoor recreation, sustainability, mountain tourism, landscape
I wrote my licentiate-thesis in the project "Negotiating Pathways to Multifunctional Landscapes: A Pilot Model in the Jämtland Mountains". My research focused on how recreational trails can be a tool to manage land-use conflicts in the Southern Jämtland Mountains, and also how recreational trails can contribute to a sustainable use of the mountain landscape.
The second part of my PhD was about accessible nature-based tourism for people with physical disabilities. I focused on possibilities and challenges for developing a more inclusive nature-based tourism in Sweden. I was also interested in how public and private actors collaborate regarding the issue of accessible nature-based tourism, and in how the balancing of accessibility vs. nature-conservation can be handled.
The overarching theme of my PhD-thesis where the two projects connect is nature-based tourism in a context of social justice, where different groups in society have different access to tourism and where collaboration between actors to handle conflicts has a central role.
- Accessible nature
Research projects
Accessible nature to promote active and healthy aging
Regenerative nature tourism – REGGAE
Negotiating multifunctional landscapes: a pilot model in the mountains of Jämtland
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Godtman Kling, K. (2024). Accessible nature : Balancing contradiction in protected areas. Environment and Planning E, vol. 7: 5, pp. 2036-2057.
Wall-Reinius, S. , Godtman Kling, K. & Ioannides, D. (2023). Access to Nature for Persons with Disabilities : Perspectives and Practices of Swedish Tourism Providers. Tourism Planning & Development, vol. 20: 3, pp. 336-354.
Godtman Kling, K. , Margaryan, L. & Fuchs, M. (2020). (In) equality in the outdoors : gender perspective on recreation and tourism media in the Swedish mountains. Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 23: 2, pp. 233-247.
Godtman Kling, K. , Dahlberg, A. & Wall-Reinius, S. (2019). Negotiating improved multifunctional landscape use: trails as facilitators for collaboration among stakeholders. Sustainability, vol. 11: 13
Godtman Kling, K. , Fredman, P. & Wall-Reinius, S. (2017). Trails for Tourism and Outdoor Recreation: A Systematic Literature Review. Tourism, vol. 65: 4, pp. 488-508.
Chapters in books
Wall-Reinius, S. , Laven, D. , Godtman Kling, K. & Ankre, R. (2024). Omstridda landskap : relationer och motsättningar i markanvändning. In Globala utmaningar - lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 59-62.
Godtman Kling, K. , Ankre, R. , Fjellström, S. , Flygare Wallén, E. , Hansen, E. , Nordström, A. , Ohlsson, M. , Selander, J. & et al. (2024). Tillgängliga samhällen för jämlik hälsa hälsofrämjande aktiviteter för personer med funktionsnedsättning och äldre vuxna. In Globala utmaningar - lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 144-146.
Conference papers
Zingmark, M. , Ankre, R. , Godtman Kling, K. & Wall-Reinius, S. (2022). Promoting continued engagement in outdoor recreation among older adults in Sweden through the public sector, third sector and companies. Paper presented at the Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Odense, Denmark, June 8–10, 2022.
Godtman Kling, K. (2021). Balancing values of accessible nature-based tourism, nature conservation and the visitor experience. In The 10th MMV Conference : Managing outdoor recreationexperiences in the Anthropocene –Resources, markets, innovations. (MINA fagrapport). pp. 318--319.
Godtman Kling, K. , Wall-Reinius, S. , Ankre, R. & Ioannides, D. (2019). Accessible and inclusive tourism and recreation : practices of universal design in Sweden. Paper presented at the The 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting, Trondheim, Norway, June 16–19, 2019
Godtman Kling, K. & Margaryan, L. (2019). (In) equality in the outdoors : gender perspective on recreation and tourism media in the Swedish mountains. Paper presented at the Critical Tourism Studies VIII Conference, Ibiza, Spain, 24-28 June, 2019
Godtman Kling, K. & Wall-Reinius, S. (2018). Negotiating co-existence in multifunctional landscapes: trails as facilitators for communication. In Abstract book.. pp. 108--109.
Godtman Kling, K. (2016). Forskningsläget kring leder för rekreation - en litteraturstudie. Paper presented at the Storslagen fjällmiljö 2016, Idre fjäll, den 4–5 oktober, 2016
Doctoral theses
Godtman Kling, K. (2021). Access to Nature through Tourism : A Study of Four Perspectives on Inclusive Nature-based Tourism. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2021 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 359)
Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries
Godtman Kling, K. (2019). Paths to collaboration? A Study on Multifunctional Mountain Trails. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2019 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 150)
Godtman Kling, K. & Wall-Reinius, S. (2021). Naturligtvis : Tillgänglig och inkluderande naturturism. Stockholm : (BFUFs rapportserie 18).
Godtman Kling, K. & Ioannides, D. (2019). Enhancing Accessibility in Tourism & Outdoor Recreation : A Review of Major Research Themes and a Glance at Best Practice. Mid Sweden University (Rapportserien / European Tourism Research Institute 2019:4).
Wall-Reinius, S. , Fredman, P. , Dahlberg, A. , Svensson, D. , Sörlin, S. & Godtman Kling, K. (2018). Vägar till mångfunktionella landskap : En pilotmodell i Jämtlandsfjällen. Stockholm : Natruvårdsverket (Naturvårdsverket 6820).
Godtman Kling, K. , Wall-Reinius, S. & Fredman, P. (2017). The Multi-functional Trail : An International Literature Review and the Case of Trails in Southern Jämtland Mountains, Sweden. (Rapportserien / European Tourism Research Institute 2017:1).