Malin Norberg

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer

  • Professional title: Senior Lecturer
  • Academic title: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428346
  • Email:
  • Visitor address: Sidsjövägen 5, Sundsvall
  • Room number: D327A
  • Location: Sundsvall


Articles in journals

Dahlström, H. , Damber, U. , Gidlund, U. , Widmark Saari, C. & Norberg, M. (2023). Literacy i fritidshemmet : En studie om förutsättningar för literacy i svenska fritidshem. Barn, vol. 41: 4  

Norberg, M. (2023). Young students’ meaning-making when working with mathematics textbooks : A multimodal study focusing on the designed and the discovered. Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 25: 2, pp. 194-218.    

Norberg, M. (2021). Communicating Mathematics through Images : A multimodal study of Year One students’ meaning-making when working with mathematics textbooks. LUMAT, vol. 9: 1, pp. 945-970.    

Norberg, M. (2021). Exercise design in mathematics textbooks : the case of subtraction. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD, vol. 26: 1, pp. 5-30.

Norberg, M. (2019). Potential for Meaning Making in Mathematics Textbooks : A Multimodal Analysis of Subtraction in Swedish Year 1. Designs for Learning, vol. 11: 1, pp. 52-62.    

Chapters in books

Dahlström, H. & Norberg, M. (2021). Studenter som medskapare i lärarutbildning : erfarenheter av att utveckla en analysmodell för multimodal analys. In Didaktiska reflektioner - reflektioner om didaktik : specialnummer. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier). pp. 87-107.  

Åberg-Bengtsson, L. , Beach, D. , Bergnell Karlsson, A. , Ljung-Djärf, A. , Ottosson, T. , Karlsson, K. G. , Norberg, M. , Westman, A. & et al. (2014). När Agnes fick va solen så fattade man ju precis : Om illustrationer i undervisning av yngre elever. In Resultatdialog. Stockholm : Vetenskapsrådet. pp. 246-254.

Conference papers

Johansson, H. , Norberg, M. & Österholm, M. (2023). Interplay between modes in mathematics textbooks. In Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Haifa, Israel : . pp. 262--262.

Johansson, H. , Norberg, M. & Österholm, M. (2022). A multimodal perspective on number sense in digital learning resources. In Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Alicante, Spain : . pp. 241--241.

Norberg, M. (2021). Students, agency and mathematical subjectivity. In Exploring new ways to connect : Proceedings of the Eleventh International Mathematics Educationand Society Conference. Hamburg : . pp. 709--718.  

Norberg, M. (2018). Children making meaning of mathematics textbooks : - a multimodal study. Paper presented at the 9ICOM, Multimodality – moving the theory forward. 15 – 17 August, 2018, Odense, Denmark

Norberg, M. (2018). Elevers meningsskapande av matematikläroböcker. Paper presented at the Madif 11, Matematikdidaktiska forskningsseminariet, 23-24 januari 2018, Karlstad

Norberg, M. (2018). Läroboken som multimodal text : En läroboksanalys i grundskolans åk 1 med fokus på subtraktion. Paper presented at the Matematikbiennalen 2018, 25-26 januari 2018, Karlstad

Norberg, M. (2017). Mathematics textbooks in primary school : A multimodal perspective. Paper presented at the Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, NORMA, Stockholm, 30 maj-2 juni, 2017  

Norberg, M. (2015). How do children in primary school make use of illustrations in mathematics textbooks?. Paper presented at the NERA 2015 The 43th Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association 4-6 March 2015

Norberg, M. (2015). Making meaning of illustrations : A study of primary school students and affordances in mathematics textbooks. Paper presented at the EECERA _ European early childhood Education Research, Barcelona, Sept.2015  

Doctoral theses

Norberg, M. (2020). Från design till meningsskapande : En multimodal studie om elevers arbete med matematikläroböcker i årskurs 1. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, 2020 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 317)  


Norberg, M. Exercise design in mathematics textbooks : The case of subtraction - A descriptive textbook analysis mapping out Swedish Year 1 textbooks.


Johansson, H. , Norberg, M. & Österholm, M. (2022). Matematik-app för elever och lärare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet  

Norberg, M. (2014). "Det är för att det ska bli lite svårare?" : - Om illustrationer i matematikläroböcker i grundskolans tidiga år och elevers handskande med dessa.. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier 2014:1).  

The page was updated 11/10/2022