147 proposals for a more attractive and vibrant campus

Wed 25 May 2022 08:41

Now the pre-study of the future modes of working and the campus of the future is ready, which is about what will characterise the future modes of working at Mid Sweden University and how we can get a more attractive and vibrant campus.

Studenter, utomhus, Östersund

We took the opportunity to ask a few questions to Kicki Strandh, chairman of the steering committee for the project.

How has the project been done?

It has really been a fun project with great commitment from both employees, students and external stakeholders. We have received many views and ideas and this has made it quite complex. Above all, the theme of the future modes of working is multifaceted and touches on many perspectives and areas. Our hope is that the pre-study will stimulate interesting discussions and a common direction in the work to develop the  future modes of working for the benefit of the whole Mid Sweden University.

What are the most important things you found?

For the future modes of working, I think the most important thing is that it is about basic things, such as how we are against each other, that we have a sustainable working environment, user-friendly systems and a less fragmented working day. What is new is the flexible way of working and how it can affect where we work in the future. Here it is important that each college or department discusses how you want it — with the best interests of the business in mind. And that our workplaces can be adjusted accordingly, and then it can be both that there are need for premises where you can work focused and undisturbed and premises for creativity, such as different co-working surfaces. For the campus of the future, I think the most important thing is to create more attractive environments where you want to be, so-called “sticky campus”, and to open up our premises for more external stakeholders; for children, pensioners, companies and organisations. There are 147 suggestions in the pre-study on how we can make campus more attractive and vibrant!

How do you think we will work in the future?

I think it will be different and varied — that’s the short answer. The important thing is that the working method must be guided by our mission and what education and research will look like in the future. This is a very important question for all colleges to discuss. In the pre-study, we have documented a lot of things that have emerged from trends and from our fellow work on what the future of education and research will look like.

What changes will be needed for a more open and vibrant campus?

I think the most important thing is to strengthen the student unions and the student culture and to open up our premises to external stakeholders. And the students want everything from better cafés, to more group rooms and green spaces outside. The external stakeholders want to be able to collaborate with us and take part in our research and education.

What happens after the project, what is the next step?

What is happening now is that the senior university officers will look at all the proposed measures and prioritise them. Some of the things proposed can be given as assignments in the operational plan, others need to be implemented as projects. So the next step will be presented at the next Aktuellt & Angeläget on August 24th.


Here you will find the pre-study report and attachments at the bottom of the page (In Swedish)

The invitation to Aktuellt & Angeläget is available as a call in your Outlook.





The page was updated 5/25/2022