FAQ about Degree Certificates
Can I get my degree certificate as a PDF?
We are not obliged to scan and send copies as PDF. If your degree certificate is lost, you have the right to receive a certified copy of your degree certificate, but you can choose to have a PDF sent by e-mail instead. Please contact examen@miun.se and provide your details.
If you need your degree to apply for a professional qualification, you can photo/scan your diploma and submit it to the relevant authority. -
Can the certificate be sent to my home country?
The degree certificate will be sent to the address you have stated in the application for the degree certificate, which may be an address outside Sweden. You can also collect it personally if you are nearby our campus in Östersund and can show a valid identity document as for example your passport.
Cumulative grade or rank and transferred grades
Cumulative grade points average (CGPA) and cumulative rank in class is not calculated in the degree certificate. Neither are the grades transferred into grades in %. This is not applicable in Sweden and we do not have methods for calculating this, since Swedish degrees are not graduated with "first class with distinction, first class, second class upper/lower" and so on. The assessment is left to be done by the university that is asking for the CGPA. Due to this we do not recommend our students to use the GPA calculators on the Internet.
Another reason why we do not recommend the calculators on the Internet is because there are also so called "fake credential evaluators" on the Internet who invest a lot of time and money on what is called "search engine optimization", but they are not recognized and the calculators are not reliable because they tend to provide the best possible outcomes.
Can you get your degree as a PDF?
If you have lost your physical degree certificate, you have the right to receive a certified copy, but can then choose to have a PDF sent via email instead. Then contact examen@miun.se and provide your details.
If you need your degree for applying for a professional license, you can take a photo/scan of your degree certificate and send it to the relevant authority. We have no obligation to scan and send a copy as a PDF as an authority.
If you have received a degree after 17 April 2024, you will receive a digital degree that you can download as a PDF in Ladok.
When am I considered to have graduated?
After you have applied for your degree certificate and the university has issued and registered the certificate, you are considered to have a degree.
May I obtain several degrees?
If you fullfill the requirements for several degrees in most cases it is possible to obtain certificates covering several degrees.
Why should I have a diploma?
The degree certificate proves that you meet the requirements for a certain degree title - a receipt of your knowledge. Degree certificates are requested in several contexts; at job interviews and salary negotiations, when applying for various training courses and sometimes for obtaining visas, from trade unions and unemployment insurance.
Programmes or freestanding courses? How to choose? Same degree?
The advantages of reading a program are the clarity. There is an established, well-thought-out structure for the entire education and you know what it leads to. It is reassuring to know that you have a guaranteed place for all courses that are compulsory.
The advantage of taking freestanding courses is the flexibility. By taking freestanding courses that you combine yourself, you give you the opportunity to tailor your education based on your area of interest. Freestanding courses are also an excellent option for those who already have an education or professional experience and who you want to broaden or expand by building on their skills. You can read about how to combine freestanding courses into a degree under Degree rules.
Regardless of whether you meet the degree requirements by having studied within a programme or freestanding courses, the degree certificate looks the same. That is, how you obtained the courses is not visible in the degree certificate.
Can I get a degree with my old courses?
Are you one of those who completed your studies before 1 July 2007 and did not have time to apply for a degree certificate before 1 July 2015? Contact the Degree Function to discuss your options for completing your studies in order to complete a degree according to the current regulations.
Which courses can be included in the certificate?
Only completed courses at higher education level can be included in the degree certificate.
For example, courses in the Swedish language for exchange students are not part of the higher education and will therefore not be included in the degree. For courses not included in the degree a course certificate may be requested from the relevant Faculty Administrator.
Every single higher education credit needs to be unique, which means that the scope of a course will be reduced if several different courses cover the same content in terms of knowledge.
Can courses with the same content be included in the degree certificate?
Courses with the same content may not be included in the same degree. Courses with common content and literature may not be included in the same degree, but only unique credits may be included, i.e. all courses must have different/unique content.
In order for you not to study the same course content as you have already taken, you can apply for credit transfer from one course to another course (however, the credits can only be counted once in the degree). For application for credit transfers and further information about this, see: Credit transfer
Are the course elements stated in the degree certificate?
No, no course elements are stated in the degree certificate. If you want a document showing the grades for all modules, both in completed and uncompleted courses, you can print out a transcript of results yourself via your Ladok (login required).
How may credits may a degree contain?
Every degree has a degree description, which states how many credits that may be included.
All degrees, except the Degree of Licentiate, are exact degrees. This implies that no degree may contain more credits than what has been stated in the requirements.
For courses that may not be included in degree certificates, course certificates may be requested from the relevant Faculty Administrator.
Can courses from another higher education institution be included in the degree certificate?
Courses from other higher education institutions in Sweden
All completed courses from Swedish higher education institutions can be included in the degree. These are automatically visible when you apply for a degree in Ladok.
Courses from other universities in the Nordic countries
If you have completed courses from another higher education institution in the Nordic region, which will be included in your degree at Mid Sweden University, certified copies of course certificates or similar must be attached to the degree application. The degree administrators then assess whether the course(s) can be included in the degree applied for.
Courses from other universities outside the Nordic region
Contact the Degree Function for more information.
Sometimes, however, a decision on credit transfer must be made before a course can be included in the degree. Further information about this can be found on our page about credit transfers.
What title do I get?
It is of importance to distinguish between degree title and professional title. In Sweden, the following applies: A professional title grows out of a developed custom in accordance with demands of a certain level of academic education. Therefore, many titles are not protected by law.
However, the professional title "nurse" is an example of a protected title, which may only be used by a registered nurse. Furthermore, only a registered nurse may be employed as a nurse within a municipality's or a county council's health care. The authorization is issued by Socialstyrelsen (the National Swedish Board of Health and Welfare), which offers more information about this on their homepage.
How long can it take before I get my degree certificate?
The administration work starts when the application is complete, and it is our ambition that the degree certificate is issued within 30 days. A complete application is:
when the application is properly completed
when all required documents are attached
when all courses have received a final grade
when the Degree Office has received an assessment of your previous studies from the Department (not always necessary)
What do I do if the certificate has errors?
As soon as you have received your degree certificate, you are asked to go through it carefully, and if there are mistakes or obscurities, you should immediately contact the Degree Administrator, who has signed the certificate. If this person complies with a correction in the certificate, the page that contains the mistake should be sent to him/her. Please note that if the mistake is on the front page, all pages have to be sent in. If the correction is made shortly after the certificate was issued, the erroneous page will be replaced. If, however, the correction is made several years after the certificate was issued, the said correction will be made directly on the original with a note indicating that is has been done. This is to avoid suspicious of forgery.
Who may translate the certificate to another language than Swedish?
Since 1 December 2000, the Degree Certificates, issued by Mid Sweden University, are written in both Swedish and English. To those who wish to have a certificate in English only or in other languages we recommend you to contact authorised translators, who may be found through Kammarkollegiet:
May I obtain a new certificate if I loose the original?
If you have lost your degree certificate, the Degree Office can help you with a certified copy. If the number of pages in the copy exceeds 9 pages we charge a fee in accordance with the national Fee Ordinance.
Can the degree certificate be topped up with new courses?
You cannot top up with individual courses in an already issued certificate, as the certificate could easily look like a forgery. What you can do is to take courses so that you meet the requirements for a new degree designation or apply for a course certificate for the courses that are not included in the degree. Course certificates for completed courses can be ordered via the respective department and the responsible faculty administrator.
Does Mid Sweden University charge anything for the degree certificate?
Your original degree certificate is free of charge. We only issue one original.
What is a Diploma Supplement?
The diploma supplement, a document attached to all degree certificates, provides a description of the nature, level/cycle, context, content, scope and status of the education that were successfully completed by the individual named on the degree certificate. The supplement also gives information about the education's place in the Swedish higher education system. The supplement also states that the international student has been admitted on special grounds other than general entrance requirements for higher education in Sweden, and that English has been the language of instruction. The diploma supplement, which is written in English, is automatically issued, is free of charge and is being issued to every student upon graduation.
The thought behind the diploma supplement is that it will be easier for universities, public authorities and employers in different countries to evaluate the education itself and where it stands in comparison to national counterparts.
For further information, please visit: The European Commission
New degree certificate after changed personal data
Printing of a new degree certificate in the event of a change of the holder's name, date of birth or personal identity number is permitted if there are special reasons, such as a change in legal gender. Decisions on special reasons for issuing a new degree certificate are made by administrators at the Degree Function. For more information , contact examen@miun.se.
What is included in the certificate?
The degree certificate, which is written in both Swedish and English, is issued on several pages. The front page shows which degree you have received, your name and date of birth, the date of issue and the signature of the Vice Chancellor and the Degree Administrator.
The following pages are an appendix to the degree certificate and shows your studies, where courses taken in Sweden are specified with their names, scope, grades and date of examination. For courses taken abroad we may refer to your original documents. Grades are given in the Swedish system, but not for courses taken abroad. There is also an explanation for scope, grades, levels and cycles used.
When is it time for evaluating and who evaluates my studies from my home university?
Your previously achieved university studies will be evaluated partly when you apply to Mid Sweden University as an international student. When you have begun your studies at Mid Sweden University you should contact the Degree Office who will introduce you how to evaluate your former studies to see if you fulfill any degree requirements.
We do not evaluate your studies to see if you fulfill any degree requirements before you are a student at our university.
Who will issue the degree certifiacte?
It is the Vice Chancellor who issue the Certificate, but it is the Degree Office that handles the application and prepares the document.