Checklist for Admitted Exchange Students
Here you can find important information that will be useful to know before arriving to Sweden and while you are a student at Mid Sweden University.
You will receive your Notification of Selection Results approximately 1 month after application deadline (mid May for autumn semester and mid November for Spring semester studies). You will receive an email from that your results are available to view online. You can download your acceptance as a PDF if your home university requires it. Once you have been admitted, you are welcome to send us your Erasmus+ Learning Agreement (if applicable).
Apply for residence permit in Sweden
For Non-European citizens
Residence permit and visa information for studies in higher educationResidence permit
If you have been admitted to campus based studies for a period longer than three months, you will need to apply for a residence permit for studies. You can apply for a residence permit through the Swedish Migration Agency's webpage. When you have received your Notification of Selection Results, it is time to apply for your residence permit. Students who have been admitted to distance education can apply for a visitor’s permit.
Do you need a visa?
For studies that are shorter than three months, citizens in certain countries must have an entry visa. If you are unsure whether you will need a visa to enter Sweden, you can consult the Swedish Government's list below.Please note that the residence permit application can take at least 2-3 months. Be sure to apply as soon as you have received your Notification of Selection Results to avoid further delays. When you have received your Notification of Selection Results, you will be emailed your insurance certificate, which you need to include in your residence permit application. Contact the International Relations Office if you haven't received your insurance certificate by the time you apply for your residence permit.
List of foreign citizens who require Visa for entry into Sweden
Swedish embassies and consulates -
Apply for accommodation as soon as you have received your Notification of Selection Results. Please be aware that in order to be qualified for student housing you must be admitted to fulltime studies (30 credits) at Mid Sweden University.
You are responsible for picking up the keys from your respective housing office during opening hours. You may have to arrange your own accommodation for the first night if you cannot come during regular office hours to collect your keys. Contact your housing provider to arrange a time to pick up your key.
Information about accommodation in Östersund and Sundsvall
Learning Agreement
Learning agreements will only be signed after the Notification of Selection Results have been publisched on You can contact the International Relations Office for a signature by emailing or sending the Learning Agreement through the Erasmus Without Papers system.
Note that it is the sending universty that provides the student with a Learning Agreement and/or other required documents that needs to be signed by the hosting university.
The learning agreement should be filled in, whether it is digitally, online or in paper. The Mid Sweden University information should be the following:
Erasmus code: S MIDSWED01
Address: Holmgatan 10, Sundsvall (no matter your campus of study)
Contact: Kristine Djerf
Role: International OfficerIt is extremely important that your Learning Agreement and Notification of Selection Results include the same courses. If they do not, your Notification of Selection Results will be considered your legal agreement with Mid Sweden University as to what you will study here during your exchange.
Welcome letters
Once you have been accepted on a course at Mid Sweden University, you can access a digital welcome letter to the course on our website. Please note that some welcome letters may be published a bit later. Welcome letters include general information about your course e.g. course litterature, schedule, name of the course coordinator etc. We recommend that you download the welcome letter for the courses that you will take at Mid Sweden University as these letters contains useful information about the course.
How to find your welcome letter
The welcome letters are sorted in alphabetical order. First, programmes, and then the courses further down the page. The courses are sorted by subjects.Read your course welcome letter here
Attend Introduction Days
Introduction Days consists of a series of in-person sessions that are designed to help you become acquainted with life in Östersund and Sundsvall and studies at our university. It also offers a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. During the Introduction Days, you will get a lot of useful information from the university staff about your upcoming studies and campus life at Mid Sweden University.
Introduction Days normally take place 1-2 days (Thursday-Friday), the week before the start of the semester.
Confirmation of Arrival
Check with your home university if there is any documentation you need signed by the host university upon arrival e.g., certificate of stay/confirmation of Arrival.You can get these documents signed during the introduction days organized the Thursday-Friday before the semester starts.
Fill in the document you need signed with your fullname, name of sending university and host university, include Erasmus codes, arrival date.
Erasmus code at Mid Sweden University: S MIDSWED 01** The date of your arrival can be the first day of the semester/course registration period/Introduction Days at the earliest.
** The date of your departure can be the last day of the semester at the latest.
***You must print your documents yourself and bring them, all ready to be signed, to the introduction days.
Disability Learning Support
For students with disabilities who need special support to complete their studies, Mid Sweden University offers additional support:
- Help with taking notes
- Adjusted course literature
- Mentor support
- Resource room, a room with special equipment and resources
- Technical/pedagogic help equipment
- Sign language interpreter/note taker
- Special arrangements in the context of an examination
- Adjustment of rooms
Apply for disability learning support here
How to activate your student account
As a new student, you need to create a student account to get access to the university´s e-services, such as Ladok, where you can register for courses and examinations etc. Please note that the earliest date to create your student account is 30 days before the semester starts.
To be able to register to your course and to get access to the student web, you will need a It-login at Mid Sweden University. You can do the following steps to get your student login:
1. Start by verifying your identity. Mid Sweden University uses the and EduID as a verification methods, which means that you verify your identity by using an external login service. Please note that international students cannot use EduID as a verification method as it requires students to have a Swedish personal identity number. They must use to verify their identities. You will be redirected to, where you can activate your MIUN account using your login details for
2. When you have verified your identity by using your login information, you will be directed to the Mid Sweden University Student web, where you can create and activate your student account. You will get a user name and choose a password.
3. Your student account is now created and you can log onto the Student web and access information regarding your studies as well as the university´s e-services.
If you encounter any problems with your student account, please contact our IT Support.
Create your Student Account here
First class and Registration
Online registration will be open in Ladok 2 working days before the course starts. To be able to register online, you need to have activated your student IT account first (See above in checklist).
Registration to the course is required to be able to attend classes, and will activate your insurance and student account. At the first class, you will receive important information about the course and the requirements in relation to examination and grading. If you are unable to make the first class, contact the department responsible for the course in advance. If you are unsure who to contact about this, contact Service Center and ask for the contact details for the course coordinator.
If you can't register online
Contact the relevant department where you study and ask the faculty administrator at the department to help you to get registered on the course. -
MIUN key tag
Once you are registered in your first course at Mid Sweden University, you can order your MIUN key tag. This tag is your entrance key for the black card readers and it grants entrance to the parts of the premises you are allowed to enter, which is determined by where and what you study.
Check that you are registered as a student before you visit the service centre. You can check if you are registered at Ladok Student from the Student web start page. Collect your MIUN key tag at the Service Center.
Any questions regarding your MIUN access, please contact Service Center for more information.
Attendance certificate
Check with your home university if there is any documentation you need signed by the host university before you depart e.g., certificate of stay/confirmation of departure. The IRO will organize times to get your documents signed, normally in the week before the end of the semester. You receive the invitations to these events via e-mail.
Fill in the document you need signed with your fullname, name of sending university and host university, include Erasmus codes, departure date.
Erasmus code at Mid Sweden University: S MIDSWED 01** The date of your departure can be the first day of the semester/course registration period/Introduction Days at the earliest.
** The date of your departure can be the last day of the semester at the latest.
*** If you leave before the signing events organized by the IRO, we can still sign your documents, but we will sign them with your actual day of departure - not the end of the semester. Please know that this might affect your Erasmus+ scholarship (if you have one) from your home university.
****You need to fill in and print your documents yourself before bringing them for signing to the IRO
Learning Agreement
Check if you need any further signatures on your Learning Agreement before you depart.
You can find the course syllabus on the course website for exchange students if you want to download a copy of the course syllabus. It may be helpful if you present the course work and exams you complete at Mid Sweden University to your home university when you return.
Make sure your grades have been registered in Ladok. If you are missing any grades in Ladok, contact your teacher.
Note that all grades at Mid Sweden University are goal-related; that is to say, a student's performance is assessed based on the intended learning outcomes stated in the course syllabus. A goal-related grade does not indicate how well a student has performed in relation to other students, but instead to what extent he/she has fulfilled the course objectives. The intended learning outcomes describe the knowledge a student is expected to possess at the end of a course in order to receive a passing grade. We cannot convert or provide percentages beyond what is available in the transcript in Ladok.
If you will have your credits transferred, your home university is responsible for any translation of Swedish grades into your home country’s specific grading system. Mid Sweden University cannot, and will not, assist you in translating your grades as our formal grades are already communicated in your Transcript of Records from us. It may be helpful if you present the course work and exams you complete at Mid Sweden University to your home university when you return.
Miun Alumni
Join the Mid Sweden University alumni network! We would like to stay in touch with you, to see where the road outside the university walls takes you, and to make sure that you are one of the first to hear any news and offers we have for our alumni.
Through the Miun Alumni network, you can stay in touch with the university and your former fellow students, but you can also develop your personal network and establish new contacts that may become useful to you in your future career.
Join the Mid Sweden Alumni Network
International students studying in Sweden are covered by insurance “Student IN for exchange students in Sweden”
If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland, make sure you have a European Health Insurance Card. The national health insurance provider from your country issues this card.
Non-EU nationals will get an individual insurance certificate for the Student IN insurance from the International Relations Office on the same day as they get their Notification of Selection Results.
We recommend you to look over your insurance coverage before you arrive in Sweden. If the insurances above are not sufficient, you should take out your own insurance policy.
You will need a separate insurance for your accommodation and third-part liability. This is not provided by Mid Sweden University and will need to purchased by yourself.More information about insurance
Visit the Swedish Migration Agency (if applicable)
If you are a non-EU student and if you do not yet have a Swedish residence permit card (UT card), you need to get photographed and fingerprinted at the Swedish Migration Agency office (National Service Centre) in Sundsvall (i.e. you did not require a visa in order to travel to Sweden and are therefore able to instead provide your biometrical data once you are in Sweden).
Learn Swedish
If you would like to learn Swedish, there are several ways to go about it, both at the University and outside of it. Swedes are generally very good at English and are in fact among the best in the world at English as a second language. However, you may want to learn some (basic) Swedish to really immerse yourself into the Swedish culture and experience. We offer a basic Swedish Language course for international students. This course aims to providing an introduction to Swedish language, as well as to the Swedish culture and society.
Access local public transport
Buses and trains operate with cashless onboarding. You can purchase your ticket using your bank card or download a travel app and buy your ticket via the app. Visit the bus and train operators for more information about tickets and payment methods below.
Länstrafiken Jämtland/Härjedalen (Östersund)
Join the Student Union
On both campuses at Mid Sweden University, there are student unions to look after your interests regarding both your education and the social aspects of student life. Student unions are organisations of students for students. They exist to represent your interests and ensure you receive a good education.
If your accommodation is unfurnished, it may be wise for you to to contact the student union or the international committee in your campus city, to ask for recommendations on how to get cheap furniture upon arrival. Sometimes students who are leaving the university have things to give away or sell to new students.
Packing for Sweden
Remember to bring all necessary travel documents such as your tickets, passport/ID, insurance papers, documentation from your home university if neccessary, admission letter, cash/credit card, prescriptive medicine, adapter, and remember to pack seasonal appropriate clothing e.g. warm clothing for the winter.
Get more tips from Study In Sweden