
Fre 23 feb. 2024 10.00–11.00
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Fredag den 23 februari, kl 10.00 – 11.00 håller Felix Dobslaw sin docentföreläsning inom ämnet datavetenskap.

Docentföreläsningen kommer att hållas på engelska och ges som hybridföreläsning och kan följas antingen på plats i Östersund i sal Q183, eller via Zoom.



On the growing importance of software testing research

“Societies' reliance on software is growing at an enormous pace. New technologies are introduced continually and come with new challenges (AI?!), adding to the complexity of the systems. As a consequence, practically assuring high quality in software is hard. In this lecture, I show how software testing research, including my own, is helping improve developer efficiency and infrastructure resilience. The lecture further connects to the recently founded Software Engineering and Education (SEE) research group at MIUN that I am heading and my philosophy to combine education, research and public outreach.”

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-02-12