Digital introduktionsvecka
Ta del av korta lunchföreläsningar via zoom veckan före terminsstart och bekanta dig med studentstöd. Upptagen precis då? De kommer att spelas in och publiceras här.
Klicka på + nedan för att läsa mer om föreläsningarna! Du hittar de inspelade föreläsningarna från veckan längre ned på sidan.
Wednesday 4/9: Library support activities, talking books and support for distance students
40 minutes
- What can you get help with as a student regarding your studies? Listen to our writing tutors and librarians explaining all the support you can get as a student with, for example, study techniques and how you can get both individual booked time for support.
- Get information on how to search, reserve and borrow books and talking books.
Friday 6/9: Student Health Care and study abroad
40 minutes (20 minutes for each session)
- The Student Health Care can support you in different ways in your studies, they also offer different courses such as on speech speech.
- What opportunities do you have as a student to study or do your internship abroad?