Webbinarium: The Past, Present and Future of Robo‑advice
CER bjuder in till ett kostnadsfritt webbinarium 3 dec med start kl 15 på temat: "The Past, Present and Future of Robo-advice" Medverkar gör professor Alberto Rossi McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University.
Detta evenemang erbjuder ett värdefullt tillfälle att få expertinsikter om utvecklingen och framtidsutsikterna för robo-rådgivningstjänster.
Plats: Online via Mittuniversitetets Youtube kanal. Länk till sändningen får du när du registrerat dig.
Dag och tid: 3 december, kl 15.00
Anmäl dig senast: 2 december
Mer om Alberto Rossi
Alberto Rossi is the Hachigian Family Professor of Finance at the McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University. He is also the Director of the AI, Analytics, and Future of Work Initiative at Georgetown, a Visiting Fellow at Brookings, and a member of the Economic Advisory Committee (EAC) at FINRA.
His research interests include FinTech, Household Finance, Machine Learning, and Asset Pricing. His recent work studies how robo-advisors can help individuals make better financial decisions and how to predict stock market returns using machine learning algorithms. He has worked extensively in analyzing big data, has collaborated with major brokerage houses, FinTech firms, and asset managers around the world.
Professor Rossi’s work has been published in leading academic journals such as the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics and Management Science.