Tove Engvall
- Akademisk titel: Adjunkt
- Annan titel: PhD i information systems
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428977
- E-postadress:
- Rumsnummer: L508
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Arkiv- och informationsvetenskap
Master i Arkiv- och informationsvetenskap
PhD i Information systems
Har ett långt engagemang i globala hållbarhetsfrågor.
Forskningsintresse berör digital governance i en global styrnings kontext. Hur kan vi använda digitaliseringen för att stärka global styrning mot hållbar utveckling?
Hur kan vi säkerställa och bygga tillit i en digital global styrningskontext?
Vilken roll har arkivinformation och digitala teknologier och hur kan det teoretiseras?
Är med i Forum för digitalisering (FODI).
Arkiv- och informationsvetenskap
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Engvall, T. , Flak, L. S. & Sæbø, Ø. (2023). The role of digital technologies in global climate negotiations. Government Information Quarterly, vol. 40: 4
Engvall, T. , Flak, L. S. & Sæbø, Ø. (2022). Sharing, Cooperation or Collective Action? A Research Agenda for Online Interaction in Digital Global Governance. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13392, ss. 91-106.
Engvall, T. & Flak, L. S. (2022). The state of information infrastructure for global climate governance. Transforming Government, vol. 16: 4, ss. 436-448.
Engvall, T. (2019). Situating trust challenges of online trade. Records Management Journal, vol. 29: 1-2, ss. 272-286.
Engvall, T. (2019). User participation : what can be learned from the information systems domain?. Records Management Journal, vol. 29: 3, ss. 320-332.
Engvall, T. (2018). In-equalities, Regulation, Ethics & Records - reflections from a case in Online Trade. Archives of Business Research, vol. 6: 8, ss. 135-147.
Engvall, T. (2017). Fear, Greed and Lack of Trust in Online Financial Trade. Journal of Administrative Sciences and Technology,
Borglund, E. A. M. & Engvall, T. (2014). Open data?: Data, information, document or record?. Records Management Journal, vol. 24: 2, ss. 163-180.
Engvall, T. (2024). The role of information systems in global governance: The case of climate reporting. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Agder : University of Agder, 2024 (Doctoral dissertations at the University of Agder : 460)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Engvall, T. & Flak, L. S. (2022). Digital Governance as a Scientific Concept. I Scientific Foundations of Digital Governance and Transformation. Springer (Public Administration and Information Technology). S. 25-50.
Engvall, T. , Anderson, K. , Bunn, J. , Flinn, A. , Michetti, G. , Gänser, G. , Cai, Y. & Henttonen, P. (2019). The role of the records professional. I Trusting Records in the Cloud. London : Facet Publishing. S. 223-244.
Engvall, T. & Skiftenes Flak, L. (2022). Affordances of e-reporting on a supranational level: the case of Reportnet. I Ongoing Research, Practitioners, Posters, Workshops, and Projects of the International Conference EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2022. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings)
Engvall, T. (2021). Exploring the Impact of Digital Global Governance through Affordance Theory: the Case of Climate Reporting. I EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2021 : Ongoing Research, Practitioners, Posters, Workshops, and Projects at EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2021. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings). S. 219--230.
Engvall, T. & Hellmer, E. (2017). As money turns digital and trust turns algorithmic : what ought to be considered?. Paper presented at the Maintaing the Facts Infrastructure in the Era of Post-Truth Politics 19-20 september 2017, National Swedish heritage board, storgatan 41, Stockholm
Engvall, T. (2017). The data dilemma : who is in control?. I The data dilemma: a risk or an asset? eabh international workshop in cooperation with InFuture conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 10 November, 2017.
Borglund, E. A. M. & Engvall, T. (2016). Authenticity in open data: contributions from archival science. I Pre-ICIS Workshop on E-Government.
Engvall, T. (2016). Lack of Trust and Loss of Money : Challenges in Online Financial Trade. I VISION 2020 : INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY, AND COMPETITIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH, 2016, VOLS I - VII.. S. 954--962.
Anderson, K. , Engvall, T. & Klett, E. (2014). Open data through the archive : A new role for archivists. Paper presented at the Archives and Cultural Industries: 2nd ICA Annual Conference
Engvall, T. & Samuelsson, G. (2017). Ekonomiskt värde av information. Trafikverket
Engvall, T. & Samuelsson, G. (2015). Förstudien - En effektiv digital informationshantering. Trafikverket
Engvall, T. , Liang, V. & Anderson, K. (2015). The role of the archivist and records manager in an open government environment in Sweden : InterPARES report, research project EU11.
Klareld, A. , Forsström, S. & Engvall, T. (2019). Blockchainteknologi och arkiv : i Nordisk Arkivnyt, nr 1, s. 46-47.
Engvall, T. (2018). Arkivariers roll och perspektiv i arbete med öppna data : i Arkiv, Information, Teknik, nr 2, ss. 12-13. Sverige.