Anders Flykt
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Tjänstetitel: Universitetslektor
- Akademisk titel: Docent
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428880
- E-postadress:
- Rumsnummer: P1303
- Ort: Östersund
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Psykologi
My research is revolving around the concept of Emotion. I do research on fear and fear responses, which has led to that much research relates to wildlife management of large carnivores and quality of life issues. This research is done in co-operation with researchers at University of Lund (Maria Johansson), the Swedish Agriculture University (Jens Frank) and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (Ole-Gunnar Støen). Lately I have started to do research on the relation between emotion recognition accuracy and empathic accuracy / mind reading competence, and how an understanding of this relation possibly could be promote training of mind reading abilities in professional helpers, such as clinical psychologists, social workers, and nurses.
I teach mainly at our program for students becoming clinical psychologists and our master program in Emotion psychology. I also teach on the sport science program. My teaching is mainly concerned with emotion psychology and statistics.
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
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Artiklar i tidskrifter
Johansson, M. , Hartig, T. , Frank, J. & Flykt, A. (2025). Vulnerability and fascination with wildlife encounters and psychological restoration in local natural settings. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 30: 1, ss. 112-131.
Johansson, M. , Hartig, T. , Frank, J. & Flykt, A. (2024). Wildlife and public perceptions of opportunities for psychological restoration in local natural settings. People and Nature, vol. 6: 2, ss. 800-817.
Johansson, M. , Flykt, A. , Frank, J. & Hartig, T. (2024). Wildlife and the restorative potential of natural settings. Journal of Environmental Psychology, vol. 94
Flykt, A. , Dewari, A. , Fallhagen, M. , Molin, A. , Odda, A. , Ring, J. & Hess, U. (2023). Emotion recognition accuracy only weakly predicts empathic accuracy in a standard paradigm and in real life interactions. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 14
Flykt, A. , Eklund, A. , Frank, J. & Johansson, M. (2022). “Landscape of Stress” for Sheep Owners in the Swedish Wolf Region. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 10
Johansson, M. , Flykt, A. , Frank, J. & Hartig, T. (2021). Appraisals of Wildlife During Restorative Opportunities in Local Natural Settings. Frontiers in Environmental Science, vol. 9
Flykt, A. , Hörlin, T. , Linder, F. , Wennstig, A. , Sayeler, G. , Hess, U. & Bänziger, T. (2021). Exploring Emotion Recognition and the Understanding of Others’ Unspoken Thoughts and Feelings when Narrating Self-Experienced Emotional Events. Journal of nonverbal behavior, vol. 45, ss. 67-81.
Eklund, A. , Flykt, A. , Frank, J. & Johansson, M. (2020). Animal owners’ appraisal of large carnivore presence and use of interventions to prevent carnivore attacks on domestic animals in Sweden. European Journal of Wildlife Research, vol. 66: 2
Eklund, A. , Johansson, M. , Flykt, A. , Andrén, H. & Frank, J. (2020). Believed effect - A prerequisite but not a guarantee for acceptance of carnivore management interventions. Biological Conservation, vol. 241
Eklund, A. , Johansson, M. , Flykt, A. , Andren, H. & Frank, J. (2020). Drivers of intervention use to protect domestic animals from large carnivore attacks. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 25: 4, ss. 339-354.
Johansson, M. , Mysterud, A. & Flykt, A. (2020). Livestock owners' worry and fear of tick-borne diseases. Parasites & Vectors, vol. 13: 1
Johansson, M. , Hallgren, L. , Flykt, A. , Støen, O. , Thelin, L. & Frank, J. (2019). Communication Interventions and Fear of Brown Bears : Considerations of Content and Format. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 7
Johansson, M. , Flykt, A. , Frank, J. & Støen, O. (2019). Controlled exposure reduces fear of brown bears. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 24: 4, ss. 363-379.
Johansson, M. , Frank, J. , Støen, O. & Flykt, A. (2017). An Evaluation of Information Meetings as a Tool for Addressing Fear of Large Carnivores. Society & Natural Resources, vol. 30: 3, ss. 281-298.
Flykt, A. , Bänziger, T. & Lindeberg, S. (2017). Intensity of vocal responses to spider and snake pictures in fearful individuals. Australian journal of psychology, vol. 69: 3, ss. 184-191.
Johansson, M. , Støen, O. -. & Flykt, A. (2016). Exposure as an Intervention to Address Human Fear of Bears. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 21: 4, ss. 311-327.
Frank, J. , Johansson, M. & Flykt, A. (2015). Public attitude towards the implementation of management actions aimed at reducing human fear of brown bears and wolves. Wildlife Biology, vol. 21: 3, ss. 122-130.
Flykt, A. , Johansson, M. , Karlsson, J. & Lipp, O. V. (2013). Fear of Wolves and Bears : Physiological Responses and Negative Associations in a Swedish Sample. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 18: 6, ss. 416-434.
Bjärtå, A. , Flykt, A. & Sundin, Ö. (2013). The effect of using different distractor sets in visual search with spiders and snakes on spider-sensitive and non-fearful participants.. Swiss Journal of Psychology, vol. 72: 4, ss. 171-179.
Johansson, M. , Karlsson, J. , Pedersen, E. & Flykt, A. (2012). Factors Governing Human Fear of Brown Bear and Wolf. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 17: 1, ss. 58-74.
Flykt, A. , Lindeberg, S. & Derakshan, N. (2012). Fear makes you stronger : Responding to feared animal targets in visual search. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, vol. 74: 7, ss. 1437-1445.
Esteves, F. , Arriaga, P. , Carneiro, P. & Flykt, A. (2010). Emotional responses (verbal and psychophysiological) to pictures of food stimuli. Psicologia, vol. 24: 2, ss. 89-111.
Soares, S. C. , Esteves, F. & Flykt, A. (2009). Fear, but not fear-relevance, modulates reaction times in visual search with animal distractors. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, vol. 23: 1, ss. 136-144.
Flykt, A. , Dan, E. S. & Scherer, K. R. (2009). Using a probe detection task to assess the timing of intrinsic pleasantness appraisals. Swiss Journal of Psychology, vol. 68: 3, ss. 161-171.
Flykt, A. & Bjärtå, A. (2008). The time course of resource allocation in spider fearful participants during fear reactions. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 22: 7, ss. 1381-1400.
Aue, T. , Flykt, A. & Scherer, K. R. (2007). First Evidence for Differential and Sequential Efferent Effects of stimulus relevance and goal conduciveness appraisal. Biological Psychology, vol. 74: 3, ss. 347-357.
Flykt, A. , Esteves, F. & Öhman, A. (2007). Skin Conductance Responses to Masked Conditioned stimuli : Phylogenetic/Ontogenetic Factors versus direction of threat?. Biological Psychology, vol. 74: 3, ss. 328-336.
Flykt, A. (2006). Preparedness for action : Responding to the snake in the grass. American Journal of Psychology, vol. 119: 1, ss. 29-43.
Flykt, A. & Caldara, R. (2006). Tracking fear in snake and spider fearful participants during visual search : A multi-response domain study. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 20: 8, ss. 1075-1091.
Scherer, K. , Dan, E. & Flykt, A. (2006). What Determines a Feeling's Position in Affective Space? : A case for appraisal. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 20: 1, ss. 92-113.
Flykt, A. (2005). Visual search with biological threat stimuli : Accuracy, reaction times, and heart rate changes.. Emotion, vol. 5: 3, ss. 349-353.
Öhman, A. , Flykt, A. & Esteves, F. (2001). Emotion drives attention : Detecting the snake in the grass. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 130: 3, ss. 466-478.
Parra, C. , Esteves, F. , Flykt, A. & Öhman, A. (1997). Pavlovian conditioning to social stimuli : Backward masking and the dissociation of implicit and explicit cognitive processes.. European Psychologist, vol. 2: 2, ss. 106-117.
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
Johansson, M. , Ferreira, I. A. , Støen, O. , Frank, J. & Flykt, A. (2016). Targeting human fear of large carnivores — Many ideas but few known effects. Biological Conservation, vol. 201, ss. 261-269.
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Öhman, A. , Flykt, A. & Lundqvist, D. (2000). Unconscious emotion : Evolutionary perspectives, psychophysiological data, and neuropsychological mechanisms. I The Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion. New York : Oxford University Press.
Öhman, A. , Esteves, F. , Flykt, A. & Soares, J. J. F. (1993). Gateways to consciousness : Emotion, attention, and electrodermal activity. I Progress in electrodermal research : NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Electrodermal Activity: From Physiology to Psychology. New York : Plenum Press (NATO ASI series. Series A, Life sciences).
Aue, T. , Flykt, A. & Scherer, K. (2005). First Evidence for Differential and Sequential Efferent Effects of Goal Relevance and Goal Conduciveness Appraisal. : Poster presented at ISRE 2005, Bari, Italy..
Dan, E. , Aue, T. , Flykt, A. & Scherer, K. (2005). ON USING RT AND FACIAL EMG TO EXAMINE THETEMPORAL SEQUENCE OF NOVELTY AND VALENCE APPRAISAL : Presentation at the SPR-meeting.
Bjärtå, A. , Bernhardsson, J. , Eriksson, L. & Flykt, A. (2005). Potenial biological threats, fear, and perceptual factors..
Scherer, K. , Roesch, E. & Flykt, A. (2005). Using Computational models to disambiguate emotion theories. : presentation at ISRE 2005, Bari, Italy..
Flykt, A. (2004). Preparedness to act on fear-relevant stimuli : Meeting abstract. I PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY. (Psychophysiologi). S. S19--S19.
Flykt, A. (2003). Emotion drives automatized motor activity: Responding to the snake in the grass..
Robalo, S. , Frere, C. , Carneiro, P. , Ferreira, P. , Flykt, A. & Esteves, F. (2003). Emotional responses to food-related pictures in young female subjects.. I Abstracts of the IIIrd Congress of the Spanish Society of Psychophysiology. (JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY). S. 51--51.
Esteves, F. , Carneiro, P. , Ferreira, P. A. & Flykt, A. (2002). Skin conductance responses and heart rate changes to food-related stimuli : Meeting abstract. I International Journal of Psychophysiology.. S. 163--163.
Berhardsson, J. , Bjärtå, A. & Flykt, A. Visual search with schematic faces: Perceptual artifacts.
Skogen, K. , Johansson, M. , Figari, H. , Flykt, A. & Krange, O. (2018). Erfaringer med ulv. Trondheim : Norsk Institutt for naturforskning (NINA rapport 1567).