Martina Höök



Den kvinnliga idrottaren


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Höök, M. , Bergström, M. , Sæther, S. A. & McGawley, K. (2021). “Do elite sport first, get your period back later.” Are barriers to communication hindering female athletes?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18: 22    

Hofmann, K. B. , Ohlsson, M. L. , Höök, M. , Danvind, J. & Kersting, U. G. (2016). The influence of sitting posture on mechanics and metabolic energy requirements during sit-skiing : a case report. Sports Engineering, vol. 19: 3, ss. 213-218.  

Stöggl, T. , Bishop, P. , Höök, M. , Willis, S. & Holmberg, H. (2015). Effect of carrying a rifle on physiology and biomechanical responses in biathletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 47: 3, ss. 617-624.    

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Jensen, K. , Höök, M. , Willis, S. & Holmberg, H. (2014). Changes in physical performance parameters during and after moderate altitude training in elite cross-country skiers. I Science & Skiing VI. Meyer & Meyer Sport. S. 414-420.

Jensen, K. , Höök, M. , Wedholm, L. , Björklund, G. & Holmberg, H. (2012). How work economy changes during a summer season with roller skiing training and its influence on performance. I Science and Skiing V. Meyer & Meyer Sport. S. 523-529.


Höök, M. , Knight, C. & McGawley, K. (2023). Action research as a method to increase knowledge and communication in a sports performance setting. Paper presented at the 9th International Congress on Science and Skiing, Saalbach-Hinterglemm, Austria, 18-22 March, 2023  

McGawley, K. & Höök, M. (2023). Den kvinnliga idrottarens prestation och hälsa. Paper presented at the Vålådalsdagarna - ett symposium inom idrottsfysiologi med fokus på både hälsa och prestation, 9 februari 2023

Höök, M. , Bergström, M. & McGawley, K. (2021). Focus-group discussions of the female hormonal cycle as a tool for increasing knowledge and communication among elite endurance athletes and their coaches.. I Women in Sport & Exercise (WISE) Conference, Worcester, UK (Remote)..

McGawley, K. , Noordhof, D. & Höök, M. (2021). Improving knowledge, education and practices in relation to the menstrual cycle in competitive female athletes : A Scandinavian perspective. Paper presented at the Female Athlete Conference, Boston, USA, [DIGITAL], June 10-12, 2021.

Rodríguez-Zamora, L. , Lodin-Sundström, A. , Engan, H. K. , Höök, M. , Patrician, A. , Degerström, E. & Schagatay, E. (2015). Effects of altitude acclimatization on spleen volume and contraction during submaximal and maximal work in lowlanders. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Malmö, June 24-27, 2015

Höök, M. , Jensen, K. , Willis, S. J. & Holmberg, H. (2013). Changes in maximal double poling performance during and after mderate altitude training in elite cross-country skiers. I Proceedings for the 6th International Congress on Science and Skiing.. S. 95-

Jensen, K. , Höök, M. , Willis, S. J. & Holmberg, H. (2013). Changes in physical performance parameters during and after moderate altitude training in elite cross country skiers. I Proceedings for the 6th International Congress on Science and Skiing.. S. 115-

Stöggl, T. , Bishop, P. , Höök, M. , Willis, S. & Holmberg, H. (2013). Physiological and biomechanical response to rifle carriage in elite biathletes. I Proceedings for the 6th International Congress on Science and Skiing.. S. 81-

Jensen, K. , Höök, M. , Wedholm, L. , Björklund, G. & Holmberg, H. (2010). How work efficiency changes during a summer season with roller skiing training and its influence on performace. I Proceedings for the fifth international conference on Science and Skiing. Salzburg : . S. 75-

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13