Lisbeth Kristiansen
- Tjänstetitel: Professor
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428934
- E-postadress:
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Omvårdnad
- Avdelning:
- Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper (HOV)
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Kleebthong, D. , Chareonsuk, S. , Rising Holmström, M. & Porskrog Kristiansen, L. (2020). Family members' perceptions and experiences of older people displaying major depression. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, vol. 34: 2, ss. 2-7.
Lundberg, K. , Jong, M. , Jong, M. C. & Porskrog Kristiansen, L. (2020). Patients’ experiences of the caring encounter in health promotion practice : a qualitative study in Swedish primary health care. BMC Family Practice, vol. 21: 1
Kristiansen, L. , Willmer, M. & Karlström, A. (2019). Strengthening Adolescent Wellbeing project : Qualitative outcomes from a pilot in a Swedish upper-secondary school. British Journal of School Nursing, vol. 14: 8, ss. 390-397.
Kristiansen, L. , Karlström, A. , Rising Holmström, M. , Boman, N. , Jonsson, C. & Olofsson, N. (2018). A health promotion intervention strengthening Swedish high school students' wellbeing: A feasibility study. British Journal of School Nursing, vol. 13: 6
Valan, L. , Sundin, K. , Kristiansen, L. & Jong, M. (2018). Child health nurses’ experiences and opinions of parent Internet use. Early Child Development and Care, vol. 188: 12, ss. 1736-1747.
Rönngren, Y. , Björk, A. , Audulv, Å. , Enmarker, I. , Kristiansen, L. & Haage, D. (2018). Educational nurse-led lifestyle intervention for persons with mental illness.. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, vol. 27: 3, ss. 1022-1031.
Valan, L. , Kristiansen, L. , Sundin, K. & Jong, M. (2018). Health-Related Internet Information Both Strengthens and Weakens Parents’ Potential for Self-Care : A Mixed-Methods Study on Parents’ Search Patterns. Open Journal of Nursing, vol. 8: 10, ss. 731-745.
Rönngren, Y. , Björk, A. , Kristiansen, L. , Haage, D. , Enmarker, I. & Audulv, Å. (2018). Meeting the needs? Perceived support of a nurse-led lifestyle programme for young adults with mental illness in a primary health-care setting. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, vol. 27: 1, ss. 390-399.
Kjällman Alm, A. , Danielsson, S. & Porskrog-Kristiansen, L. (2018). Non-Pharmalogical Interventions towards Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia—An Integrated Literature Review. Open Journal of Nursing, : 8, ss. 434-447.
Rönngren, Y. , Björk, A. , Haage, D. , Audulv, Å. & Kristiansen, L. (2018). Perspectives of a tailored lifestyle program for people with severe mental illness receiving housing support. Perspectives in psychiatric care, vol. 54: 2, ss. 309-316.
Kleebthong, D. , Chareonsuk, S. & Kristiansen, L. (2018). Thai psychiatric nurses' experiences and perceptions of the professional role when caring for older people displaying depressive symptoms. Open Journal of Nursing, : 1, ss. 45-59.
Kristiansen, L. (2018). Wanting a Life in Decency! : A Qualitative Study from Experienced Electric Wheelchairs Users’ perspective. Open Journal of Nursing, vol. 8: 7, ss. 419-433.
Kristiansen, L. , Lif, U. & Asklund, H. (2017). Experiences on Participation in Literary Activities : Intellectual Stimuli Empower People with Mental Health Problems. Open Journal of Nursing, : 7, ss. 1307-1323.
Lundberg, K. , Jong, M. C. , Kristiansen, L. & Jong, M. (2017). Health Promotion in Practice—District Nurses׳ Experiences of Working with Health Promotion and Lifestyle Interventions Among Patients at Risk of Developing Cardiovascular Disease. Explore, vol. 13: 2, ss. 108-115.
Kleebthong, D. , Chareonsuk, S. & Kristiansen, L. (2017). Older Thai peoples' perceptions and experiences of major depression. Global Journal of Health Science, vol. 9: 9, ss. 26-35.
Häggström, M. , Bäckström, B. , Vestling, I. , Hallin, K. , Segevall, C. & Kristiansen, L. (2017). Overcoming reluctance towards High Fidelity Simulation : a mutual challenge for nursing students’ and faculty teachers. Global Journal of Health Science, vol. 9: 7, ss. 127-137.
Olsson, H. & Kristiansen, L. (2017). Violence Risk Assessment in Forensic Nurses’ Clinical Practice : A Qualitative Interview Study. Global Journal of Health Science, vol. 9: 12
Kristiansen, L. , Rising Holmström, M. & Olofsson, N. (2016). Assessing the Construct Validity and Reliability of School Health Records Using the 'Health Dialogue Questionnaire' in the Eleventh Grade. AIMS Public Health, vol. 3: 3, ss. 470-486.
Hallin, K. , Häggström, M. , Bäckström, B. & Kristiansen, L. (2016). Correlations between Clinical Judgement and Learning Style Preferences of Nursing Students in the Simulation Room. Global Journal of Health Science, vol. 8: 6
Hallin, K. , Bäckström, B. , Häggström, M. & Kristiansen, L. (2016). High-fidelity simulation : Assessment of student nurses' team achievements of clinical judgment. Nurse Education in Practice, vol. 19, ss. 12-18.
Olofsson, N. , Rising Holmström, M. & Kristiansen, L. (2015). Assessing the Construct Validity and Reliability of School Health Records of the ‘Health Dialogue Questionnaire,’ in 7th Grade in Compulsory School. MOJ Public Health, vol. 2: 1
Blusi, M. , Kristiansen, L. & Jong, M. (2015). Exploring the influence of Internet-based caregiver support on experiences of isolation for older spouse caregivers in rural areas : a qualitative interview study. International Journal of Older People Nursing, vol. 10: 3, ss. 211-220.
Olsson, H. , Audulv, Å. , Strand, S. & Kristiansen, L. (2015). Reducing or Increasing Violence in Forensic Care : A Qualitative Study of Inpatient Experiences. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, vol. 29: 6, ss. 393-400.
Rising Holmström, M. , Marie, H. & Kristiansen, L. (2015). Skolsköterskans rolltransformering till den nya hälsofrämjande positionen : (The transformation of the school nurse’s role towards the new health-promoting position). Nordic journal of nursing research, vol. 35: 4, ss. 210-217.
Kristiansen, L. , Häggström, M. , Hallin, K. , Andersson, I. & Bäckström, B. (2015). Svensk översättning, kvalitativ relevansvärdering och kvantitativ reliabilitetstestning av Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric : Swedish translation, qualitative relevance evaluation and quantitative reliability test of Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric . Nordic journal of nursing research, vol. 35: 2, ss. 113-122.
Lundberg, K. , Kristiansen, L. , Jong, M. C. & Jong, M. (2014). District Nurses Experiences of Working with Health Promotion and Lifestyle Interventions Among Patients at Risk of Developing Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 20: 5, ss. A118-A118.
Nystedt, A. , Kristiansen, L. , Ehrenstråle, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2014). Exploring Some Swedish Women’s Experiences of Support During Childbirth. International Journal of Childbirth, vol. 4: 3, ss. 183-190(8).
Häggström, M. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2014). Important quality aspects in transfer process. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, vol. 27: 2, ss. 123-139.
Rönngren, Y. , Björk, A. , Haage, D. & Kristiansen, L. (2014). LIFEHOPE.EU – Lifestyle & Healthy Outcome in Physical Education : Development of a lifestyle intervention program for people with severe mental illness: Physical activity, dietary changes, and cognitive adaptation training. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, vol. 21: 10, ss. 924-930.
Olsson, H. , Strand, S. & Kristiansen, L. (2014). Reaching a turning point – how patients in forensic care describe trajectories of recovery. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, vol. 28: 3, ss. 505-514.
Rising Holmström, M. , Olofsson, N. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2014). Transitions in the Swedish school system and the impact on student's positive self-reported-health. BMC Public Health, vol. 14, ss. Art. no. 1045
Olsson, H. , Strand, S. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2014). Turning points and treatment readiness in forensic patients : A study based on staff experiences.. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning, vol. 4: 3, ss. 175-188.
Holmström, M. , Olofsson, N. & Kristiansen, L. (2013). Assessing the validity and reliability of the "Health Dialogue" in 10-year-olds. British Journal of School Nursing, vol. 8: 8, ss. 384-391.
Olsson, H. , Strand, S. , Kristiansen, L. , Sjöling, M. & Asplund, K. (2013). Decreased risk for violence in patients admitted to forensic care, measured with the HCR-20. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, vol. 27: 4, ss. 191-197.
Rising Holmström, M. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2013). Promoting a relationship-based health practice : A challenge for school nurses. British Journal of School Nursing, vol. 8: 1, ss. 30-38.
Häggström, M. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2013). To reduce technology prior discharge from intensive care –important but difficult? : A grounded theory. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, vol. 27: 3, ss. 506-515.
Holmström, M. , Olofsson, N. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2012). Exploring the development of school children´s health. British Journal of School Nursing, vol. 7: 4, ss. 189-197.
Rising Holmström, M. , Olofsson, N. , Kristiansen, L. & Asplund, K. (2012). Health among 6-year-old children in a Swedish county: Based on the health Dialogue.. Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion, vol. feb
Häggström, M. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2012). How can nurses facilitate patient’s transitions from intensive care? : A grounded theory of nursing. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, vol. 28: 4, ss. 224-233.
Kristiansen, L. , Björk, A. , Kock, V. B. , Nilsson, A. , Rönngren, Y. , Smedberg, A. & Trillo, Å. (2011). Urinary incontinence and newly invented pad technique: patients', close relatives' and nursing staff's experiences and beliefs. International Journal of Urological Nursing, vol. 5: 1, ss. 21-30.
Kristiansen, L. , Hellzén, O. & Asplund, K. (2010). Left alone - Swedish nurses' and mental health workers' experiences of being care providers in a social psychiatric dwelling context in the post-health-care-restructuring era. A focus-group interview study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, vol. 24: 3, ss. 427-435.
Häggström, M. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2009). Struggle with a gap between intensive care units and general wards. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, vol. 4: 3, ss. 181-192.
Kristiansen, L. (2007). Die Auswirkung der Meinung von Pflegekräften uber das Verhalten und die sozialen Fähigkeiten von patienten auf die mit den Patienten verbrachte Zeit. Psychiatriche Pflege, vol. 13: 6, ss. 329-336.
Kristiansen, L. (2007). Hot och våld i en del av vardagen. Tidningen Äldreomsorg, vol. 4: 23, ss. 5-10.
Kristiansen, L. , Hellzén, O. & Asplund, K. (2006). Swedish assistant nurses´experiences of job satisfaction when caring for persons suffering from dementia and behavioural disturbances : An interview study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, vol. 1: 4, ss. 245-256.
Kristiansen, L. , Dahl, A. , Asplund, K. & Hellzén, O. (2005). The impact of nurses' opinion of client behaviour and level of social functioning on the amount of time they spend with clients. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, vol. 12: 6, ss. 719-727.
Hellzén, O. , Kristiansen, L. & Norbergh, K. (2004). Being an outsider : nurses' statements about a vignette of an elderly resident with a schizophrenia diagnosis and dementia behaviour.. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, vol. 11: 2, ss. 213-220.
Hellzén, O. , Kristiansen, L. & Norbergh, K. (2004). Living in a group dwelling : how do residents spend their time in a psychiatric group dwelling?. International Journal of Nursing Studies, vol. 41: 6, ss. 651-659.
Hellzén, O. , Kristiansen, L. & Asplund, K. (2003). En studie i kvantitetssäkring av omvårdnad – En möjlig metod att fokusera kvaliteten?. Incitament : för en hälso- & sjukvård i förvandling, vol. 12: 7, ss. 638-640.
Hellzén, O. , Kristiansen, L. & Norbergh, K. G. (2003). Nurses' attitudes towards older residents with long-term schizophrenia.. Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 43: 6, ss. 616-622.
Kristiansen, L. (2006). Features of Swedish municipal elderly and psychiatric group dwelling care after the health-care reforms of the 1990s. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Stockholm : Karolinska Institutet, 2006
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Kjällman Alm, A. , Kristiansen, L. , Rising Holmström, M. & Häggström, M. (2024). Stärkt digital kompetens i hälso- och sjukvården. I Globala utmaningar– lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. S. 161-163.
Kristiansen, L. (2018). Kvalitativ manifest og latent indholdsanalyse. I Kvalitative analysemetoder i sundhedsforskning. Aarhus, Danmark : Klim. S. 301-319.
Lif, U. , Asklund, H. & Kristiansen, L. (2016). LIFEHOPE Litteratur – en studie om ”makten att” berätta och berättelsens kraft. I Makten att berätta : om tal och tystnad i tid och rum. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). S. 32-43.
Kristiansen, L. (2012). Låt den ilskna maktlösheten komma till tals. I Att leva med psykisk ohälsa : - ett närstående perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 113-124.
Kristiansen, L. & Strand, S. (2010). Rättspsykiatri. I Omvårdnad vid psyskisk ohälsa - på grundläggande nivå. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 279-303.
Rising Holmström, M. & Kristiansen, L. (2016). Transitions in the Swedish school system and the impact on student's positive self-reported-health. Paper presented at the 6th World Nursing and Healthcare Conference, London, UK, August 15-17, 2016
Rising Holmström, M. & Kristiansen, L. (2014). Transitions in the Swedish School system and their impact on student's positive self-reported health. Paper presented at the Nordic Conference in Nursing Research: Methods and Networks for the future, Odense, Denmark, 10-12 June, 2014
Rising Holmström, M. , Olofsson, N. , Kristiansen, L. & Asplund, K. (2011). Health among 6-year-old children in a Swedish county: Based on the Health dialogue. Paper presented at the First PNAE Congress on Peadiatric Nursing
Nystedt, A. , Kristiansen, L. & Hildingsson, I. (2010). Exploring some Swedish womens´ experiences of support during childbirth. Paper presented at the Monthly Seminar La trobe University, Melbourne Australia 2010 03 24
Strand, S. , Olsson, H. & Kristiansen, L. (2009). To decreas the risk for violence for patients sentenced to forensic psychiatric care- personnel and patient´s views.
Strand, S. , Olsson, H. & Kristiansen, L. (2009). To decrease the risk for violence for patients sentenced to forensic psychiatric care : Personnel and patient´s views. Paper presented at the 6th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry, Stockholm (Dec 2-4), 2009
Kristiansen, L. & Myringer, B. M. (2009). Well designed e-learning courses can make tacit knowledge visible, valuable, communicational and induce reflexive capacity- A study among "untraditional students".
Nystedt, A. , Kristiansen, L. , Ehrenstråle, k. & Hildingsson, I. (2009). Women´s experiences of support during Childbirth.