Fredrik Malmberg

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Politiskt förtroende, korruption och politiskt beteende.


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Karv, T. & Malmberg, F. G. (2024). A little less concentration, a little more actors, please? : Exploring the relationship between populist attitudes and perceptions of concentration of political power practices. Political Research Exchange, vol. 6: 1    

Malmberg, F. & Karv, T. (2024). All good in the neighbourhood? : Exploring the role of local conditions for political trust and corruption perceptions within a minority context. Territory, Politics, Governance, vol. 12: 5, ss. 610-627.  

Malmberg, F. G. & Saikkonen, I. A. (2024). Cautious or marginalized? : Perceptions of the riskiness of engaging in corruption and gender differences in corruptness. Politics and Policy, vol. 52: 1, ss. 89-117.    

Malmberg, F. & Karv, T. (2024). Jacks of all trades, masters of none? Multiple-mandate holding and trust in local government. Local Government Studies, vol. 50: 5, ss. 871-892.    

Malmberg, F. G. & Karv, T. (2024). Vem vill ha ”superpolitiker”? : En studie om sambandet mellan tilltro till det politiska systemet, politisk sofistikation och synen på mandatackumulering bland politiker. Politiikka, vol. 66: 3, ss. 231-261.    

Karv, T. & Malmberg, F. (2023). Less is more or the more the merrier? Analysing attitudes towards multiple‐mandate holding among local officeholders. Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 46: 1-2, ss. 75-98.  

Christensen, H. S. , Huttunen, J. , Malmberg, F. & Silagadze, N. (2023). Unequal inequalities? How participatory inequalities affect democratic legitimacy. European Political Science Review, vol. 15: 1, ss. 19-38.    

Malmberg, F. G. (2022). En korrupt personlighet? : En studie av Big Five-personlighetsdragens samband med korruptionstolerans. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, vol. 124: 4, ss. 867-897.  

Malmberg, F. G. (2022). Extending a Hand : Corruption and Solidarity with the Less Privileged Domestically and Beyond. Studies in comparative international development, vol. 57: 2, ss. 222-248.  

Malmberg, F. G. & Christensen, H. S. (2021). Voting Women, Protesting Men : A Multilevel Analysis of Corruption, Gender, and Political Participation. Politics and Policy, vol. 49: 1, ss. 126-161.    


Malmberg, F. G. (2019). The rotting fish? Institutional trust, dysfunctional contexts, and corruption tolerance : A multilevel study of the justification of low-level corruption in a global perspective. Diss. Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 2019  

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13