Madelen Olofsson
Prefekt|Head of Department
- Tjänstetitel: Prefekt
- Akademisk titel: Universitetslektor
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428867
- E-postadress:
- Rumsnummer: S356
- Ort: Sundsvall
Foodtech - fermentering av skogens restmaterial för framtidens mat och foder
GrönaPro - Gröna kemikalier från skog och skogsprodukter
Hållbarhet i Mittuniversitetets vardag – HIMUV
Mobilitet av arsenik i fiberbankar utanför Västernorrlands kust
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Gamage, S. , Norström, S. , Olofsson, M. , Bylund, D. , Asadollahi, M. & Hedenström, E. (2025). Pulp and paper industry side-stream materials as feed for the oleaginous yeast species Lipomyces starkeyi and Rhodotorula toruloides. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal,
Hagenbo, A. , Fransson, P. , Menichetti, L. , Clemmensen, K. E. , Olofsson, M. A. & Ekblad, A. (2024). Ectomycorrhizal necromass turnover is one-third of biomass turnover in hemiboreal Pinus sylvestris forests. Plants, People, Planet, vol. 6: 4, ss. 951-964.
Vilches, A. P. , Norström, S. , Olofsson, M. , Fransson, P. & Bylund, D. (2018). Biofuel ash addition increases ectomycorrhizal fungal exudation in pure culture. Environmental Chemistry, vol. 15: 8, ss. 481-492.
Olofsson, M. & Bylund, D. (2016). Liquid Chromatography with Electrospray Ionization and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Applied in the Quantitative Analysis of Chitin-Derived Glucosamine for a Rapid Estimation of Fungal Biomass in Soil. International Journal of Analytical Chemistry,
Olofsson, M. & Bylund, D. (2015). Analysis of hydroxamate siderophores in soil solution using liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry with on-line sample preconcentration. Journal of Separation Science, vol. 38: 19, ss. 3305-3312.
Olofsson, M. , Norström, S. & Bylund, D. (2014). Evaluation of sampling and sample preparation procedures for the determination of aromatic acids and their distribution in a podzol soil using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Geoderma, vol. 232-234, ss. 373-380.
Olofsson, M. (2015). On the investigation of chemical parameters reflecting microbial activity linked to nutrient availability in forest soil. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2015 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 230)
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Zimmerman, J. K. M. , Gladh, C. , Olofsson, M. & Mattsson, M. (2022). Sustainability in Mid Sweden University everyday life (HIMUV) : Project design and preliminary results to date.. Paper presented at the Education with Sustainability konferens, Sligo, Ireland, 15-17th August, 2022
Vilches, A. P. , Gallampois, C. , Olofsson, M. A. , Norström, S. H. , Fransson, P. & Bylund, D. Effects of bio-ash on the exudation pattern of eight ectomycorrhizal fungi - an untargeted metabolomic study.
Olofsson, M. & Bylund, D. Effects of mineral amendment on soil chemistry parameters reflecting microbial activity in a Swedish boreal forest soil.
Zimmerman, J. K. M. (2024). Slutrapport – HIMUV – Hållbarhet i Miuns vardag. Mid Sweden University