Charlotta Palmstierna Einarsson
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Tjänstetitel: Universitetslektor
- Akademisk titel: Docent
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428039
- E-postadress:
- Rumsnummer: M 507
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Litteraturvetenskap
Charlotta Palmstierna Einarsson is a lecturer in English literature at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mid-Sweden University.
Her research addresses questions of embodied cognition and the multifarious ways in which the body emerges to be perceived as meaningful in works of literature, drama and art, whether as effects produced or as the means to produce them.
Charlotta is the author of A Theatre of Affect: The Corporeal Turn in Samuel Beckett's Drama (ibidem Verlag 2017), and Beckett's Drama: Mis-movements and the Aesthetics of Gesture (ibidem Verlag 2024).
Charlotta Palmstierna Einarsson completed her PhD at Stockholm University in2012.
Charlotta's research interests include modernist literature, drama and dance studies, aesthetics, reception theory, phenomenology, memory studies and affect theory.
Monograph forthcoming with ibidem Verlag, 2026/27
Provisional title: ‘The Architecture of Change: Three Swedish Performances of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot’
Short description
Taking off from the assumption that “art is a configuring process which gives form to the prefiguring actions of the social lifeworld” (Richard Kearney referring to Ricoeur), I examine three productions of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot in Sweden, staged over a period of fifty years (1954–2003). My aim is to describe the architecture of change that could be seen to shape each performance. The notion of an architecture signals my assumption that change is structured in a manner that could be identified and described. In labelling various structural parameters such as, for instance, modes of translation, modes of interpretation, the cultural context for each performance, or the processes of decision leading up to the staging of Beckett’s play in each historical context, 'an architecture of change', I approach the three performances of Godot in Sweden as evidence of the interaction between text and context. Questions that propel the investigation are, for example, what do performances reveal about the social lifeworld that comprises their context? What does Beckett's Godot say about Sweden, 1954, 1978 or 2003 and/or what does Sweden say about Beckett's Godot? Revisiting the cultural context for each performance/production, I thus consider issues of translation, cultural context, interpretation etc., to be structural elements of an architecture of change, which predicates on interaction.
Anthology forthcoming with Stockholm University Press 2026
Eds Marina Ludwigs and Charlotta Palmstierna Einarsson
‘Considering Events in Theory and Practice: An Anthology of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Eventfulness in the Humanities and Natural Sciences’
Short description
This anthology gathers contributions from fourteen scholars working in the humanities, the natural sciences, the performing arts, and in engineering, who all share an interest in the concept of the event. The chapters present discipline-specific thoughts on the concept of eventfulness and comprises reflections, for instance, on the philosophy and phenomenology of the event, on the drama of the event or the event of drama, and on the differences between humanistic and scientific events. The underlying assumption is that if academics in unrelated areas of study were to discourse with each other and search for points of intersection germane to all parties, then the idea of eventfulness would probably be one of the best places to start. The purpose of this book is thus to reconcile the eventful vision arising from different, sometimes seemingly incompatible perspectives of each academic area together on the collective scene of thinking.
Happy to be part of Maggie Kubanyiova and Parinita Shetty's multivoiced book Listening Without Borders: Creating Spaces for Encountering Difference
Extra kontaktinformation
Mobil 0708-311140
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Artiklar, recensioner
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Einarsson, C. P. (2019). Emancipatory Aesthetics in Beckett's Theatre of Affect. Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui, vol. 31: 2, ss. 295-306.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2014). ‘You look behind you as you could not then’: : Embodied Cognition and Linguistic Confusion in Beckett’s “Heard in the Dark I”. Nordic Journal of English Studies, vol. 13: 2, ss. 168-183.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2011). Beckett and abstraction. Sophia Philosophical Review, Special Issue Beckett/Philosophy, vol. 5: 1, ss. 251-264.
Artiklar, recensioner
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2024). Sam Haddow. Precarious Spectatorship: Theatre and Image in an Age of Emergencies. Journal of Contemporary Drama in English, : 2, ss. 359-363.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2017). Beckett's Waiting for Godot, directed by Pontus Stenshäll. Journal of Beckett Studies, vol. 26: 1, ss. 158-163.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2015). Catherine Laws, Headaches Among the Overtones: Music in Beckett/Beckett in Music : Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013. Journal of Beckett Studies, vol. 24: 2, ss. 290-294.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2024). Beckett's Drama : Mis-Movements and the Aesthetics of Gesture. Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verlag (Samuel Beckett in Company 9).
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2017). A theatre of affect : the corporeal turn in Samuel Beckett's drama. Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verlag (Samuel Beckett in Company 3).
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2012). Mis-Movements : The Aesthetics of Gesture in Samuel Beckett's Drama. Diss. Stockholm : Department of English, Stockholm University, 2012
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. , Krause-Alzaidi, L. -. , Ahmed, M. , Dyck, D. , Moriarty, E. , Ibrahim, A. , Deumert, A. , Creese, A. & et al. (2024). Communicating within, between and beyond social categories. I Listening Without Borders : Creating Spaces for Encountering Difference. Channel View Publications, Ltd.. S. 12-53.
Dyck, D. , Costley, T. , Si'ilata, R. , Assaf, N. , Harrington, H. , Creese, A. , Galloway-Gallego, A. , Blackledge, A. & et al. (2024). Encountering through storytelling. I Listening Without Borders : Creating Spaces for Encountering Difference. Channel View Publications, Ltd.. S. 54-86.
Shetty, P. , Fellows, K. , Krause-Alzaidi, L. -. , Dove, J. , Ibrahim, A. , Mason, S. -. , Palmstierna Einarsson, C. , Deumert, A. & et al. (2024). Negotiating discomfort together. I Listening Without Borders : Creating Spaces for Encountering Difference. Channel View Publications, Ltd.. S. 87-103.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2021). Beckett in Sweden Then and Now : (Re)Translating Waiting for Godot. I Translating Samuel Beckett around the World. Cham : Springer Nature (New Interpretations of Beckett in the Twenty-First Century). S. 19-40.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2020). Unformed and untranslatable : The global applicability of Beckett’s theatre of affect. I Samuel Beckett as World Literature. London : Bloomsbury Academic. S. 59-70.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2009). Movement as text, text as movement : the choreographic writing of Samuel Beckett. I Liminal borderlands in Irish literature and culture. Oxford : Peter Lang Publishing Group (Reimagining Ireland). S. 87-102.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2009). The significance of mis-movements in Samuel Beckett's Endgame. I Lectures de Endgame, Fin de partie de Samuel Beckett. Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes (Collection Didact anglais). S. 105-122.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2008). Voice as self/not self in two of Beckett's short plays. I Beckett : écrans de silence = Beckett : screens of silence. Compostela Group of Universities (European issues). S. 145-153.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2021). 'A Community of Speakers –– Embodied Interaction, Attunement and the Ethics of Interpretation'. I ETHER – Ethics and Aesthetics for Encountering the Other : ETHER (Ethics and Aesthetics of Encountering the Other), an international AHRC research network, is a research partnership of the University of Leeds, the University of Stirling, Opera North, and Leeds Museums and Galleries..
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2019). Modernism and Kinaesthesia : The Use of the Body in Modernist Art. Paper presented at the The Uses of Aesthetics, Karlstads Universitet, 12-14 september 2019
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. & Dellming, E. (2019). On the uses of literature, or, why would anyone want a degree in literature. Paper presented at the English in Transformation, The Swedish Society for the Study of English, 10-12 april 2019, Malmö
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. & Dellming, E. (2019). Teaching literature takes time : how the slow study of literature can be epistemically rewarding. I LDN2019 : Litteraturstudiers samhällsrelevans.. S. 38--38.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2017). Drama as Desacralized Ritual : The Case of Waiting for Godot. Paper presented at the GASC2017, Generative Anthropology Society Conference, 8-10 juni 2017, Stockholms Universitet
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. & Dellming, E. (2017). Experiencing Literature : Towards A Third Space. Paper presented at the Litteraturstudiers betydelse för språkutbildning: litteraturdidaktiska perspektiv för ungdomsskola och högskola, 6-7 oktober 2017, Jönköping
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. & Dellming, E. (2017). Rethinking the Role of The Teacher and the Purpose of Studying Literature. Paper presented at the English across borders: Celebrating the diversity of the English language,27-28 april 2017, Jönköping, National Forum for English Studies
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2016). Beckett in Sweden : Waiting for Godot (1990–2015). Paper presented at the Presenting the Theatrical Past, IFTR 2016, Samuel Beckett Working Group, International Federation for Theatre Research, June 13-17 2016, Stockholm University
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2014). “Concealment is vulgar” : Isadora Duncan’s unveiling of the body. Paper presented at the Objects of Modernity, Birmingham University, 23–24 June, 2014.
Palmstierna Einarsson, C. (2024). “Considering the Role of Imagination in Samuel Beckett’s Drama”.