Gabriela Paladino
- Tjänstetitel: Forskare
- Akademisk titel: Forskare
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428091
- E-postadress:
- Besöksadress: Holmgatan 10, building O SE-851 70 Sundsvall, Sweden
- Rumsnummer: O231
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Miljöteknik
- Miljövetenskap
I am an environmental scientist, currently focused on the research and development of biological methods for the removal of organic and inorganic pollutants from complex environmental matrices. My background is strong in soil and sediments pollution and remediation, but I am also very interested in the development of nature-based solutions that promote circular flows of materials and energy. I am a true believer in the social value of science, therefore I am always guided by the goal of finding direct and useful applications for my research in real-scale scenarios.
Biokol integrerat i kompostering för att minska växthusgasutsläppen (Char-CC)
BiGaCO - Biometanisering för biogasproduktion från biomassarester och avfall
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Hacıoğlu, B. , Dupaul, G. , Paladino, G. , Edman, M. & Hedenström, E. (2024). Unlocking the biodegradative potential of native white-rot fungi : a comparative study of fiberbank organic pollutant mycoremediation. Bioengineered, vol. 15: 1
Morero, B. , Paladino, G. L. , Montagna, A. F. & Cafaro, D. C. (2023). Integrated Waste Management : Adding Value to Oil and Gas Industry Residues Through Co-processing. Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol. 14: 4, ss. 1391-1412.
Jiang, B. , Zhang, D. , Hu, X. , Söderlind, U. , Paladino, G. , Gamage, S. , Hedenström, E. , Zhang, W. & et al. (2023). Low-Grade Syngas Biomethanation in Continuous Reactors with Respect to Gas–Liquid Mass Transfer and Reactor Start-Up Strategy. Fermentation, vol. 9: 1
Haller, H. , Paladino, G. , Dupaul, G. , Gamage, S. , Hadzhaoglu, B. , Norström, S. , Eivazi, A. , Holm, S. & et al. (2023). Polluted lignocellulose-bearing sediments as a resource for marketable goods—a review of potential technologies for biochemical and thermochemical processing and remediation. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, vol. 25, ss. 409-425.
Dupaul, G. , Kristoffersson, L. , Paladino, G. , Hacioglu, B. , Gamage, S. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Haller, H. , Holm, S. & et al. (2020). Fiberbanks as substrate and feedstock for biological remediation : A practical analytical method development for organic pollutants analysis. I Book of Abstracts.