Lena Randevåg


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Damber, U. & Lena, R. (2023). Sustainable Development Work Aimed at Promoting Mental Health among Municipal Adult Students with Mental Health Problems. Insights on the Depression and Anxiety, vol. 7: 1, ss. 016-017.  

Randevåg, L. & Boström, L. (2019). Completing studies in alternative ways in adult education. ‘Who has told me that I cannot ...?’. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, vol. 18: 7, ss. 165-183.    

Olofsdotter, G. & Randevåg, L. (2016). Doing masculinities in construction project management : "We understand each other, but she.....". Gender in Management, vol. 31: 2, ss. 134-153.  


Jaldemark, J. & Randevåg, L. (2016). Teachers defining mobile learning : Conceptualisations emerging in a development project. I Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Networked Learning 2016.. S. 341--344.  

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13