Hugo Von Zeipel




HAND in HAND - Empowering teachers


Artiklar i tidskrifter

von Zeipel, H. & Westman, A. (2019). Elevers och lärares fokus i naturvetenskapliga laborationer. Utbildning och Demokrati, vol. 28: 3, ss. 57-75.    

Moles, A. T. , Peco, B. , Wallis, I. R. , Foley, W. J. , Poore, A. G. B. , Seabloom, E. W. , Vesk, P. A. , Bisigato, A. J. & et al. (2013). Correlations between physical and chemical defences in plants : Tradeoffs, syndromes, or just many different ways to skin a herbivorous cat?. New Phytologist, vol. 198: 1, ss. 252-263.  

Moles, A. T. , Wallis, I. R. , Foley, W. J. , Warton, D. I. , Stegen, J. C. , Bisigato, A. J. , Cella-Pizarro, L. , Clark, C. J. & et al. (2011). Putting plant resistance traits on the map : A test of the idea that plants are better defended at lower latitudes. New Phytologist, vol. 191: 3, ss. 777-788.  

von Zeipel, H. & Eriksson, O. (2007). Fruit removal in the forest herb Actaea spicata depends on local context of fruits sharing the same dispersers. International journal of plant sciences, vol. 168: 6, ss. 855-860.  

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Johansson, H. , Andersson, H. , Nordlinder, E. & von Zeipel, H. (2024). Akademiskt skrivande i flerämnesutbildningar : Exemplet grundlärarprogrammet vid Mittuniversitetet. I Skrivlyftet vid Mittuniversitetet : Akademisk literacitet i praktiken. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. S. 116-130.

Jaldemark, J. , Eriksson Bergström, S. , von Zeipel, H. & Westman, A. (2019). Wearable technologies as a research tool for studying learning : The application of spy glasses in data collection of children's learning. I Handbook of mobile teaching and learning. Springer.

Åberg-Bengtsson, L. , Beach, D. , Bergnell Karlsson, A. , Ljung-Djärf, A. , Ottosson, T. , Karlsson, K. G. , Norberg, M. , Westman, A. & et al. (2014). När Agnes fick va solen så fattade man ju precis : Om illustrationer i undervisning av yngre elever. I Resultatdialog. Stockholm : Vetenskapsrådet. S. 246-254.


Johansson, H. , Oskarsson, M. & von Zeipel, H. (2023). Engineering students’ approach to studying mathematics and its influence on their achievement. Paper presented at the The 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-14), Shanghai, China, July 11-18, 2021.  

von Zeipel, H. & Westman, A. (2018). The Science labwork situation and opportunities for learning – Teacher and student perspectives. Paper presented at the XVIII IOSTE Symposium, Malmö, Sweden 13-17 Aug, 2018

von Zeipel, H. (2015). Illustrations in Science Education : An Investigation of Young Pupils Using Explanatory Pictures of Electrical Currents. I XVI INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM (IOSTE BORNEO 2014). (Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences). S. 204--210.    

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-11-08