Research Projects

Within STC several research projects are conducted. Here you will find information on all active projects in alphabetical order.

Ongoing Research Projects

Competence supply through lifelong learning

The industry’s need for professional engineers with advanced IT skills is great. In this project, a model for work-integrated learning will be developed to meet the need and strengthen the students...

DIGIT − Sustainable Digital Transformation

The projects overall objective is that companies in the region can use the opportunities that AI, IoT and data-driven development bring to strengthen competitiveness and develop sustainable product...

Fast Frequency Reserve from Hydropower

Renewable energy increases the need for better frequency reserve in the power grid. Hydropower has the potential to be able to compensate for fluctuations in the grid. Within this project, new...

Feasibility study DigiNära

DigiNära is initiated in response to the challenges facing Swedish healthcare. There is an urgent need to streamline and make healthcare more accessible and secure, where technological development...


In this project, we want to develop technologies for sensors, measuring systems and IoT solutions for monitoring in the production and use of hydrogen to provide greater security.


This project will build a new national infrastructure for visualization and analysis of scientific data. The new infrastructure will give researchers access to expertise and development of competen...

Micro X-ray

Development of improved CTMP with even sulfonate distribution at fiber level using new XRF analysis.


A new XRF analysis develops high yield pulp with even sulfonate distribution at fiber level for improved renewable packaging.

NIIT - Next Generation Industrial IoT

NIIT is a new research action at Mid Sweden University. The industrial focus is the next generation IoT technology and methods supporting the transformation of the process industries. The research ...

PLENOPTIMA – Plenoptic Imaging

Plenoptima is European collaboration with researchers and partner organisations in an innovative training network. The aim is to develop a cross-disciplinary approach to plenoptic imaging.

SENAVIS - Sensor technology for smart de-icing

Maintenance of winter roads and airports requires large amounts of expensive and environmentally harmful chemicals. SENAVIS will conduct research in sensor technology for optical measurement of the...


More international researchers and improved opportunities for companies in the region to recruit internationally—these are a couple of the goals as Mid Sweden University launches an acceleration...

The page was updated 8/25/2021