PLENOPTIMA – Plenoptic Imaging
Plenoptima is European collaboration with researchers and partner organisations in an innovative training network. The aim is to develop a cross-disciplinary approach to plenoptic imaging.
This includes new optical materials and sensing principles, signal processing methods, new computing architectures, and vision science modelling. The project joins five of the strongest research groups in nanophotonics, imaging and machine learning in Europe with twelve innovative companies, research institutes, and a pre-competitive business ecosystem developing and marketing plenoptic imaging devices and services.
The ultimate goal is to establish new cross-sectorial, international, multi-university sustainable doctoral degree programs in the area of plenoptic imaging and to train the first fifteen next generation researchers and creative professionals within these programs for the benefit of a variety of application sectors.
The network is a chance for young researchers to receive double doctoral degrees, at Mid Sweden University and at another university within the network. This is possible since the doctoral student will be working on a project that is being done jointly by two universities.
The doctoral students will also receive training and skills for research, leadership, entrepreneurship / IPR, both locally at the universities and within the network. The latter comes through research exchanges with other universities and via industrial partners, as well as through webinars, training schools (summer / winter schools), workshops, industry days and conferences.
Project period
Research centers
Research groups
Project leader

Project members
