Lifelong learning and organisational development
The project "Lifelong learning and organisational development" is a continuation of the now completed project Industry Development in Banking and Insurance through Flexible Lifelong Learning (BUFFL). The focus is on the relationship between employees' lifelong learning and organizational development.
The project includes several national and international sub-projects. One is to develop a pedagogical model for short, flexible, technology-supported courses. Another focuses on the integration of working life elements in higher education and a third concerns how higher education can support lifelong learning in working life. A fourth, recently started, project is an international "Excellent Network" in AI and learning.
Dissemination of Results:
The various subprojects must be reported in both international and national publication channels. Two international anthologies on technology-enhanced learning and professional development have already been published by the well-known publisher Springer. In addition, a special issue focusing on lifelong learning in the digital age has been published in the highly ranked British Journal of Educational Technology. The ambition is to publish additional articles, both scientific and popular science, as well as books and book chapters as the project progresses.
Project organisation, project period and project funding
This is one of the major projects at CER. Around 50 researchers are participating, most of them from other countries. The project is coordinated by the Centre for Research on Economic Relations (CER) and various editorial groups include researchers from, among others, Aalborg University in Denmark, Athabasca University in Canada and the University of South Australia in Australia.
The project started in 2018 and will continue until 2025. It is primarily funded by CER. In addition, resources from participating foreign universities will be added.
Project leader

Project members

Thomas Ryberg
Professor and director of Institute for Advanced Study in PBL
Aalborg University

Maarten de Laat
Professor in Augmented and Networked Learning
The University of South Australia