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Industrial internet of things

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On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag INDUSTRIAL INTERNET OF THINGS. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.

There are 9 English pages and 1 Swedish page that are tagged with INDUSTRIAL INTERNET OF THINGS. The content may vary depending on language.

Meet Dr. Nejra Beganovic - New postdoc at STC

Meet our new Postdoc researcher - Dr. Nejra Beganovic. As a young girl she was very interested in technology, an interest that later took her to Germany where she completed her doctoral within the...

AI for Timber Measurment

Can you measure the volume of timber using AI? Listen to Associate Professor Jan Lundgren at STC, who talks about the research collaboration between Mid Sweden University, the University of Salerno...

A new Torque Sensor design

Mid Sweden University has a new torque sensor design, using a hallow shaft with notches on its body, where a tiny twist of the body causes air pressure to change inside the notches. This change is...

Self powered RPM Sensor

The researchers at STC research Center have, together with industrial partners, developed a self-powered wireless RPM sensor, robust enough for tough industrial environments.

Researchers from Cairo visits STC

This week STC receive a visit by PhD-student Mariam Aboelwafa, Dr. Karim G. Seddik and Dr. Yasser Gadallah from The American University in Cairo. This visit is one of the first steps to a new...

Digitalisering av Industri och Miljö

Den 17 april arrangerar Mittuniversitetet och Bron Innovation en konferens på temat digitalisering av industri och miljö. Dagens huvudtalare digitaliseringsminister Peter Eriksson!

Watch the Smart Industry presentations again

Now all presentations from the Smart Industry conference are available at our Youtube-channel. See the presentation from Mikael Damberg, enterprise and innovation minister, Peter Burman from Bolide...

The page was updated 10/2/2019