AI for Timber Measurment
Can you measure the volume of timber using AI? Listen to Associate Professor Jan Lundgren at STC, who talks about the research collaboration between Mid Sweden University, the University of Salerno...
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On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.
There are 10 English pages and 2 Swedish pages that are tagged with MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS. The content may vary depending on language.
Can you measure the volume of timber using AI? Listen to Associate Professor Jan Lundgren at STC, who talks about the research collaboration between Mid Sweden University, the University of Salerno...
Mid Sweden University has a new torque sensor design, using a hallow shaft with notches on its body, where a tiny twist of the body causes air pressure to change inside the notches. This change is...
Mid Sweden University has in cooperation with the partner company Permobil, developed a new technology that allows you to steer an electric wheelchair with a wireless control.
Here you will see a demonstration of Mittuniversity's new Office Tracker. Office Tracker is an office environment sensor system that collects different measurement values in a building to facilitat...
Den 17 april arrangerar Mittuniversitetet och Bron Innovation en konferens på temat digitalisering av industri och miljö. Dagens huvudtalare digitaliseringsminister Peter Eriksson!
7-8 November was Embedded Conference Scandinavia arranged at Kistamässan in Stockholm. At the conference the winner of Swedish Embedded Award is presented.
Right now STC installs a LoRaWAN in Sundsvall. LoRaWan is a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) specification intended for wireless battery operated Things in a regional, national or global network...
Forskare vid STC har tillsammans med MittSverige Vatten, miljökontoret vid Sundsvalls kommun och företaget Dewire utvecklat ett sensorsystem som kan spåra och varna vid oljespill i dagvattenledning...
The applied mechanics lab is a flexible lab where we design customized test rigs and perform advanced measurement to measure how different mechanical forces affect materials and product properties.
The page was updated 10/2/2019