On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag WINTER SPORTS. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.
There are 19 English pages and 48 Swedish pages that are tagged with WINTER SPORTS. The content may vary depending on language.
The Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre at Mid Sweden University is ranked among the world’s top 100 universities in the subject of Sport Science by the prestigious Shanghai Ranking!
Ice hockey is an intermittent sport where high-intensity efforts are interspersed with passive recovery periods. These varied demands in exercise intensities are reflected in a player’s physiologic...
With the help of a constructed surrogate head with many sensors, the researchers hope to gain knowledge of what is happening in the brain during trauma to the head. In this way, even better safety...
How the use of a customised satellite navigation device can help in the analysis of micro-pacing strategies and performance in cross-country skiing
To become good a good biathlete you need endurance, excellent gross and fine motor skills, as well as mental strength.
Whether reading scientific articles on sports physiology or newspaper articles about sports, one is faced with information in terms of numbers and results. In the case of goals scored in a hockey...
During the 2018-2019 season, the Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre and the Swedish Ski Federation will be commencing a longitudinal project focusing on athlete monitoring whithin cross-country...
By means of advanced sensor tests, researchers can measure exactly where on a track a skier slows down or speeds up. This allows their performance to be analysed and training sessions adjusted. The...
He is described as a miracle man and the Gyro Gearloose of long-distance cross-country skiing. He has devised a successful slimming method, introduced the “gear change” technique in skate-skiing an...
The members of the Swedish National Cross-Country Skiing Team now have the opportunity to test out the courses for the 2018 Winter Olympics on a treadmill. At the Swedish Winter Sports Research...
Training apps, heart rate monitors and competition suits fitted with sensors are just a selection of the glut of technological innovations to have swept across the world of sport in the past few...
The aim is to study the effects of air drag and drafting in double poling cross-country skiing by examining how much force and energy the skiers can save by skiing behind the front skier.
The applied mechanics lab is a flexible lab where we design customized test rigs and perform advanced measurement to measure how different mechanical forces affect materials and product properties.
Here is a set of evidence-guided recommendations for warm-up before cross-country skiing, written by Kerry McGawley, Director of the Swedish Winter Sports Centre.
The wind tunnel houses one of the largest treadmills in the world, an enormous fan and advanced climate function allowing for groundbreaking research and testing of various materials and products i...
Natural altitude training can improve performance even when competing at low altitudes.