Helena Johansson

Docent|Associate Professor


Articles in journals

Johansson, H. , Österholm, M. , Flodén, L. & Heidtmann, P. (2024). Clash of cultures? Exploring students’ perceptions of differences between secondary and tertiary mathematics education. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 55: 7, pp. 1567-1596.  

Johansson, H. & Kilhamn, C. (2024). From process to object in teachers’ introductory algebra discourse. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 55: 8, pp. 1814-1830.  

Johansson, H. & Österholm, M. (2023). Algebra discourses in mathematics and physics textbooks : Comparing the use of algebraic symbols. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology,  

Johansson, H. & Österholm, M. (2019). Objectification of upper-secondary teachers’ verbal discourse in relation to symbolic expressions. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, vol. 56  

Johansson, H. (2017). Dependence between creative and non-creative mathematical reasoning in national physics tests. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD, vol. 22: 2, pp. 93-119.  

Johansson, H. (2016). Mathematical Reasoning Requirements in Swedish National Physics Tests. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, vol. 14: 6, pp. 1133-1152.  

Chapters in books

Johansson, H. , Andersson, H. , Nordlinder, E. & von Zeipel, H. (2024). Akademiskt skrivande i flerämnesutbildningar : Exemplet grundlärarprogrammet vid Mittuniversitetet. In Skrivlyftet vid Mittuniversitetet : Akademisk literacitet i praktiken. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 116-130.

Conference papers

Johansson, H. , Norberg, M. & Österholm, M. (2024). Cohesion and tension in task design : students workingwith multimodal tasks. In Mediating mathematics : Proceedings of MADIF 14. Örebro : (Skrifter från Svensk Förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning). pp. 149--149.  

Johansson, H. , Norberg, M. & Österholm, M. (2024). Supporting mathematics teachers’ planning of multimodal teaching. In Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Auckland, New Zealand : . pp. 156--156.

Johansson, H. , Oskarsson, M. & von Zeipel, H. (2023). Engineering students’ approach to studying mathematics and its influence on their achievement. Paper presented at the The 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-14), Shanghai, China, July 11-18, 2021.  

Johansson, H. , Norberg, M. & Österholm, M. (2023). Interplay between modes in mathematics textbooks. In Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Haifa, Israel : . pp. 262--262.

Johansson, H. , Norberg, M. & Österholm, M. (2022). A multimodal perspective on number sense in digital learning resources. In Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Alicante, Spain : . pp. 241--241.

Johansson, H. & Österholm, M. (2021). Algebra discourse in mathematics and physics textbooks for upper secondary school. In Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol.1. Khon Kaen, Thailand : . pp. 149--149.

Johansson, H. , Oskarsson, M. & Nyström, P. (2019). Fysikbegreppets flyktighet : En konsekvens av kursplaneförändringar?. In Från forskning till fysikundervisning : Bidrag från konferensen 10-11 april 2018 i Lund arrangerad av Nationellt Resurscentrum för Fysik. Linköping, Sverige : (Naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik). pp. 33--46.  

Johansson, H. & Kilhamn, C. (2019). Grade 6 teachers’ objectification of the algebra discourse. In Proceedings of the 43rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Pretoria, South Africa : . pp. 51--51.

Johansson, H. , Österholm, M. , Flodén, L. & Heidtmann, P. (2018). Teachers’ and students’ perception of the gap between secondary and tertiary mathematics. In Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Umeå, Sweden : . pp. 77--77.

Johansson, H. & Österholm, M. (2017). Upper-secondary teachers' objectification of symbols by their use of language. In Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Singapore : . pp. 215--215.

Johansson, H. (2015). Relation between mathematical reasoning ability and national formal demands in physics courses. In Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Hobart, Australia : . pp. 121--128.

Johansson, H. (2013). Relation between imitative and creative mathematical reasoning when solving physics tasks. In Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kiel, Germany : . pp. 80--80.

Johansson, H. (2012). Mathematical reasoning requirements to solve tasks in physics tests. In Evaluation and Comparison of Mathematical Achievement: Dimensions and Perspectives: Proceedings of MADIF 8, The Eighth Mathematics Education Research Seminar. Linköping : (Skrifter från Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning). pp. 211--212.

Doctoral theses

Johansson, H. (2015). Mathematical Reasoning : In physics and real-life context. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Göteborg : Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, 2015

Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries

Johansson, H. (2013). Mathematical Reasoning in Physics Tests : Requirements, Relations, Dependence. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Göteborg : Department of Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University, 2013 (Preprint : 2013:18)


Westman, A. & Johansson, H. (2023). Självständigt arbete i samverkan : En försöksverksamhet på lärarutbildningen. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University  

Westman, A. , Eliasson, N. , Johansson, H. & Norberg, M. (2022). Digitala läromedel i praktiken : Ett forskningsprojekt inom Mittuniversitetets ULF-försöksverksamhet. Mid Sweden University  

Johansson, H. & Westman, A. (2022). Likvärdig matematikundervisning : En modell för att stötta obehöriga lärare. Mid Sweden University  

Johansson, H. , Norberg, M. & Österholm, M. (2022). Matematik-app för elever och lärare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet  

Johansson, H. , Oskarsson, M. & Nyström, P. (2018). Glömska eller ytliga fysikkunskaper : Fördjupad analys av svenska elevers sjunkande fysikresultat i TIMSS Advanced 2015. Stockholm : Skolverket (Övriga trycksaker ).    

Nyström, P. , Kjellson Lind, A. , Dahlberg, U. & Johansson, H. (2016). Hur samstämmiga är svenska styrdokument och nationella prov med ramverk och uppgifter i TIMSS Advanced 2015?. Stockholm : Skolverket (Övriga trycksaker ).  

The page was updated 10/10/2023