The dean's Christmas greeting to HUV

Tue 06 Dec 2022 19:31

As the year draws to a close, the HUV-faculty's dean Anna Olofsson sends a greeting to all employees.

Woman with light curly hair and glasses.

It's almost Christmas and midwinter, the darkest and shortest days of the year, but at the same time a sign that the tide is turning and that the days will soon be longer and brighter. 2022 has been a year of darkness. War has replaced the pandemic, and political parties and leaders are ignoring climate change and humanitarian crises. We have seen research questioned and scientists threatened. Nationally, an agreement has been signed that once again demonstrates the interference of politics and its lack of understanding of academic freedom. The role of the universities in these times is very important: Knowledge and critical thinking can provide a counterweight, or at least a resistance, when fascist values are gaining ground and populism is destabilizing democracy. For me, it is the light in the darkness; to have the privilege to work in an academic environment with competent, committed, and creative people.

Now the year is coming to an end, and a time is approaching a different kind of light, and I hope you all will enjoy well-deserved and joyful holidays.

I wish you all a Happy end to 2022 and Happy New 2023!



The page was updated 12/6/2022