Mid Sweden University extends the agreement with Samverket

Tue 09 Jan 2024 11:20

It is now clear that Mid Sweden University will continue to be part of Samverket, Sweden's first innovation and coworking hub for the public sector. The agreement will be extended until the end of May 2025.

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One of several workshops that Mid Sweden University has arranged at Samverket this past year. Associate Professor Henrik Haller is lecturing here. Photo: Mid Sweden University.

When the steering group for Samverket recently summarised its activities for the past year, 2023, it was noted that Samverket has 11 agencies with membership and that 248 employees within these agencies have individual memberships.

"It is a matter of course for us to continue to be part of this business, as one of many parts in our collaboration with the surrounding community. During the year, we in the management team have used Samverket for meetings, among other things. Both researchers and administrative staff have arranged and participated in various events during the year, which is gratifying, says Vice-Chancellor Anders Fällström, who also represents Mid Sweden University in the steering group for Samverket.

During the autumn alone, Samverket has had 33 booked, transparent meetings where, among others, the Police, the County Administrative Board, the National Government Service Center, the Government Offices, Region Jämtland/Härjedalen and Mid Sweden University have opened up their internal meetings and given other authorities the opportunity to listen in. Mid Sweden University is also one of the actors in the Facilitation Network that has been started within Samverket and includes about 50 government employees. 

"Personally, I'm always inspired when I visit Samverket, whether it's about my own meetings or listening to a campfire conversation held by another authority. Finding common challenges where we learn from each other is encouraging and I am happy to collaborate with Samverket as a starting point, says Ronney Wickzell, press officer at Mid Sweden University. 

During the autumn, Samverket was visited by the magazine Publikt, which resulted in an extensive report that you can read here. 

Here you can read more about Mid Sweden University's involvement in Samverket. 


The page was updated 1/9/2024