IT‑services and phones for employees
Here you will find information and guides related to IT and telephone issues directed towards employees at Mid Sweden University.
Contact us
Create a ticket, follow up on your ongoing tickets, get information about current disruptions, order products and services and much more in the
You can also reach us by phone or send us an e-mail
Phone: 010-142 80 00
We answer calls: Monday-Friday 08:00-11:30 and 13:00-16:00
You will find IT Support in Service centre on Monday to Thursday from 10:00-14:00
For urgent matters always contact IT Support by phone
Problems and start-up help in lecture halls
Technical support phone: 010-142 84 65
Operating Systems
Standard OS at Mid Sweden University are MacOS and Windows. The Department of Infrastructure provides support on MacOS for Mac and Windows for PC. If you need another operating system on your computer you can install it, but unfortunately you can not get support if something does not work.