Checklist for Programme Students
Here you can find important information that will be useful to know before arriving to Sweden and while you are a student at Mid Sweden University.
You will receive your Notification of Selection Results on your account at This is your official admission letter and no additional document will be provided. You can download your Notification of Selection Results as a PDF.
Tuition Fee Payment
Terms of payment
Students for whom tuition fees apply are conditionally admitted to Mid Sweden University until the first tuition fee installment is paid in full by the specified deadline set on the payment request. Students who are required to pay tuition fees for studies at Mid Sweden University will receive a payment request for the total tuition fee for the first semester (30 credits). The payment request for the autumn semester 2023 will be send out on the 11th April 2023. The amount will be in SEK (Swedish krona) and is sent to the e-mail address used in the account at tuition fee must be paid one semester at a time, prior to the start of each semester, by the specified deadline set on the payment request. When Mid Sweden University receives payment, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the student. The confirmation will contain a insurance certificate that should be sent to the Swedish Migration Agency.
Payment Method
Students can pay the tuition fee through bank wire transfer from the bank of their choice to Mid Sweden University. For Mid Sweden University to insure that each payment is correctly identified, please state your reference number and name when paying the tuition fee! A confirmation of payment will be sent to the student via email by the university once the tuition fee payment has been received. Please note that this can take a few days.Terms and Conditions for Tuition Fees
Check your passport
Make sure your passport is valid during your studies in Sweden.
Residence Permit Application
For Non-European citizens
Residence permit and visa information for studies in higher educationResidence permit
If you have been admitted to campus based studies for a period longer than three months, you will need to apply for a residence permit for studies in Sweden. You can apply for a residence permit through the Swedish Migration Agency's webpage. When you have received your Notification of Selection Results and paid your tuition fee, it is time to apply for your residence permit. Students who have been admitted to distance education can apply for a visitor’s permit.
Do you need a visa?
For studies that are shorter than three months, citizens in certain countries must have an entry visa. If you are unsure whether you will need a visa to enter Sweden, you can consult the Swedish Government's list below.Please note that the residence permit application can take around 3 months. Be sure to apply as soon as you have received your Notification of Selection Results and paid your tuition fee to avoid further delays.
List of foreign citizens who require Visa for entry into Sweden
Swedish embassies and consulates
Once you have been admitted to Mid Sweden University you need to book your accommodation by contacting the housing company of your choice. Mid Sweden University does not provide student accommodation. However, we cooperate closely with student housing companies in each campus city and recommend different housing companies in Sundsvall and Östersund. The choice of housing varies but all types of student accommodation in Sweden are generally of a high standard. Students admitted to Mid Sweden University for fulltime studies of 30 credits per semester are offered a housing guarantee by the Municipalities in Sundsvall and Östersund. Please bear in mind when applying for housing that you are not guaranteed to get your first hand choice. Apply for accommodation as soon as you have received your Notification of Selection Results (and paid your tuition fees).
You are responsible for picking up the keys from your respective housing office during opening hours. You may have to arrange your own accommodation for the first night if you cannot come during regular office hours to collect your keys. Contact your housing provider to arrange a time to pick up your key.
Information about accommodation in Östersund and Sundsvall
Prevent unpleasant surprises and make sure you have insurance that cover yourself, your property and your accommodation during your stay.
More inforamtion about insurance
Disability learning support
For students with disabilities who need special support to complete their studies, Mid Sweden University offers additional support:
- Help with taking notes
- Adjusted course literature
- Mentor support
- Resource room, a room with special equipment and resources
- Technical/pedagogic help equipment
- Sign language interpreter/note taker
- Special arrangements in the context of an examination
- Adjustment of rooms
Apply for disability learning support here
Attend Introduction Days
Introduction Days consists of a series of digital sessions that are designed to help you become acquainted with life in Östersund and Sundsvall and studies at our university. It also offers a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. During the Introduction Days, you will get a lot of useful information from the university staff about your upcoming studies.
How to activate your student account
As a new student, you need to create a student account to get access to the university´s e-services, such as Ladok, where you can register for courses and examinations etc. Please note that the earliest date to create your student account is 30 days before the semester starts.
To be able to register to your course and to get access to the student web, you will need a It-login at Mid Sweden University. You can do the following steps to get your student login:
1. Start by verifying your identity. Mid Sweden University uses the and EduID as a verification methods, which means that you verify your identity by using an external login service. Please note that international students cannot use EduID as a verification method as it requires students to have a Swedish personal identity number. They must use to verify their identities. You will be redirected to, where you can activate your MIUN account using your login details for
2. When you have verified your identity by using your login information, you will be directed to the Mid Sweden University Student web, where you can create and activate your student account. You will get a user name and choose a password.
3. Your student account is now created and you can log onto the Student web and access information regarding your studies as well as the university´s e-services.
If you encounter any problems with your student account, please contact our IT Support. Email:
Course Registration
Online registration will be open in Ladok 2 working days before the course starts. To be able to register online, you need to have activated your student IT account first (See above in checklist).
Registration to the course is required to be able to attend classes, and will activate your insurance and student account. At the first class, you will receive important information about the course and the requirements in relation to examination and grading. If you are unable to make the first class, contact the department responsible for the course in advance. If you are unsure who to contact about this, contact Service Center and ask for the contact details for the course coordinator.
If you can't register online
Contact the relevant department where you study and ask the faculty administrator at the department to help you to get registered on the course.More abour course registration
Schedules are normally available 4 weeks before the course begins. You can access your course schedule via TimeEdit by entering the course code.
If your course schedule hasn't been published for some reason, please contact the resonsible department who gives the course to ask for a schedule update. If you don't know who to contact at the department, you may contact our Service Center and ask for the contact details to the course or programme coordinator. If you have your course code and course title ready when contacing the Service Center, it will be easier to help you to get in touch with the right person.
MIUN key tag
Once you are registered in your first course at Mid Sweden University, you can order your MIUN key tag.
The Miun key tag acts as your access card in those card readers and gives you access to the premises you should have access to. Which premises are determined by where and what you study or where you are employed.Printouts
The Miun key tag also works to release your prints from our printers.Miun ID
The Miun key tag will be valid as an internal ID document for students and employees of Mid Sweden University and confirms that you have a valid access to the university’s premises, functions and services. The service will be launched in early 2023.Any questions regarding your MIUN key tag, please contact Service Center for more information.
Welcome letter
Once you have been admitted to a course of program, we recommend you to read your welcome letter.There you will find general information for your studies, such as lists of recommended reading, course coordinator and more.
Campus Map
In a new city and ona new campus it can be a bit difficult to find your way around during the first days. Therefore we have put together a campus map and a map of the city center to help you find your way around.
Service Centre
Welcome to our Service Centre. Here we can help you with your questions ranging from practical enquiries to concerns about your studies or student finances.
Search Syllabus and Curriculum
In the syllabus and the curriculum you will find detailed information about a course or program, including the objectives of the education, the main organization of the education program, the courses included and the degree to which the education leads.
Search course syllabus and literature list
Packing for Sweden
Remember to bring all necessary travel documents such as your tickets, passport/ID, insurance papers, documentation from your home university if neccessary, admission letter, cash/credit card, prescriptive medicine, adapter, and remember to pack seasonal appropriate clothing e.g. warm clothing for the winter.
Get more tips from Study in Sweden
Visit the Swedish Migration Agency (if applicable)
If you are a non-EU student and if you do not yet have a Swedish residence permit card (UT card), you need to get photographed and fingerprinted at the Swedish Migration Agency office (National Service Centre) in Sundsvall (i.e. you did not require a visa in order to travel to Sweden and are therefore able to instead provide your biometrical data once you are in Sweden).
Learn Swedish
If you would like to learn Swedish, there are several ways to go about it, both at the University and outside of it. Swedes are generally very good at English and are in fact among the best in the world at English as a second language. However, you may want to learn some (basic) Swedish to really immerse yourself into the Swedish culture and experience. We offer a basic Swedish Language course for international students. This course aims to providing an introduction to Swedish language, as well as to the Swedish culture and society.
Join the Student Union
On both campuses at Mid Sweden University, there are student unions to look after your interests regarding both your education and the social aspects of student life. Student unions are organisations of students for students. They exist to represent your interests and ensure you receive a good education.
If your accommodation is unfurnished, it may be wise for you to to contact the student union or the international committee in your campus city, to ask for recommendations on how to get cheap furniture upon arrival. Sometimes students who are leaving the university have things to give away or sell to new students.
Access local public transport
Buses and trains operate with cashless onboarding. You can purchase your ticket using your bank card or download a travel app and buy your ticket via the app. Visit the bus and train operators for more information about tickets and payment methods below.
Länstrafiken Jämtland/Härjedalen (Östersund)