Engelska GR (A), Business Writing

Welcome to Mid Sweden University!


A warm welcome to the course Engelska GR (A), Business Writing and as a student at Mid Sweden University.  

Welcome to the English GR (A) Business Writing 7.5 credits Course code: EN002G (M2580) The course is given in the teaching platform, Moodle and will open on the first day of term, which is Monday the 20th of January, 2025

  • Educationcode: EN002G
  • Application code: M2580
  • Campus: Flexibel – Sundsvall
  • Study form: Distans
  • Study pace: 25%
  • Kursperiod: 2025-01-20 - 2025-06-08

Firstly, we would like to point out that there are no obligatory physical or online meetings on this course. This is a part-time course that runs the whole term (25% pace). All coursework will be completed in the teaching platform Moodle. You need to be registered on the course to enter Moodle (see below). Please make sure you have a copy of the course book before the course starts (see below).


Fyra veckor innan kursstart ser du ditt schema här.
Please note that the schedule is updated until the start of the course and there may be changes thereafter if something unforeseen occurs.

Can't find the schedule?

In that case, your teacher will inform you where do find it. 

Education information

The course has no meetings so there is no schedule, however, there are a series of deadlines for hand-ins and these should be followed. The fact that there are no physical meetings places extra responsibility on students to plan their work so that assignment deadlines are met. Please note that you will not be allowed to send in many or all of the course assignments towards the end of the course. 

The coursebook that will be used is: Taylor, Shirley. Model Business Letters, Emails and Other Business Documents. 7th ed. Pearson, 2012.

You should also take a look at the course plan for a description of the course aims and learning objectives. See www.miun.se/kursplaner The course code / ‘kurskod’ is EN002G.

Please note that if you have technical problems, you should contact Mid Sweden University’s IT-support: https://www.miun.se/student/studentstod/ Please, do not e-mail your teacher about technical problems – IT-support is the place for this. 

This is what you need to do as a new student

There are several things you need to do as a new student in order to start your studies. If you are a distance student with campus lectures, you need to familiarize yourself with both checklists. 

Follow the checklist carefully! The checklists are in Swedish

Checklist campus student 

Checklist distance student

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns, you are more than welcome to contact us via kontakt@miun.se or by phone 010-142 80 00 at 08.00–16.00.

We look forward to meeting you in Moodle!

Best regards


Course manager

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-12-09