Turismvetenskap, Forskning och utveckling inom turismens resurser, 7,5 hp

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• 15 november för en kurs som startar på vårterminen
• 1 april för en kurs som startar på sommaren 

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Kursplan för:
Turismvetenskap, Forskning och utveckling inom turismens resurser, 7,5 hp
Tourism studies, Advances in tourism-related resources, 7,5 credits

Allmänna data om kursen

  • Kurskod: TUR002F
  • Forskarutbildningsämne: Turismvetenskap
  • Nivå: Forskarnivå
  • Högskolepoäng: 7,5
  • Ansvarig fakultet: Fakulteten för humanvetenskap
  • Ansvarig institution: Ekonomi, geografi, juridik och turism
  • Fastställd: 2015-08-13
  • Senast ändrad: 2022-03-21
  • Giltig fr.o.m: 2022-02-14


The central focus of this course is on the planning, development, and management of both natural but also human-built tourism resources. Specific attention is paid towards: (a) how tourism makes use of such resources; and (b) the economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts of tourism-related activities on these resources and destinations overall. The course draws from the framework of sustainable development, which has a guiding long-term aim to balance socioeconomic growth objectives with the need to enhance community equity, and the necessity to protect natural as well as human-constructed resources within destinations. As such, tourism is examined in a holistic manner, as an integral component of a destination, which both affects and is affected by other sectors.


Upon completing the course, students will demonstrate
1. A thorough understanding of the debates and challenges involved in achieving sustainability.
2. Critical knowledge related to the diverse ways for addressing sustainability
3. A solid grasp of ontological and epistemological approaches in sustainability research
4. An ability to critically examine and assess how various tourism-related activities influence particular destinations
5. Versatility in utilizing a variety of frameworks relating to resource planning and management in tourism destinations
6. Be able to critically select and apply appropriate management and planning tools that are specific to contingencies characterizing a variety of destinations


On the one hand, the course focuses on the impacts tourism has on a destination, while on the other hand, it looks at the interplay between tourism and resources and seeks to convey the need for tourism-derived development to be achieved within the sustainability paradigm. The nature of the course is multi-disciplinary, touching on disciplines like tourism and leisure studies, regional studies, geography, ecology, natural resource management and planning. A critical eye is cast on the meaning of concepts such as sustainable tourism and growth management while the students are exposed, among others, to literature and theories relating to resource planning and management, the need for such activities as well as the obstacles that have to be overcome in order to achieve sustainability. Additionally, attention is paid to various techniques that are used to deal with issues of carrying capacity, visitor management, planning frameworks, and overall change within destinations. The course focuses not only on the environmental dimensions associated with tourism development but also examines in detail issues related to equity within host societies.


To be admitted to the course the candidate must be enrolled in a postgraduate (doctoral) program. A person who is permanently employed at Mid-Sweden University can be offered a place on postgraduate courses when there are vacant spots, provided that requirements for eligibility and other conditions have been fulfilled and that the person participates in the course within the terms of his/her employment.
(Äldre gymnasiebetyg)


Urval sker i enlighet med Högskoleförordningen och den lokala antagningsordningen.


Teaching within the realm of this course will be in descending order of importance the form of seminars, lectures, and tutorials. Students are expected to complete all the required readings before a seminar and must participate actively in class discussions. It is possible that students may also be required to participate in a field activity.


- Participation in seminars/in-class discussions or any other activities is requested.
- Individual written assignments and seminars including paper presentation with opponents.


Underkänd (U) eller Godkänd (G)


Välj litteraturlista:

Obligatorisk litteratur

  • Författare/red: Stoffelen, A. & Ioannides, D.
  • Titel: Handbook of Tourism Impacts: Social and Environmental Perspectives
  • Upplaga: 2022
  • Förlag: Elgar
  • Kommentar: Selected chapters from the handbook will be assigned during the course


  • Författare/red: Singh, T.V.
  • Titel: Critical debates in tourism.
  • Upplaga: 2012
  • Förlag: Bristol: Channel View Press.

Additional literature: Scientific reports, articles, and so on will be communicated and provided at the beginning of the course.

Kolla om litteraturen finns på biblioteket

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-02-23