ENSURE 6G ‑ Remote sensing and data fusion integration for Industrial logistics in Rural Areas with 6G

The project's objective is to create data-driven automation solutions enabled by robust wireless connectivity, and attract talents to this region by creating the North-Nordic inter-regional ICT Belt, which is a key requirement for the region’s sustainable growth and development.

Forskaren Staffan Rydblom vid mätrustningen på Åreskutan.

News from the project

Project leader

Nurul Huda Mahmood

Projektledare ENSURE-6G

University of Oulu

Project members

Lars Skandevall

Bron Innovation AB

Manu Setälä

Solita Oy

Michael Jakobsson

Starbit AB

Jean De Souza Santana


Oulu University

Vinicius Pozzobon Borin


Oulu University

The page was updated 1/23/2025