Vicky Angelaki


About Vicky Angelaki

Vicky Angelaki joined the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences in January 2020 as Professor. She is an interdisciplinary literary scholar with emphasis on Theatre Studies.
Prior to joining MIUN, Angelaki was based in the United Kingdom for 15 years, where she held full-time, permanent roles at Birmingham City University; University of Birmingham; University of Reading. In Sweden, she has also worked at the Comparative Literature subject at Mälardalen University.
Vicky Angelaki's PhD, funded by a College scholarship at Royal Holloway, University of London, and titled Making Theatre Strange: A Phenomenological Approach to the Work of Martin Crimp, 1985-2008, was awarded in 2009.
Vicky Angelaki's commitment to interdisciplinarity and internationalism informs all aspects of her work. Her research, teaching, conference organising and extensive collaborative networks in Sweden and abroad are driven by these principles.

In 2021, Vicky Angelaki was awarded research funding by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond for her project "Föreställning av mellanrum: social flyktighet i samtidens teater" ("Performing Interspaces: Social Fluidities in Contemporary Theatre"). The project falls under the RJ Sabbatical grant and was carried out over the 2022 calendar year. The work resulted in the monograph Staging Interspaces in Contemporary British Theatre: Environment and Fluidity, published by Palgrave Macmillan (Springer) in 2024 and available as Open-Access book through the following link:

In 2024, Angelaki was awarded external funding by Stiftelsen Ingrid och Torsten Gihls fond / Vitterhetsakademien, for research to be carried out in 2025 in association with the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome.

Pronouns: she/her


- BA (Hons) English Language and Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2003 (including Erasmus scholarship, Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg)
- MA in Research (Drama and Theatre) with Distinction, Royal Holloway University of London, 2005
- Postgraduate Certificate in Skills of Teaching to Inspire Learning, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2007
- PhD in Drama and Theatre, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2009
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2018

Previous academic roles in the United Kingdom (full-time, permanent):
- Associate Professor of Theatre, University of Reading (2016-20)
- Lecturer in Drama, University of Birmingham (2012-16)
- Lecturer in English and Drama, Birmingham City University (2009-12)

Visiting research roles:
- Guest Researcher, Swedish Institute in Paris (2023)
- Visiting Professor (Research), Sapienza, University of Rome (2022)
- Visiting Research Fellow, Moore Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway (2017)

Languages spoken:
English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Swedish


Vicky Angelaki's research profile is comprised of the following areas and their interconnections:

Literature, theatre and performance in their intersection with society and politics
Environmental humanities (focus on the climate crisis; resource drain; landscape studies; classed ecologies)
Cultural sociology (focus on theatre/literature and digital environments; discourses on crisis; class; spatiality; mobility; COVID-19 and the arts)
Literary/critical theory and philosophy
Translation and adaptation
Art history and visual forms of representation


Current projects include a number of commissioned peer-reviewed book chapters for edited collections and special issues of leading theatre and interdisciplinary journals, including open access and invited talks/keynotes concentrating primarily on theatre and environment; social and political drama and performance; creative collaboration and interdisciplinarity.

In collaboration with Elisabeth Angel-Perez (Sorbonne Université) and Clara Escoda (Universitat de Barcelona) Angelaki is currently co-editing the volume Martin Crimp: The Writer and the Work, contracted with Liverpool University Press for publication in the series Playwriting and the Contemporary: Critical Collaborations (2026).

Vicky Angelaki also co-edits the series Adaptation in Theatre and Performance (contracted with Palgrave Macmillan, 2017-present, with Kara Reilly). To date, ten books have been published, with more titles forthcoming. Further information is available here:

List of Selected Publications

(Kindly note that formatting does not support italics in this section; for DiVA list, please see below)


Angelaki, V. (2024) Staging Interspaces in Contemporary British Theatre: Environment and Fluidity. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. (304 pp.)
Angelaki, V. (2022) Martin Crimp’s Power Plays: Intertextuality, Sexuality, Desire. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (120 pp.)
Angelaki, V. (2019) Theatre & Environment. London: Macmillan/Red Globe Press / Bloomsbury. (104 pp.)
Angelaki, V. (2017) Social and Political Theatre in 21st-Century Britain: Staging Crisis. London: Bloomsbury. (266 pp.)
Angelaki, V. (2012) The Plays of Martin Crimp: Making Theatre Strange. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (228 pp.)

Edited Collection

Angelaki, V. ed. (2013; reissued in paperback 2016) Contemporary British Theatre: Breaking New Ground. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (192 pp.)

Co-Edited Journal Issues

Angelaki, V. and E. Sakellaridou, eds. (2022) Theatre and Ecology, Special Issue of Critical Stages / Scènes critiques (26). Open Access, available at:
Jeffery, L. and V. Angelaki, eds. (2022) A New Poetics of Space, Special Issue of Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism (26.3). (97 pp.)
Angelaki, V., A. Jeffers and S. Musca, eds. (2019) Theatre and Migration: Between Ethics and Aesthetics, Special Issue of Performing Ethos (9.1). (100 pp.)
Angelaki, V. and D. Rebellato, eds. (2014) Dealing with Martin Crimp, Special Issue of Contemporary Theatre Review (24.3). (120 pp.)

Journal Articles

Angelaki, V. (2022) “Writing in the Green: Imperatives towards an Eco-n-temporary Theatre Canon”. Journal of Contemporary Drama in English, 10(1), pp. 26-43.
Angelaki, V. and E. Sakellaridou (2022) “On Theatre and Ecology at Critical Junctions: Editors’ Introduction”. Critical Stages / Scènes critiques (26). (Online, Open Access).
Available at:
Jeffery, L. and V. Angelaki (2022) “Introduction”, Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 26(3), pp. 203-9.
Angelaki, V. (2020) “Martin Crimp and Katie Mitchell Twenty Years On”, Contemporary Theatre Review, 30(2), pp. 293-5.
Angelaki, V. (2019) “Performing Migration in Vienna: The Volkstheater Trilogy”, Performing Ethos, 9(1), pp. 9-22.
Angelaki, V. (2016) “The (In)Human Condition: Animality in Simon Stephens’s Three Kingdoms”, Sillages Critiques, 20. Available at: (10 pp.)
Angelaki, V. (2016) “Luc Bondy at the Wiener Festwochen”, Contemporary Theatre Review, 26(3), pp. 404–05.
Angelaki, V. (2016) “The Space and Culture of Translation: Ferdinand Bruckner’s Pains of Youth by Martin Crimp and Katie Mitchell”, Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance, 9(1), pp. 67–82.
Angelaki, V. (2015) “From History to ‘Ourstories’ in Martin Crimp’s Metanarratives”, Journal of Contemporary Drama in English, 3(1), pp. 142–55.
Angelaki, V. (2015) “(Up)Setting the Scene: Open Court as Staging and Spectating Intervention”, Contemporary Theatre Review, 25(4), pp. 472–87.
Angelaki, V. (2014) “Alles Weitere kennen Sie aus dem Kino: Martin Crimp at the Cutting Edge of Representation”, Contemporary Theatre Review, 24(3), pp. 315–30.
Angelaki, V. (2014) “Introduction: Dealing with Martin Crimp”, Contemporary Theatre Review, 24(3), pp. 309–14.
Angelaki, V. (2013) “Whose Voice? Tim Crouch’s The Author and Active Listening on the Contemporary Stage”, Sillages Critiques, Available at: (10 pp.)
Angelaki, V. (2011) “Martin Crimp and Border Crossing: The Australian Turn”, Contemporary Theatre Review, 21(4), pp. 544–46.
Angelaki, V. (2010) “Lessons from Harold Pinter”, Studies in Theatre and Performance, 30(3), pp. 263–73.
Angelaki, V. (2006) “The Private and the Public Wars: A Play by Martin Crimp”, Platform, 1(1), pp. 32–41.

Chapters in Edited Collections

Angelaki, V. (2023) "Ella Hickson’s ANNA (2019) and Lucy Kirkwood’s Mosquitoes (2017): Staging the Female Body Electric", in Angel-Perez, E. and A. Rousseau (eds.) The New Wave of British Women Playwrights: 2008 – 2021. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 91-110.
Angelaki, V. (2022) “Creative Contexts and Crises of Care: Ella Hickson’s The Writer", in Escoda, E., E. Monforte and C. Wallace (eds.) British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 39-53.
Angelaki, V. (2022) “Environment, Virus, Dystopia: Disruptive Spatial Representations", in Tönnies, M. and E. Voigts (eds.) Twenty-First Century Anxieties:
Dys/Utopian Spaces and Contexts in Contemporary British Theatre. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 43-56.
Angelaki, V. (2021) “Adaptation and Environment: Landscape, Community and Politics in Henrik Ibsen’s Rosmersholm by Duncan Macmillan (2019)”, in Rai, S., M.Gluhovic, S. Jestrovic and M. Saward (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 437-50.
Angelaki, V. (2014) “Witness or Accomplice? Unsafe Spectatorship in the Work of Anthony Neilson and Simon Stephens”, in Aragay, M. and E. Monforte (eds.) Ethical Speculations in Contemporary British Theatre. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 135–51.
Angelaki, V. (2013) “Introduction”, in Angelaki, V. (ed.) Contemporary British Theatre: Breaking New Ground. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–8.
Angelaki, V. (2013) “Politics for the Middle Classes: Contemporary Audiences and the Violence of Now”, in Angelaki, V. (ed.) Contemporary British Theatre: Breaking New Ground. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 57–78.
Angelaki, V. (2010) “Ethics Take Centre Stage: Issues and Representation for Today’s Political Theatre”, in Meyer-Dinkgräfe, D. and D. Watt (eds.) Ethical Encounters: Boundaries of Theatre, Performance and Philosophy. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 199–207.
Angelaki, V. (2010) “Grenzen hinausschieben, Zuschauer herausfordern: Zur Rezeption Howard Barkers”, in Mengel, E., R. Weiss et al (eds.) Weltbühne Wien/World Stage Vienna: Die Rezeption Anglophoner Dramen auf Wiener Bühnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, pp. 297–311.
Angelaki, V. (2009) “Breaking Down Barriers High and Low: The Case of the UK’s National Theatre”, in Coelsch-Foisner, S. and D. Flothow (eds.) High Culture and/versus Popular Culture. Heidelberg: Winter, pp. 85–93.
Angelaki, V. (2008) “Subtractive Forms and Composite Contents: Martin Crimp’s Fewer Emergencies”, in Redling, E. and P. Schnierer (eds.) Contemporary Drama in English 15. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, pp. 31–46.
Angelaki, V. (2008) “Taking a Bite of the Big Apple: Martin Crimp’s The Treatment”, in Angel-Perez, E. and A. Poulain (eds.) Hunger on the Stage. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 257–67.
Angelaki, V. (2007) “Performing Phenomenology: The Theatre of Martin Crimp”, in Meyer-Dinkgräfe, D. and D. Watt (eds.) Theatres of Thought. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 6-12.
Angelaki, V. (2007) “Structuring Consciousness through Objects: Fluctuating Roles and Selves in Crimp, Pinter and Ionesco”, in Meyer-Dinkgräfe, D. (ed.) Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts 2007. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 126-33.

For Vicky Angelaki's text on the climate crisis as engaged with in contemporary theatre for the Drama Online platform, please visit:

Conference Keynotes and Invited Research Papers (since 2020)

“Balancing Intersecting Crises: Sustainability, COVID and Climate in Crimp and Kirkwood”
Conference paper
At: Annual conference of the Irish Society for Theatre Research, University of Galway
"Towards an Environmental Theatre Community: Crises, Possibilities, Pedagogies"
Conference paper
At: “Connecting Communities of English – English for Connecting Communities”, National Forum for English Studies, Mälardalen University
“Theatre, Community and Climate Consolation”
Conference paper
At: Consolation in Contemporary British and Postcolonial Literatures conference, École normale supérieure de Lyon
“Towards an Interspatial Ecology in Contemporary Theatre: Theory, Text, Performance”
Keynote paper
At: Theatre in Times of Crisis symposium, University of Heidelberg

“Empathy, Environment, Embodiment: Self and Cosmos in Contemporary British Theatre”
Invited paper
At: Empathy Colloquium, University of Lisbon
“Engagements with Landscape in Contemporary British Theatre”
Invited paper
At: Reprising Romanticism: Romantic Re-Creations in Contemporary British Theatre (1980-2020) symposium, University of Parma
“The Pandemic and the Anthropocene”
Invited paper
At: Viral Theatres: Pandemic Past / Hybrid Futures conference, Freie Universität Berlin

“Corroded Landscapes, Eroded Communities”
Invited talk
At: Crisis, Dying, Apocalypse: Subjectivity, Progress and Ecology in the Light of the Anthropocene conference, Mid Sweden University
“Disturbing the Binary: Country, City, and Environmental Concerns in Contemporary British Theatre”
Keynote paper
At: History and Memory conference, Theatre and Drama Network (collaborative platform of Turkish universities), online
“Dystopian Place in Contemporary British Theatre: Disruptive Spatial Re-presentations”
Invited talk
At: Dystopian/Utopian Theatre in Britain after 2000 and Its Political Spaces conference, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld
“Iterations of Authorship in Martin Crimp’s Theatre: Complex Acts of Storytelling”
Invited talk
At: Theatre and the Novel: Stories, Practices and Cultural Models of the European Scene between the 20th and the 21st Century conference, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
“Practice as Research, Environment and COVID-19”
Invited lecture
At: Department of English and American Studies, University of Salzburg
“Reflections on Critical Stages: Theatre and Ecology and Environmental Concerns in Performance”
Seminar contribution
At: Theatre and Ecology event, Royal Holloway, University of London
“Writing in the Green: Imperatives towards an Eco-n-temporary Theatre Canon”
Keynote paper
At: Critical Theatre Ecologies conference, Annual Contemporary Drama in English (CDE) conference, University of Augsburg

“Brexit and / As Literature”
“Contemporary British Drama and Society: Beyond Neoliberalism”
“Practice as Research: Environment, Academia and Performance”
Series of invited lectures
At: Department of English and American Studies, University of Salzburg
“Ella Hickson and the 21st-Century Female Body Electric”
Conference paper
At: The New Wave of British Women Playwrights conference, Sorbonne University

Other activity:

Within MIUN, Vicky is collaborating on the research network "Political Literatures", a collaborative initiative which operates on a research and research-led teaching planning remit (since 2020, ongoing).


Teaching includes courses and supervision at all levels.

At MIUN, Vicky Angelaki is the lead supervisor for a PhD thesis focusing on the author Nanny Hammarström (1870 – 1953) (Doctoral researcher: Jan Hansson; second supervisor: Helen Asklund). She also co-supervises two PhD theses in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Reading, UK (Department of Film, Theatre and Television) and one PhD thesis in collaboration with colleagues at Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy.


Vicky Angelaki regularly peer reviews for major arts and humanities publishers and academic journals and collaborates with major theatres on guest talks and programme essays.

Her professional associations have included: European Theatre Research Network (ETRN); German Society for Contemporary Drama in English (CDE); International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR/FIRT), Political Performances Working Group; Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA); Advisory Committee for the research project “Atmospheric Theatre”, University of Exeter, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council; contributor to the international research project “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”, University of Barcelona; contributor to the international project “Migrant Dramaturgies: International Perspectives on Theatre and Migration”, University of Lisbon.

Vicky Angelaki regularly examines Doctoral and Postgraduate theses in Sweden and internationally. She also served as External Examiner for the Undergraduate programmes in Drama, Theatre and Performance, University of Galway (2017-21). 

In 2024, Vicky Angelaki was appointed to serve on the international assessment panel for KoF24, the research evaluation exercise of Uppsala University.

Extra kontaktinformation

Link to Vicky Angelaki's funded project with Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (1 January - 31 December 2022):

In Swedish

In English

Direct link to the Open Access monograph, which was the primary output of the above project.


Sidan uppdaterades 2024-12-20