Christina Grandien
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Tjänstetitel: Universitetslektor
- Akademisk titel: Universitetslektor
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428765
- E-postadress:
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Forskningscentra:
Christina Grandien forskar om institutionella och organisatoriska dimensioner av strategisk kommunikation. Hon har genomfört projekt om förändringsprocesser, politisk kommunikation, värdet av kommunikation och professionalisering av kommunikationsyrket.
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Arnesson, J. & Grandien, C. (2024). Behind-the-scenes of the parliament : Influencer genres and political authenticity on Swedish politicians’ YouTube channels. Convergence. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies,
Johansson, C. , Grandien, C. & Strandh, K. (2019). Roadmap for a communication maturity index for organizations—Theorizing, analyzing and developing communication value. Public Relations Review, vol. 45: 4
Falasca, K. , Dymek, M. & Grandien, C. (2019). Social media election campaigning : who is working for whom? A conceptual exploration of digital political labour. Contemporary Social Science, vol. 14: 1, ss. 89-101.
Grandien, C. (2017). Pulling together and tearing apart : The occupational branding of public relations and the management of tainted work. Public Relations Inquiry, vol. 6: 1, ss. 73-98.
Falasca, K. & Grandien, C. (2017). Where you lead we will follow : A longitudinal study of strategic political communication and inter-party relations in election campaigning. Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 17: 3
Grandien, C. & Johansson, C. (2016). Organizing and disorganizing strategic communication : Discursive institutional change in dynamics in two communication departments. International Journal of Strategic Communication, vol. 10: 4, ss. 332-351.
Strömbäck, J. , Grandien, C. & Falasca Larsson, K. (2013). Do Campaign Strategies and Tactics Matter? : Exploring Party Elite Perceptions of What Matters When Explaining Election Outcomes. Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 13: 1, ss. 41-52.
Grandien, C. & Johansson, C. (2011). Institutionalization of communication management in organizations – A theoretical framework. Corporate Communications. An International Journal, vol. 17: 2, ss. 209-227.
Grandien, C. (). Organizational and occupational commitments of communication practitioners : sectorial comparisons of the role of the employing organization. Journal of Communication Management,
Grandien, C. (2016). Strategic Communication Found in Translation : Practices, Practitioners and Perceptions. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, 2016 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 251)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Grandien, C. & Arnesson, J. (2024). A human behind the politics? : Personalisation and interactions in the comments sections of Swedish politicians’ YouTube channels. I Influencer politics : At the Intersection of Personal, Political,and Promotional. Walter de Gruyter. S. 87-104.
Grandien, C. & Johansson, C. (2024). Ledarskap och kommunikation för hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. I Globala utmaningar – lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. S. 109-111.
Arnesson, J. & Grandien, C. (2022). Partiledarvloggar, polfluencers, och parasocialitetens betydelser för valet 2022. I Snabbtänkt 2.0 22 : reflektioner från valet 2022 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport). S. 43-.
Grandien, C. & Josef, P. (2021). Intresseorganisationer, metaorganisationer och kommunikation : röster och arenor för policyformering. I Organisationer och kommunikation. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. S. 221-258.
Grandien, C. & Falasca, K. (2020). Under the influence of the influencers. I Stjärnspäckat : Reflektioner från amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, Demicom (DEMICOM rapport). S. 32-.
Grandien, C. (2018). Under the influence : parasociala opinionsledare och valet. I Snabbtänkt : Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport). S. 122-.
Helgesson, E. & Grandien, C. (2015). On the borderlines of advocacy : Situational professional ethics in the identity construction of public relations consultants. I Communication Ethics in a Connected World: Research in Public Relations and Organisational Communication. Peter Lang Publishing Group. S. 215-233.
Fagerholm, A. , Grandien, C. & Lozanovski, J. (2009). Centerpartiets valkampanj 2006 : en fallstudie. I Väljarna, Partierna och Medierna : En Studie av Politisk Kommunikation i Valrörelsen 2006. Stockholm : SNS förlag. S. 89-123.
Christina, G. (2008). Kommunikatörernas roll och arbetssätt. I Kommunikation i förändringsprocesser. Malmö : Liber.
Helgesson, E. , Grandien, C. , Jämtelid, K. , Elving, W. & Johansson, C. (2024). Climate communication in action. I The Art of Communication : Bridging the Future and Past of Strategic Communicationin a New Technological Ecosystem.
Bader, S. , Grandien, C. & Jaldemark, J. (2022). A tentative model for sustainable pedagogical digital competence development : Exploring networked learning in an educational development project. I Proceedings for the Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning 2022. Aalborg : . S. 1--7.
Falasca, K. , Dymek, M. & Grandien, C. (2017). Exploring Digital Political Labour : political public relations and the exploitation of social media engagement. Paper presented at the The International Communication Association's 67th Annual Conference, Interventions: Communication Research and Practice. San Diego, USA, 25-29 May 2017
Johansson, C. & Grandien, C. (2016). Communication for sustainable organizing. Paper presented at the VEC Conference and the 10th Annual UCCN Meeting, Mid Sweden University, 12-14 September, 2016, Östersund
Falasca, K. & Grandien, C. (2016). Leaders and followers - a longitudinal study of inter-party relations in election campaigning.. Paper presented at the International Communication Association's 66th Annual Conference, Communication through Power, Fukuoka, Japan - 9-13 June 2016.
Falasca, K. & Grandien, C. (2015). Where you lead we will follow : A longitudinal study of strategic political communication in election campaigning. Paper presented at the International Communication Association's 65th Annual Conference, Communication Across the Life Span, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21-25 May 2015
Johansson, C. & Grandien, C. (2010). Leading change or living change? : Conceptualizing institutionalization of communication management in organizational change. Paper presented at the 12th Annual EUPRERA Congress, Communication in a Changing Society: Dynamics, Risks and Uncertainty. University of Jyväskylä, Finland, September 23-24, 2010
Nord, L. , Strömbäck, J. , Grandien, C. & Ottestig, A. T. (2006). When A Natural Disaster Becomes a Political Crisis. A Swedish Case Study. : Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany, Jun 16, 2006.
Falasca, K. & Grandien, C. Where you lead we will follow : A longitudinal study ofstrategic political communication and inter-partyrelations in election campaigning.
Johansson, C. , Helgesson, E. , Jämtelid, K. , Grandien, C. & Jeppsson, K. (2024). Kommunicera klimatstrategier. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (DEMICOM rapport 55).
Grandien, C. , Nord, L. & Strömbäck, J. (2005). Efter flodvågskatastrofen. : Svenska folkets åsikter om och förtroende för myndigheter, medier och politiker. Stockholm : Krisberedskapsmyndigheten (KBM:s temaserie 2005:4).