Christer Hedlund
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Tjänstetitel: Universitetslektor
- Ansvarsområde: Ämne: Kvalitetsteknik
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1427853
- E-postadress:
- Rumsnummer: Q109c
- Ort: Östersund
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Kvalitetsledning
- Kvalitetsteknik
Teknologie doktor i elektronik från Uppsala universitet, 1997. Post-doc at University of New York, Albany, 1999. Forskare, forskningsledare Uppsala universitet, 2000.
Forskning och utveckling av plastbaserade minnen vi företaget Thin Film Electronics, 2000-2005.
Processledare samt Lean leader, kretskortstillverkning Solectron/Flextronics, 2006-2009. Konsult i egen firma Verksamhetsutveckling/Lean, 2009-nu. Extern VD i ett tillverkande bolag, 2010. Lean coach i den nationella programmet Produktionslyftet, 2010-nu. Startat upp, utvecklat och sålt ett tillverkande bolag, 2011-2012.
Adjungerad Lektor Kvalitetsteknik, 2013-2016. Lektor i Kvalitetsteknik 2016-nu.
Kvalitetsteknik, kvalitetsledning, Lean, Ledarskap i Lean miljö, Förändringsledning, Verksamhetsutveckling.
Tidigare forskningsområde: Fasta tillståndets elektronik.
Processer för tillverkning av kiselbaserad elektronik och mikromekanik. Processutveckling. Plasmaprocesser.
Utvecklar coachingmodeller för ledare i organisationer med värderingsbaserat tankesätt. Projektet heter Simply Lean.
Förändringsledning av stora system och program.
Undervisar i magisterprogrammet, Kvalitetsutveckling (TEKLA), samt kurser i Kvalitetsteknik.
Mobil 0708-829 321 Rum Q109C
Återbruksslöjd- Hållbara materialflöden i Härnösands kommun
En omställning till en än mer preventiv och hälsofrämjande kommunal verksamhet
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Lilja, J. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. , Bäckström, I. & Hedlund, C. (2020). Metaphors we manage and develop quality by. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 12: 4, ss. 405-416.
Hedlund, C. , Stenmark, P. , Noaksson, E. & Lilja, J. (2020). More value from fewer resources : How to expand value stream mapping with ideas from circular economy. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, : 4, ss. 447-459.
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. , Hedlund, C. & Lilja, J. (2018). Capturing value-based leadership in practice : Insights from developing and applying an AI-interview guide. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 10: 4, ss. 422-430.
Snyder, K. , Hedlund, C. , Ingelsson, P. & Bäckström, I. (2017). Storytelling : a co-creative process to support value-based leadership. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 9: 3/4, ss. 484-497.
Rosén, D. , Olsson, J. & Hedlund, C. (2001). Membrane Covered Electrically Isolated Through-Wafer Via Holes. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 11: 4, ss. 344-347.
Jonsson, K. , Köhler, J. , Hedlund, C. & Stenmark, L. (2001). Oxygen Plasma Wafer Bonding Evaluated by the Weibull Fracture Probability Method. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 11: 4, ss. 364-370.
Köhler, J. , Strandman, C. , Vallin, Ö. , Hedlund, C. & Bäcklund, Y. (2001). Silicon fusion bond interfaces resilient to wet anisotropic etchants. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 11, ss. 359-363.
Pasquariello, D. , Hedlund, C. & Hjort, K. (2000). Oxidation and induced damages in oxygen plasma in situ wafer bonding. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 147: 7, ss. 2699-2703.
Jonsson, L. , Westlinder, J. , Engelmark, F. , Hedlund, C. , Du, J. , Smith, U. & Blom, H. (2000). Patterning of tantalum pentoxide, a high epsilon material, by inductively coupled plasma etching. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, vol. 18: 4, ss. 1906-1910.
Pasquariello, D. , Lindeberg, M. , Hedlund, C. & Hjort, K. (2000). Surface energy as a function of self-bias voltage in oxygen plasma wafer bonding. Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, vol. A82, ss. 239-244.
Jonsson, L. , Hedlund, C. , Katardjiev, I. & Berg, S. (1999). Compositional variations of sputter deposited Ti/W barrier layers on substrates with pronounced surface topography. Thin Solid Films, vol. 348: 1-2, ss. 227-232.
Thornell, G. , Ericson, F. , Hedlund, C. , Ohrmalm, J. , Schweitz, J. & Portnoff, G. (1999). Residual stress in sputtered gold films on quartz measured by the cantilever beam deflection technique. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 46: 4, ss. 981-992.
Rangsten, P. , Hedlund, C. , Katardjiev, I. & Backlund, Y. (1998). Etch rates of crystallographic planes in Z-cut quartz - experiments and simulation. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 8: 1, ss. 1-6.
Schaepkens, M. , Oehrlein, G. S. , Hedlund, C. , Jonsson, L. & Blom, H. (1998). Selective SiO2-to-Si3N4 etching in inductively coupled fluorocarbon plasmas: Angular dependence of SiO2 and Si3N4 etching rates. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, vol. A16: 6, ss. 3281
Hedlund, C. , Jonsson, L. , Katardjiev, I. , Berg, S. & Blom, H. (1997). Angular dependence of the polysilicon etch rate during dry etching in SF6 and Cl-2. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, vol. 15: 3, ss. 686-691.
Shamrai, K. P. , Virko, V. F. , Blom, H. , Pavlenko, V. P. , Taranov, V. B. , Jonsson, L. , Hedlund, C. & Berg, S. (1997). Discharge disruptions in a helicon plasma source. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, vol. 15: 6, ss. 2864-2874.
Hedlund, C. , Strandman, C. , Katardjiev, I. , Bäcklund, Y. , Berg, S. & Blom, H. (1996). A Method for the Determination of the Angular Dependence during Dry Etching. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, vol. 14: 5, ss. 3239
Jonsson, L. , Hedlund, C. , Katardjiev, I. , Barklund, A. , Blom, H. & Berg, S. (1995). Controlled topography production - True 3D simulation and experiment. Vacuum, vol. 46, ss. 971-975.
Hedlund, C. , Blom, H. & Berg, S. (1994). Microloading effect in reactive ion etching. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, vol. 12: 4, ss. 1962-1965.
Hedlund, C. , Carlsson, P. , Blom, H. , Berg, S. & Katardjiev, I. V. (1994). Preferential sputtering of silicon from metal silicides at elevated temperatures. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, vol. 12: 4, ss. 1542-1546.
Hedlund, C. , Lindberg, U. & Söderkvist, U. (1993). Anisotropic etching of Z-cut quartz. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 3, ss. 65-73.
Hedlund, C. , Bucht, U. & Söderkvist, J. (1992). Two-dimensional etching diagrams for z-cut quartz. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 2, ss. 215-217.
Andreasson, E. , Solveig, G. , Stenmark, P. , Persson Slumpi, T. , Ahlin, K. , Johansson, K. , Lilja, j. , Hedlund, C. & et al. (2020). Kokbok för förändringsledare : Metoder för att stötta engagerade människor att förverkliga idéer. Mid Sweden University
Hedlund, C. (1997). Modeling, simulation and experimental studies of plasma processing. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1997 (Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology : 258)
Hedlund, C. , Jørgensen, R. , Lilja, J. & Bergqvist, A. G. (2024). Are beliefs, norms, and attitudes limiting reuse and circularity in the building sector?. Paper presented at the Euroma 2024,TRANSFORMING PEOPLE AND PROCESSES FOR A BETTER WORLD, Barcelona, Spain, 29 June- 3 July, 2024
Lilja, J. , Snyder, K. , Östberg, L. , Eidolf, J. , Jørgensen, R. & Hedlund, C. (2024). Ecosystem facilitation for a better world : exploring the role of ecosystemic enablers for regenerative transformation. Paper presented at the EurOMA: "Transforming People and Processes for a Better World", Barcelona, Spain, 29th June - 3rd July, 2024
Jaca, C. , Villar-Rosety, F. M. , Bäckström, I. & Hedlund, C. (2024). Integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into Quality Subjects for Higher Education Students. I International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management.. S. 328--344.
Hedlund, C. , Jørgensen, R. , Lilja, J. & Gutke-Bergqvist, A. (2023). Can mapping intentions towards sustainability expand reuse and circularity in building industry?. Paper presented at the EUROMA - A Systems Lens on Operations, Leuven, Belgium, July 3-5, 2023
Lilja, J. , Snyder, K. , Jørgensen, R. , Hedlund, C. & Östberg, L. (2023). Exploring an ecosystemic and regenerative approach to quality management : towards new theory and practice for a living world. Paper presented at the EUROMA - A Systems Lens on Operations, Leuven, Belgium, July 3-5, 2023
Jørgensen, R. , Lilja, J. , Hedlund, C. & Pedersen, T. (2023). Stop destroying waste : how collaboration in take-back systems creates value instead of waste. Paper presented at the EUROMA - A Systems Lens on Operations, Leuven, Belgium, July 3-5, 2023
Eriksson, M. & Hedlund, C. (2022). Preventative activities in public services : a study of Skolfam. I 25th EISIC conference proceeding.
Hedlund, C. & Stenmark, P. (2019). Exploring the Impact of Consumer Attitudes on Reusage and Waste Prevention. I 22nd QMOD conference : Conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2019, 13-15 October 2019, Krakow, Poland. Lund :
Lilja, J. , Abrahamsson, C. , Palm, K. & Hedlund, C. (2018). What Quality Management can Learn from Designers about Being Qualitative. I Proceedings for Pin-C 2018.
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. , Hedlund, C. & Lilja, J. (2017). Capturing Value-based leadership in Practice: : Insights from developing and applying an AI-interview guide. I Challenges and Opportunities of Quality in the 4th Industrial Revolution : On quality and service sciences ICQSS 2017.
Hedlund, C. , Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. & Lilja, J. (2017). Continuous Improvement of Leadership : Evaluation of peer-coaching experiments. Paper presented at the 20th QMOD Conference, Helsingör, Denmark, 4-7 August, 2017
Lilja, J. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. , Bäckström, I. & Hedlund, C. (2017). Metaphors We Manage and Develop Quality by : Screening and Elaborating on the Metaphors of Quality Management. Paper presented at the 20th QMOD Conference, Helsingör, Denmark, 4-7 August, 2017
Abrahamsson, C. , Lilja, J. & Hedlund, C. (2017). Towards New Levels of Creating/Improving and Understanding Value in Swedish Municipalities : A Review of Research on Understanding and Creating Value in Municipal Quality Development by Qualitative Approaches (and Co-Creation). Paper presented at the 20th QMOD Conference, Helsingör, Denmark, 4-7 August, 2017
Ingelsson, P. , Bäckström, I. , Snyder, K. , Lilja, J. & Hedlund, C. (2017). Truly changing the culture – learnings from a value-based top leader. I 20th QMOD conference : Challenges and Opportunities of Quality in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. , Hedlund, C. & Lilja, J. (2016). Collection of baseline data – expanding the scope. I EurOMA 2016 - Interactions.
Hedlund, C. , Lilja, J. , Ingelsson, P. , Bäckström, I. & Snyder, K. (2016). Research On Toyota Kata? Proposing A Future Research Agenda For The Emerging Practice. I EurOMA Conference Proceedings : Interactions 2016.
Snyder, K. , Hedlund, C. , Ingelsson, P. & Bäckström, I. (2016). Storytelling as a co-creative process to build cultures of quality, innovation and sustainability. Paper presented at the 19th QMOD conference; International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences (ICQSS 2016), 21-23 September 2016, Rome
Köhler, J. , Simu, U. , Bejhed, J. , Kratz, H. , Jonsson, K. , Nguyen, H. , Bruhn, F. , Hedlund, C. & et al. (2001). A hybrid cold gas microthruster system for spacecraft. I Digest of Papers for the 11th Int Conf on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators - Transducers '01 and Eurosensors XV, Munich, Germany, June 10-14.. S. 886--889.
Vallin, Ö. , Einefors, B. , Hedlund, C. & Thornell, G. (2001). Direct bonded quartz resonators. I Proc. of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Seattle, USA, June 6-8.
Hagman, B. , Richard, Å. , Bäcklund, Y. & Hedlund, C. (2000). Anodic bonding of materials with large difference in thermal expansion. I MME'00 (Micro Mechanics Europe), October 1-3, Uppsala, Sweden.
Rosén, D. , Olsson, J. & Hedlund, C. (2000). Membrane covered electrically isolated through-wafer via hole. I Workshop Digest MME'00, Uppsala, Sweden.. S. B4-
Jonsson, K. , Köhler, J. , Hedlund, C. & Stenmark, L. (2000). Oxygen plasma wafer bonding evaluated by the weibull fracture probability method. I Proc of the Eleventh Micromechanics Europe Workshop, Oct, Uppsala, Sweden.
Köhler, J. , Strandman, C. , Vallin, Ö. , Hedlund, C. & Bäcklund, Y. (2000). Silicon fusion bond interfaces resilient to wet anisotropic etchants. I Micromechanics Europe 2000, Uppsala.. S. 142--145.
Westlinder, J. , Engelmark, F. , Jonsson, L. , Hedlund, C. , Katardjiev, I. & Blom, H. (1999). Analysis and Simulation of Mask Erosion During Etching. I American Vacuum Society 46th National Symposium, Seattle, USA.
Pasquariello, D. , Hedlund, C. & Hjort, K. (1999). Damages in oxygen plasma bonding. I The 5th Int Symp Semicind Wafer Bond, 196th Electrochem Soc Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii Abstract no 1001.
Pasquariello, D. , Karlsson, M. , Greek, S. , Hedlund, C. , Gupta, R. & Hjort, K. (1998). InP based Micro Opto Electro Mechanics. Paper presented at the 3rd Micro Structure Workshop, March 24-25, 1998, Uppsala, Sweden
Jonsson, L. , Engelmark, F. , Du, J. , Hedlund, C. , Smith, U. & Blom, H. (1998). Patterning of Reactively Sputteres Tantalum Pentoxide, a High Epsilon Material, by Plasma Etching. I The American Vacuum Society 45th National Symposium in Baltimore.
Schaepkens, M. , Standaert, T. E. F. M. , Reuger, N. R. , Oehrlein, G. S. , Hedlund, C. , Blom, H. & Cook, J. M. (1998). Selective SiOs to Si3N4 etching in inductively coupled fluorocarbon plasmas. I The 25th national symposium UNY-VAC, Albany NY.
Bäcklund, Y. , Vangbo, M. , Rangsten, P. & Hedlund, C. (1998). Wet etching of single crystal quartz. I Workshop of Physical Chemistry of Wet Chemical Etching of Silicon, May 17-19, Holten, The Netherlands.
Jonsson, L. , Hedlund, C. , Larsson, T. , Katardjiev, I. , Berg, S. & Blom, H. (1997). Characterization and optimization of a dry etching process for silicon nitride spacer formation. I The 44th international symposium of the American Vacuum Society, San José, USA.
Köhler, J. , Vallin, Ö. , Strandman, C. , Hedlund, C. & Bäcklund, Y. (1997). Etching through Si-Si direct bonded interfaces. I MME´97.
Rangsten, P. , Hedlund, C. , Katardjiev, I. & Bäcklund, Y. (1996). An experimental study and simulation of anisotropic wet etching of quartz. I MME´96, Oct 21-22, Barcelona, Spain.
Hedlund, C. , Strandman, C. , Katardjiev, I. , Bäcklund, Y. , Berg, S. & Blom, H. (1995). A method for the determination of the angular dependence during dry etching. I The American Vacuum Society, 42nd National Symposium, Minneapolis, USA, Oct.
Hedlund, C. , Blom, H. , Harper, J. & Berg, S. (1992). Dry etching of buried layers without removing the overlayers. Paper presented at the 15th Nord semiconductor meeting, Finland
Skytt, T. , Hedlund, C. & Carlman, I. Five years after Paris, 20 years after Kyoto and 30 years after Rio : managing climate goals from global to local level in Sweden.
Hedlund, C. & Eriksson, M. (2021). En omställning till en än mer preventiv och hälsofrämjande kommunal verksamhet : Rapport från en förstudie av Skolfam-verksamheten i Härnösands kommun. Mittuniversitetet
Hedlund, C. , Skytt, T. & Stenmark, P. (2020). Från Paris till Ragunda : En översikt av processen att överföra Parisavtalet till kommunal aktion. Östersund : Mitt Universitetet (Ecotechnology working paper 2020-1a).