Jonas Harvard



Jag är professor vid Demicom och undervisar på journalistprogrammet. 2006 disputerade jag vid Umeå Universitet på en avhandling som undersökte kampen om att definiera begreppet "allmänna opinionen" i samband med demokratins genombrott. Därefter har jag forskat dels om journalisters ideal, verktyg och arbetssätt och dels om olika aspekter av kommunikationernas historia: Mediestrukturer och medieteknologier, politik, parlamentarism och offentlighet. Forskningen har berört svenska, nordiska och brittiska kontexter.

2013 blev jag antagen som Adjunct Professor in the History of Political Discourse and Communication (inom allmän historia), vid Jyväskylä Universitet. Tidigare har jag varit (2010–2012) koordinator för det internationella forskningsprogrammet Nordiska rum vid Centre for East European and Baltic Studies, vid Södertörns högskola. 2012 blev jag docent i historia vid Mittuniversitetet.


Journalistik, mediehistoria, politisk kommunikation, medieteknologier, opinionsbildning, begreppshistoria


Lärare på journalistprogrammet. Undervisat vid Mittuniversitetet, Jyväskylä University, Universidad de Cantabria och Columbia University.


Har deltagit i ledarskapsutbildning vid KTH/Södertörn, London School of Economics and Political Science och Kennedy School of Government vid Harvard University.


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Harvard, J. & Hyvönen, M. (2023). Gateway Visuals : Strategies of Climate Photographers in the Digital Age. Visual Communication Quarterly, vol. 30: 4, ss. 221-233.  

Ödmark, S. & Harvard, J. (2021). The democratic roles of satirists. Popular Communication, vol. 19: 4, ss. 281-294.    

Harvard, J. , Hyvonen, M. & Wadbring, I. (2020). Journalism from Above : Drones and the Media in Critical Perspective. Media and Communication, vol. 8: 3, ss. 60-63.    

Harvard, J. (2020). Post-Hype Uses of Drones in News Reporting : Revealing the Site and Presenting Scope. Media and Communication, vol. 8: 3, ss. 85-92.    

Harvard, J. (2019). Socialist Communication Strategies And The Spring Of 1917 : Managing revolutionary opinion through the media system. Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 44: 2, ss. 169-192.    

Harvard, J. (2016). War and "World Opinion' : Parliamentary Speaking and the Falklands War. Parliamentary History, vol. 35: 1, ss. 42-53.  

Harvard, J. (2011). Annihilation of time and space or increased asymmetry? : The usage of the electric telegraph by two Swedish regional newspapers, 1850–1870. Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, : 6, ss. 44-67.

Harvard, J. & Schipper, F. (2011). Asymmetries of Transnational Telegraphy, 1855–1939 : Ideas, Materiality and the Use of the Telegram. Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, : 6, ss. 7-21.

Harvard, J. (2009). Dagens opinion, tidens anda : Temporala aspekter av ”allmänna opinionen” 1850–1870. Folkmålsstudier, vol. 47, ss. 11-26.

Harvard, J. (2001). Är debatten kunskapens moder? : översikt.. Historisk tidskrift, : 3, ss. 371-380.


Harvard, J. (2006). En helig allmännelig opinion : Föreställningar om offentlighet och legitimitet i svensk riksdagsdebatt 1848 – 1919. Diss. Umeå : Institutionen för historiska studier, 2006 (Skrifter från Institutionen för historiska studier : 13)

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Harvard, J. & Hyvönen, M. (2023). Northern landscapes with a story : The affordances of the aerial view in environmental photography. I Disturbed ecologies : Photography, Geopolitics, and the Northern Landscape in the Era of Environmental Crisis. Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag. S. 143-167.

Harvard, J. (2022). Drone journalism : The invisibility of the aerial view. I The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. Taylor & Francis. S. 217-226.  

Harvard, J. (2019). Medierna i människors liv : Sociala perspektiv på medieutvecklingen. I På väg mot medievärlden 2030 : Journalistikens villkor och utmaningar. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. S. 75-95.

Harvard, J. (2018). Politik på plats : Jakten på autenticitet och de fysiska mötenas revansch. I Snabbtänkt : Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall : Demicom (DEMICOM rapport). S. 32-.  

Harvard, J. (2017). Strindberg och allmänna opinionen : Kändisskap och samhällskritik. I Celebritetsskapande från Strindberg till Asllani. Lund : Mediehistoria, Lunds universitet (Mediehistoriskt arkiv). S. 241-261.    

Nydahl, E. & Harvard, J. (2016). Den nya statens ansikten. I Den nya staten : Ideologi och samhällsförändring kring sekelskiftet 1900. Lund : Nordic Academic Press. S. 9-23.  

Harvard, J. (2016). Kampen mot textreklam runt sekelskiftet 1900 : Statligt ingripande eller självreglering?. I Den nya staten : Ideologi och samhällsförändring kring sekelskiftet 1900. Lund : Nordic Academic Press. S. 179-211.  

Harvard, J. (2014). Series Preface. I Nordic Dance Spaces: Practicing and Imagining a Region. Ashgate. S. xi-.

Harvard, J. & Stadius, P. (2013). A Communicative Perspective on the Formation of the North : Contexts, Channels and Concepts. I Communicating the North : Media Structures and Images in the Making of the Nordic Region. Farnham : Ashgate (The Nordic Experience). S. 1-24.    

Harvard, J. (2013). Catholicism and the Idea of Public Legitimacy in Sweden. I European Anti-Catholicism in a Comparative and Transnational Perspective. Amsterdam, New York : Rodopi (European Studies - An Interdisciplinary Series in European Culture, History and Politics). S. 223-236.    

Harvard, J. & Stadius, P. (2013). Conclusion: Mediating the Nordic Brand – History Recycled. I Communicating the North : Media Structures and Images in the Making of the Nordic Region. Farnham : Ashgate (The Nordic Experience). S. 319-332.

Harvard, J. (2013). Connecting the Nordic region : The Electric Telegraph and the European News Market. I Communicating the North : Media Structures and Images in the Making of the Nordic Region. Farnham : Ashgate (The Nordic Experience). S. 47-74.    

Harvard, J. & Werner, Y. M. (2013). European Anti-Catholicism in Comparative and Transnational Perspective – The Role of a Unifying Other: An Introduction. I European Anti-Catholicism in a Comparative and Transnational Perspective. Amsterdam, New York : Rodopi (European Studies - An Interdisciplinary Series in European Culture, History and Politics). S. 13-24.

Harvard, J. (2013). Expert views or mass opinion? : Newspaper enquêtes in the Swedish press, 1900–1920. I Social Science in Context : Historical, Sociological and Global Perspectives. Lund : Nordic Academic Press. S. 48-63.

Harvard, J. & Hillström, M. (2013). Media Scandinavianism : Media Events and the Historical Legacy of Pan-Scandinavianism. I Communicating the North : Media Structures and Images in the Making of the Nordic Region. Farnham : Ashgate (The Nordic Experience). S. 75-98.

Harvard, J. (2013). Northern Experiences of Global Telegraphy : Materiality and Technology in the Scandinavian Periphery. I Global Communication Electric : Business, News and Politics in the World of Telegraphy. Frankfurt, New York : Campus Verlag (Global History).

Harvard, J. (2013). Series Preface. I Communicating the North. Ashgate (The Nordic Experience).

Harvard, J. (2013). Series preface. I Science, Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Region: Norden Beyond Borders. Ashgate. S. XV-.

Harvard, J. (2011). Det nya Norden – hårt eller mjukt?. I Ett nordiskt rum : Historiska och framtida gemenskaper från Baltikum till Barents hav. Göteborg : Makadam Förlag (RJ:s årsbok).

Harvard, J. & Nilsson, T. (2011). Det offentligas tryck : källorna som styrt svensk historieforskning. I Dolt i offentligheten : nya perspektiv på traditionellt källmaterial. Lund : Sekel Bokförlag. S. 159-181.

Harvard, J. (2011). Historikerna och den osynliga offentligheten. I Dolt i offentligheten : nya perspektiv på traditionellt källmaterial. Lund : Sekel Bokförlag. S. 9-18.

Harvard, J. (2011). Riksdagsprotokollen som medium. I Dolt i offentligheten : nya perspektiv på traditionellt källmaterial. Lund : Sekel Bokförlag. S. 25-42.

Harvard, J. & Lundell, P. (2010). 1800-talets medier: System, landskap, nätverk. I 1800-talets mediesystem. Stockholm : Kungl. biblioteket (Mediehistoriskt arkiv). S. 7-25.

Harvard, J. (2010). Medial mobilisering: Opinionsstormen och representationsreformen. I 1800-talets mediesystem. Stockholm : Kungl. biblioteket (Mediehistoriskt arkiv). S. 101-124.

Harvard, J. (2010). Nya medier, gamla transporter: Hästar, tåg och ångbåtar i den elektriska telegrafens tjänst. I 1800-talets mediesystem. Stockholm : Kungl. biblioteket (Mediehistoriskt arkiv). S. 27-42.

Harvard, J. (2008). En högst sakkunnig opinion : Användningen av ”enquèter” i svensk dagspress 1900-1920. I Presshistorisk årsbok. Stockholm : (Presshistorisk årsbok). S. 129-155.

Harvard, J. (2007). Karl Starbäck. I Svenskt biografiskt lexikon. Stockholm : (Svenskt biografiskt lexikon).

Harvard, J. (2007). Modernitetens depescher? : Telegrafen och den norrländska pressens tidshorisonter 1850–1870. I Presshistorisk årsbok. Stockholm : (Presshistorisk årsbok). S. 27-47.


Nord, L. & Harvard, J. (2023). Information provider or impact enabler? : Competing journalistic ideals in digital local news landscape. Paper presented at the NordMedia23, 16-18 Aug, Bergen, Norway

Harvard, J. (2018). Applying a revised concept of historical media events : The case of an airship landing 1919. Paper presented at the ECREA 7th European Communication Conference, Lugano, Switzerland, Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2018

Hyvönen, M. , Lindblom, T. & Harvard, J. (2018). Drone reporting and the journalistic culture of objectivity : The symbolic properties of a view from above. Paper presented at the ECREA 7th European Communication Conference, Lugano, Switzerland, Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2018

Nord, L. & Harvard, J. (2018). Shoulda, coulda, woulda : Post-election campaign analyses by Swedish political parties 1998-2014. Paper presented at the ECREA 7th European Communication Conference, Lugano, Switzerland, Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2018

Harvard, J. (2014). Media Relations in the Nordic Parliaments : Communication with the voters between elections. Paper presented at the 28th Congress of Nordic Historians, Joensuu, 14–17 August 2014

Harvard, J. (2012). Parliamentary Speaking and Media Narratives on the Falklands War : The Concept of "world opinion"', paper presented at Parliamentary Means of Conflict Resolution in a Comparative Perspective, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, March 16–17, 2012. Paper presented at the Parliamentary Means of Conflict Resolution in a Comparative Perspective, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, March 16–17, 2012.

Harvard, J. (2011). Broken lines : Northern experiences of global telegraphy, paper presented at the Third European Congress of World and Global history, London School of Economics & Political Science, April 14–17, 2011.. Paper presented at the Third European Congress of World and Global history, London School of Economics & Political Science, April 14–17, 2011.

Harvard, J. (2011). Nordic Spaces : Defining the Area of Research, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, Chicago, April 28–30, 2011. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, Chicago, April 28–30, 2011

Harvard, J. (2010). A present without borders : Electric communication in the Nordic region, 1850-1870, paper presented at Var och hur finns Norden, Voksenåsen, Oslo, January 27–29, 2010. Paper presented at the Var och hur finns Norden, Voksenåsen, Oslo, January 27–29, 2010

Harvard, J. (2010). And the Press says? Media References in British Parliamentary Discourse : paper presented at Finnish Conference for Historical Research, University of Jyväskylä, October 21–23, 2010. Paper presented at the Finnish Conference for Historical Research, University of Jyväskylä, October 21–23, 2010

Harvard, J. (2010). Catholicism and the emergence of a "Swedish" ideal of public legitimacy : paper presented at Anti-Catholicism in a Comparative and Transnational Perspective, 1750–2000, Rome, October 6–10, 2010. Paper presented at the Anti-Catholicism in a Comparative and Transnational Perspective, 1750–2000, Rome, October 6–10, 2010

Harvard, J. (2010). Public opinion as an agent of change : Sweden 1850–1920, paper presented at Public Opinion, Politics and Press in Europe (1789–1914), Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, November 25–27, 2010. Paper presented at the Public Opinion, Politics and Press in Europe (1789–1914), Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, November 25–27, 2010

Harvard, J. (2009). Distant news and local opinion : How the telegraph affected spatial and temporal horizons in northern Scandinavia, 1850-1880, paper presented at the Nordic Spaces Midway Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, August 26–29, 2009. Paper presented at the Nordic Spaces Midway Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, August 26–29, 2009

Harvard, J. (2009). Parliamentary Opinion and the Public : paper presented at the 12th annual conference on the History of Concepts: New Directions in the history of concepts, London and Oxford, September 17–19, 2009. Paper presented at the 12th annual conference on the History of Concepts: New Directions in the history of concepts, London and Oxford, September 17–19, 2009

Harvard, J. (2008). Asking the ones who know: Qualitative polling in Swedenaround 1900 : Paper presented at Perspectives from the Periphery, Interim Conference of the International Sociological Association's (ISA) Research Committee on the History of Sociology (RCHS), Umeå, August 21-24, 2008.

Harvard, J. (2008). Communication Artefacts? : Context and Content in the History of the Electric Telegraph. I Paper presented at Teknik- och vetenskapshistoriska dagarna, Tekniska museet Stockholm, 8-10 april 2008..

Harvard, J. (2008). Telegrafen och artonhundratalets mediesystem : paper presented at Svenska historikermötet, Lund, April 24–26, 2008. Paper presented at the Svenska historikermötet, Lund, April 24–26, 2008

Harvard, J. (2007). News heading north - The telegraph and the temporal representation of Europe in the newspapers of northern Scandinavia 1850–1870 : Paper presented at Tensions of Europe, Rotterdam 7–10 June 2007, Media and the making of Europe.

Harvard, J. (2007). Opinion of the day, spirit of the times - Temporal aspects of the concept "public opinion" in Sweden 1850-1870 : Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary conference Language in the History – History in the Language, Jyväskylä 15–17 June 2007.

Harvard, J. (2006). Public opinion – a religious concept? : on the secularization of political legitimacy : Paper presented at the international conference Crossroads: Writing Conceptual History beyond the Nation-State, the 9th Annual International Conference of the History of Political and Social Concepts Group (HPSCG), Uppsala, Sweden, August 24-26 2006..

Harvard, J. (2000). Truth and Majority Rule, Paper presented at the international Congress History under Debate, Santiago de Compostela, 14-18 july 1999. I Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Historia a Debate.

Harvard, J. (1999). Prisvärda åsikter och lättköpta blad : Debatten kring statliga pressinitiativ på 1860- och 1910-talen.

Samlingsverk (redaktör)

Nydahl, E. (ed.) & Harvard, J. (ed.) (2016). Den nya staten : Ideologi och samhällsförändring kring sekelskiftet 1900. Lund : Nordic Academic Press

Harvard, J. (ed.) & Stadius, P. (ed.) (2013). Communicating the North : Media Structures and Images in the Making of the Nordic Region. Farnham : Ashgate (The Nordic Experience 3).    

Harvard, J. (ed.) & Werner, Y. M. (ed.) (2013). European Anti-Catholicism in a Comparative and Transnational Perspective. Amsterdam, New York : Rodopi (European studies : An Interdisciplinary Series in European Culture, History and Politics 31).  

Harvard, J. (ed.) , Förhammar, S. (ed.) & Lindström, D. (ed.) (2011). Dolt i offentligheten : nya perspektiv på traditionellt källmaterial. Lund : Sekel Bokförlag

Björkman, J. (ed.) , Fjæstad, B. (ed.) & Harvard, J. (ed.) (2011). Ett nordiskt rum : Historiska och framtida gemenskaper från Baltikum till Barents hav. Stockholm : Makadam Förlag (Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds årsböcker 2011/12).

Harvard, J. (ed.) & Lundell, P. (ed.) (2010). 1800-talets mediesystem. Stockholm : Kungl. biblioteket (Mediehistoriskt arkiv 16).    

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13