Malin M Jonsson Kårström

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Staunton, C. A. , Jonsson Kårström, M. , Björklund, G. & Laaksonen, M. S. (2024). Performance and Micro‑Pacing Strategies in Biathlon Skiing. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, vol. 6: 4, ss. 324-331.  

Jonsson Kårström, M. , Stöggl, T. , Lund Ohlsson, M. , McGawley, K. & Laaksonen, M. S. (2023). Kinematical effects of rifle carriage on roller skiing in well-trained female and male biathletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, vol. 33: 4, ss. 444-454.  

Jonsson Kårström, M. , Staunton, C. A. , McGawley, K. , Björklund, G. & Laaksonen, M. (2022). Rifle carriage affects gear distribution during on-snow skiing in female and male biathletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 40: 24, ss. 2722-2731.  

Staunton, C. A. , Sloof, L. , Brandts, M. , Jonsson Kårström, M. , Laaksonen, M. & Björklund, G. (2022). The Effect of Rifle Carriage on the Physiological and Accelerometer Responses During Biathlon Skiing. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, vol. 4: March, ss. 1-15.  

Jonsson Kårström, M. , McGawley, K. & Laaksonen, M. (2021). Effects of Additional Rifle-Carriage Training on Physiological Markers and Roller-Skiing Performance in Well-Trained Biathletes. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, vol. 3: 3, ss. 292-302.    

Laaksonen, M. , Andersson, E. , Jonsson Kårström, M. , Lindblom, H. & McGawley, K. (2020). Laboratory-Based Factors Predicting Skiing Performance in Female and Male Biathletes. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, vol. 2    

Jonsson, M. , Welde, B. & Stöggl, T. (2019). Biomechanical differences in double poling between sexes and level of performance during a classical cross-country skiing competition. Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 37: 14, ss. 1582-1590.    

Jonsson Kårström, M. , McGawley, K. & Laaksonen, M. (2019). Physiological Responses to Rifle Carriage During Roller-Skiing in Elite Biathletes. Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 10    

Laaksonen, M. , Jonsson, M. & Holmberg, H. (2018). The Olympic biathlon – Recent advances and perspectives after Pyeongchang. Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 9: JUL    


Jonsson Kårström, M. (2023). Physiological and biomechanical aspects of rifle carriage during biathlon skiing. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2023 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 385)  

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Zinner, C. , Willis, S. , Jonsson, M. , Sperlich, B. & Holmberg, H. (2014). Heart rate responses during biathlon races of different lengths in elite athletes. I Science & Skiing VI. Meyer & Meyer Sport. S. 483-494.


Jonsson Kårström, M. , Staunton, C. A. , McGawley, K. , Björklund, G. & Laaksonen, M. (2023). Rifle carriage affects gear distribution during on-snow skiing in female and male biathletes. Paper presented at the The International Congress of Science and Skiing (ICSS), Saalbach-Hinterglemm, Austria, March 18 – 22, 2023,

Jonsson Kårström, M. , Stöggl, T. , Lund Ohlsson, M. , McGawley, K. & Laaksonen, M. S. (2022). Kinematical Effects of Rifle Carriage on Roller-Skiing in Well-Trained Female and Male Biathletes. Paper presented at the 4th Nordic Winter Sports Conference, Östersund, Sweden, October 3-4, 2022  

Jonsson, M. , McGawley, K. & Laaksonen, M. (2019). Rifle carriage decreases speed at lactate threshold, anaerobic energy contribution and performance in biathlon skiing.. Paper presented at the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) in Prague, 3-6 July, 2019

Laaksonen, M. , Andersson, E. , Jonsson, M. & McGawley, K. (2017). Laboratory-based factors predicting performance in biathlon skiing. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, July 5-8, 2017, Essen, Germany

Jonsson, M. , Welde, B. , Ljung, L. , Pettersen, S. A. , Supej, M. , Holmberg, H. & Stöggl, T. (2016). Biomechanical differences in double poling (DP) for world- and national-class female elite cross-country (XC) skiers during a 10-km classical race. I Proceedings ICSS in St. Christoph am Arlberg, Austria.

Jonsson, M. & Laaksonen, M. (2015). Differences in range of motion and feet pressure between skiing with and without rifle in gear 3 for female biathletes. I Book of Abstracts of the 20th Annual Congress of theEuropean College of Sport Science – 24th - 27th June 2015, Malmö – Sweden.  

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13