Johan Lilja
- Tjänstetitel: Universitetslektor
- Akademisk titel: Docent
- Ansvarsområde: Ämne: Kvalitetsteknik
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428223
- E-postadress:
- Besöksadress: Akademigatan 1 (HUS Q), 831 40 Östersund
- Rumsnummer: Q361
- Ort: Östersund
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Kvalitetsteknik
Jag disputerade vid Mittuniversitetet 2010 med doktorsavhandlingen “The Realization of Attractive Quality”. Sedan 2015 är jag också docent. Min grundutbildning är från Chalmers tekniska högskola, civilingenjör i maskinteknik med inriktning mot ledning av produktutveckling, med examensår 2003.
I min forskning intresserar jag mig för kvalitetsutveckling med särskilt fokus på utvecklingsprocesser i alla dess former. Ett centralt forskningsområde har varit attraktiv kvalitet, det vill säga att utveckla förståelsen kring vad det är, varför det är viktigt och hur det kan skapas. Inom ramen för detta har forskning exempelvis handlat om hur temaparker som Gröna Lund och Kolmården kan få in, analysera och utnyttja insikter om sina besökares höjdpunktsupplevelser och rörelsemönster för att driva och inspirera kvalitetsutveckling och medarbetarengagemang i sådan utveckling. Inom detta område har också metodik kring att förstå, kartlägga och använda förståelse kring högnivåbehov i kvalitetsutveckling varit ett viktigt område. Nya metoder och upplägg för såväl värdekartläggning som idégenerering har då utformats och testats i nära samverkan med näringslivet.
Senare har styrkebaserad metodik, så som ”Appreciative Inquiry”, kommit att bli ett naturligt och viktigt kunskapsfält att inspireras av och bidra till. Inom ramen för detta har forskningen exempelvis kommit att fokusera på kvalitetsutveckling inom skolan via utveckling och tester av nya sätt att arbeta studentinkluderande och styrkebaserat med program- och kursutveckling. I detta har också fokus alltmer kommit att också handla om frågandets konst, coaching, ”Storytelling” och ledarskapsutveckling för kvalitetsutveckling. "Appreciative Inquiry" har också kommit att studeras som ett sätt att skapa och utveckla en kultur för kvalitetsutveckling. På senare tid har fokus kommit att alltmer relatera till hållbar och regenerativ kvalitetsutveckling där ledande och nytänkande exempel på företag, myndigheter, organisationer och regioner så som ”Sustainable Cleveland” blivit centrala i forskningen. I forskningen kring hållbarhet har också förmågan till förnyelse och studier kring den dynamiska balans mellan ”Exploration” och ”Exploitation” som krävs för långsiktigt framgångsrik kvalitetsutveckling varit i fokus (Organizational Ambidexterity). Detta inom exempelvis den svenska biståndsmyndigheten Sida.
Jag har varit med i många olika forskningsprojekt under åren. Några av de sentida berörs nedan. Med start 2017 var jag med i Vinnovaprojektet InnovationLab2030 som fokuserar på att stödja svenska myndigheter i att arbeta med och utvecklas i riktning mot FNs hållbarhetsmål, Agenda 2030. Från 2017 var jag också projektledare för Mittuniversitetets insatser i interregprojektet SMICE som syftar till att utveckla en samskapande mittnordisk arena för cirkulär ekonomi i nära samarbete med spännande samarbetspartners från såväl Sverige som Norge. Här utvecklar och testar vi nya former för regionala mötesplatser och innovation med inspiration från styrkebaserad utveckling och initiativ så som "Sustainable Cleveland". Med start 2022 så projektleder jag nu Kampradprojektet "Utveckla och förbättra tillsammans" där vi tittar på fenomenet att skapa lärande, utveckling och förbättring i nätverk, eller ekosystem, av aktörer. Där samverkar vi med Eldrimner och Destination Funäsfjällen. Mer om projekten kan ses på våra projektsidor.
Jag undervisar i vårt magisterprogram Kvalitets- och ledarskapsutveckling där jag också handleder examensarbeten. Vidare undervisar jag inom ingenjörsutbildningen Sportstech inom innovativ produktutveckling. Jag har också initierat och undervisat i kurser inom ”Appreciative Inquiry” och Kvalitet inom samhällsentreprenörskap. Under åren 2008-2014 var jag ansvarig för innovationsledarutbildningen ”Skarp Åre” som gavs på plats i Åre och fokuserade på att utbilda och träna affärs- och produktutvecklare inom sport, friluftsliv och turism. Andra områden som jag undervisar inom är projektledning med särskilt fokus på produktutvecklingsprojekt och agil projektledning.
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Lilja, J. (2024). Facilitating organizations to dance with the complex “logic of life” : spinning with paradoxes in regenerative appreciative inquiry summits. Learning Organization, vol. 31: 3, ss. 299-316.
Vamstad, J. & Lilja, J. (2024). Leaving no one behind : from ideal to a complex reality?. Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development, vol. 3: 1, ss. 1-3.
Boström, J. , Hillborg, H. & Lilja, J. (2023). Balancing a seesaw – leaders perspectives on design and traditional quality improvement in healthcare. The TQM Journal, vol. 35: 9, ss. 173-190.
Ness, O. , von Heimburg, D. , Karlsson, B. , Kilkku, N. , Tuurnas, S. , Vamstad, J. , Lilja, J. , Iacono, R. & et al. (2023). Shaping a Wellbeing Future for People and Planet. Nordic journal of wellbeing and sustainable development, vol. 2: 1, ss. 1-4.
Ness, O. , von Heimburg, D. , Karlsson, B. , Kilkku, N. , Turnaas, S. , Vamstad, J. , Lilja, J. , Iacono, R. & et al. (2022). Welcome to the Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development (NJWEL). Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development, vol. 1: 1, ss. 1-5.
Boström, J. , Hillborg, H. & Lilja, J. (2021). Cultural dynamics and tensions when applying design thinking for improving health-care quality. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 13: 1, ss. 16-28.
Palm, K. & Lilja, J. (2021). On the road to Agenda 2030 together in a complex alliance of Swedish public authorities. Environment, Development and Sustainability, vol. 23: 6, ss. 9564-9580.
Lilja, J. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. , Bäckström, I. & Hedlund, C. (2020). Metaphors we manage and develop quality by. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 12: 4, ss. 405-416.
Hedlund, C. , Stenmark, P. , Noaksson, E. & Lilja, J. (2020). More value from fewer resources : How to expand value stream mapping with ideas from circular economy. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, : 4, ss. 447-459.
Fundin, A. , Lilja, J. , Lagrosen, Y. & Bergquist, B. (2020). Quality 2030 : Quality management for the future. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence,
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. , Hedlund, C. & Lilja, J. (2018). Capturing value-based leadership in practice : Insights from developing and applying an AI-interview guide. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 10: 4, ss. 422-430.
Boström, J. , Hillborg, H. & Lilja, J. (2017). Cultural Change of Applying User Involvement for Improving Healthcare Quality : A Review of the Impact on Attitudes, Values and Assumptions among Healthcare Professionals and Users. Quality Innovation Prosperity, vol. 21: 3, ss. 158-172.
Lilja, J. , Hansen, D. , Fredrikson, J. & Richardsson, D. (2017). Is Innovation the Future of Quality Management? : Searching for signs of quality and innovation management merging. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 9: 3-4, ss. 232-240.
Palm, K. & Lilja, J. (2017). Key enabling factors for organizational ambidexterity in the public sector. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 9: 1, ss. 2-20.
Palm, K. , Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2016). The challenge of integrating innovation and quality management practice. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, vol. 7: 1-2, ss. 34-47.
Palm, K. , Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2015). Agencies, it’s Time to Innovate! : Exploring the current understanding of the Swedish government’s call for innovation. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 7: 1, ss. 34-49.
Lilja, J. & Richardsson, D. (2015). Why is it Suddenly so Easy to Change?. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 7: 2/3, ss. 334-348.
Stenmark, P. & Lilja, J. (2014). Designing for the satisfaction of high-level needs : introducing the Ideation Need Mapping (INM) methodology. The TQM Journal, vol. 26: 6, ss. 639-649.
Lilja, J. & Richardsson, D. (2013). Getting Over the Bridge : “Three Billy Goats Gruff” as a Metaphor for the Start and Development of an AI-Community of Practice in Mid Sweden. AI practioner, vol. 15: 2, ss. 41-47.
Ingelsson, P. , Eriksson, M. & Lilja, J. (2012). Can selecting the right values help TQM implementation? : A case study about organisational homogeneity at the Walt Disney Company. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, vol. 23: 1, ss. 1-11.
Lilja, J. & Richardsson, D. (2012). Putting Appreciative Design into Practice : A Case Study of a Course Evaluation and Design Process. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 4: 1, ss. 4-15.
Lilja, J. , Eriksson, M. & Ingelsson, P. (2010). Commercial experiences from a customer perspective elaborated, defined and distinguished. The TQM Journal, vol. 22: 3, ss. 285-292.
Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2007). A two-dimensional perspective on attractive quality. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, vol. 18: 6, ss. 667-679.
Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2006). Obstacles to the creation of attractive quality. The TQM Journal, vol. 18: 1, ss. 55-66.
Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2005). Getting emotional about quality: questioning and elaborating the satisfaction concept. The Asian Journal of Quality, vol. 6: 3, ss. 38-55.
Åslund, A. & Lilja, J. (). Value Ripple Logic - Customer Value Creation from a System View. ,
Lilja, J. (2010). The Realization of Attractive Quality : Conceptual and practical perspectives within the TQM system. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Östersund : Mid Sweden University, 2010 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 96)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Lilja, J. (2024). Förmåga att leda livgivande och hållbar kvalitetsutveckling i en komplex levande värld. I Globala utmaningar – lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. S. 49-51.
Lilja, J. , Hansen, D. , Richardsson, D. & Svedin, I. (2021). How Quality Management Needs Emergence for Engaging the 2030 Agenda. I Key Challenges and Opportunities for Quality, Sustainability and Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution : Quality and Service Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Sustainability and Value Co-creation. London : World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd. S. 259-294.
Hansen, D. & Lilja, J. (2021). Leading Quality Management Transformation in Complexity Through Adaptive Space and Metaphors. I Key Challenges and Opportunities for Quality, Sustainability and Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution : Quality and Service Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution — Sustainability and Value Co-creation. London : World Scientific Publishing. S. 203-230.
Hedlund, C. , Jørgensen, R. , Lilja, J. & Bergqvist, A. G. (2024). Are beliefs, norms, and attitudes limiting reuse and circularity in the building sector?. Paper presented at the Euroma 2024,TRANSFORMING PEOPLE AND PROCESSES FOR A BETTER WORLD, Barcelona, Spain, 29 June- 3 July, 2024
Lilja, J. , Snyder, K. , Östberg, L. , Eidolf, J. , Jørgensen, R. & Hedlund, C. (2024). Ecosystem facilitation for a better world : exploring the role of ecosystemic enablers for regenerative transformation. Paper presented at the EurOMA: "Transforming People and Processes for a Better World", Barcelona, Spain, 29th June - 3rd July, 2024
Östberg, L. , Snyder, K. & Lilja, J. (2024). Exploring co-creation, collaborative improvement and innovation in rural communities : A case study of local development planning processes in Sweden. Paper presented at the 1st IAQUIS CONFERENCE, International Association for Quality, Innovation and Sustainability, Viterbo, Italy 11 – 13 September, 2024
Lilja, J. , Richardsson, D. , Unnes, E. , Nätterlund, K. , Snyder, K. & Sten, L. (2024). Facilitating regenerative transformations towards ‘being in right relationships’ with the living : Proposing generative questions for Appreciative Inquiry Interviews to advance ‘the Inner Compass’ in the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) framework. Paper presented at the 30th ISDRS Conference 2024, Kathmandu, Nepal and [DIGITAL], 10 – 14 June, 2024
Saeidyfar, G. , Mårtensson, A. & Lilja, J. (2024). Leading Organizational Transformation toward Sustainable Futures : A systematic literature review of leading for quality in the age of digitalization and AI. Paper presented at the 1st International Association for Quality, Innovation and Sustainability,
Eidolf, J. , Mårtensson, A. & Lilja, J. (2024). Thriving in complexity: A systematic literature review of the presence and application of psychological safety when leading for quality. Paper presented at the 1st IAQUIS CONFERENCE, International Association for Quality, Innovation and Sustainability, Viterbo, Italy 11 – 13 September, 2024
Lilja, J. , Zimic, S. , Ness, O. & von Heimburg, D. (2023). Being in Right Relationship when Co-creating Youth Wellbeing and Social Justice : Exploring and sparking a relational shift. Paper presented at the Conference Social Inequity and Social Justice, Tromsø, 24-25 augusti, 2023
Hedlund, C. , Jørgensen, R. , Lilja, J. & Gutke-Bergqvist, A. (2023). Can mapping intentions towards sustainability expand reuse and circularity in building industry?. Paper presented at the EUROMA - A Systems Lens on Operations, Leuven, Belgium, July 3-5, 2023
Lilja, J. , Snyder, K. , Jørgensen, R. , Hedlund, C. & Östberg, L. (2023). Exploring an ecosystemic and regenerative approach to quality management : towards new theory and practice for a living world. Paper presented at the EUROMA - A Systems Lens on Operations, Leuven, Belgium, July 3-5, 2023
Snyder, K. , Lilja, J. & Östberg, L. (2023). Reimagining research on organisations as living systems through participatory and arts-based practices : Insights from the field. Paper presented at the NEON Conference
Jørgensen, R. , Lilja, J. , Hedlund, C. & Pedersen, T. (2023). Stop destroying waste : how collaboration in take-back systems creates value instead of waste. Paper presented at the EUROMA - A Systems Lens on Operations, Leuven, Belgium, July 3-5, 2023
Lilja, J. & Johansson, C. (2022). Creating Space for Emergence of Collective Learning and Action for Sustainable Development : Action research at Mid Sweden University. I Proceedings of the the OLKC conference 2022.
Johnson, M. , Snyder, K. & Lilja, J. (2022). Responsiveness to Change : How can the concept of Attractive Quality Enhance School Sustainability?. I Proceedings M2D2022: 9th International Conference on mechanics and materials in design.. S. 997--1014.
Lilja, J. , Snyder, K. & Sten, L. (2022). Teaming for Quality in the VUCA Landscape : Exploring key elements for a progressive leap in team-based practices to drive quality, sustainability,and regeneration. I Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society : Sustainable Development and Courage: Culture, Art and Human Rights. Stockholm : . S. 1606--1622.
Lilja, J. , Hansen, D. & Richardsson, D. (2019). Accelerating sustainable society and a flourishing Scandinavia through a living and communicating network of AI-summits. Paper presented at the 2019 World Appreciative Inquiry Conference, 19th to 22nd March, Nice, France, 2019
Hansen, D. & Lilja, J. (2019). Complexity Quality Management : Enabling Leadership, Adaptive Space & Metaphors. Paper presented at the 22nd QMOD conference, 13-15 October 2019, Krakow, Poland
Stenmark, P. & Lilja, J. (2019). Drumming as a Key to Quality Improvement Action in the Emergence Paradigm of TQM. Paper presented at the 22nd QMOD conference, 13-15 October 2019, Krakow, Poland
Lilja, J. , Hansen, D. , Richardsson, D. & Svedin, I. (2019). How Quality Management Needs Emergence for Engaging Agenda 2030 : As “improving” increasingly means getting a complex system to take transformative steps towards sustainability and flourishing. Paper presented at the 22nd QMOD conference, 13-15 October 2019, Krakow, Poland
Palm, K. & Lilja, J. (2019). Innovation Lab 2030 : Finding out how to Move Towards the Agenda 2030 Together in a Complex Alliance of Swedish Authorities. Paper presented at the IRSPM 2019 Conference - Renewing Public Management for Stewardship, Innovation and Impact, April 16-18, 2019, Wellington, New Zealand.
Lilja, J. , Hansen, D. & Richardsson, D. (2019). The Best After Summit Drumming Ever : Sharing and co-creating on how to keep the generative connections alive and get progress after AI-Summits -“Drumming, dancing and doing”. Paper presented at the World Appreciative Inquiry Conference 2019, 19th to 22nd March, 2019, Nice, France.
Boström, J. , Hillborg, H. & Lilja, J. (2018). Exploring Cultural Dynamics and Tensions when Applying Design Thinking for Improving Healthcare Quality : What is really going on?. I Proceedings of the 21th QMOD Conference : Building a Culture for Quality, Innovation and Sustainability.
Hansen, D. , Lilja, J. & Jørgensen, R. (2018). How Positive Practices at Work can Accelerate Transformation to a Lean Improvement Culture and Improve Organizational Effectiveness. I BOOK OF ABSTRACTS : 9th European Conference on Positive Psychology.
Lilja, J. , Abrahamsson, C. , Palm, K. & Hedlund, C. (2018). What Quality Management can Learn from Designers about Being Qualitative. I Proceedings for Pin-C 2018.
Lilja, J. , Snyder, K. , Ahlin, K. & Persson Slumpi, T. (2018). Why Action Research and Quality Management is such a Nice Match : And How to Make them Dance without Falling. I Proceedings of the 21st QMOD conference : The Quality Movement, Where are we going ? - Past Present and Future.
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. , Hedlund, C. & Lilja, J. (2017). Capturing Value-based leadership in Practice: : Insights from developing and applying an AI-interview guide. I Challenges and Opportunities of Quality in the 4th Industrial Revolution : On quality and service sciences ICQSS 2017.
Hedlund, C. , Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. & Lilja, J. (2017). Continuous Improvement of Leadership : Evaluation of peer-coaching experiments. Paper presented at the 20th QMOD Conference, Helsingör, Denmark, 4-7 August, 2017
Hansen, D. , Jørgensen, R. & Lilja, J. (2017). How daily operational meetings can support transformation to a lean improvement culture. Paper presented at the EUROMA 2017: Inspiring Operations Management, Warsaw, Poland, 2-6 juli, 2017
Lilja, J. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. , Bäckström, I. & Hedlund, C. (2017). Metaphors We Manage and Develop Quality by : Screening and Elaborating on the Metaphors of Quality Management. Paper presented at the 20th QMOD Conference, Helsingör, Denmark, 4-7 August, 2017
Hansen, D. , Lilja, J. , Richardsson, D. & Jørgensen, R. (2017). Stop Burning Platforms! Quality Culture Requires Generative Metaphors. I Proceedings of the 20th QMOD Conference : Challenges and Opportunities of Quality in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Abrahamsson, C. , Lilja, J. & Hedlund, C. (2017). Towards New Levels of Creating/Improving and Understanding Value in Swedish Municipalities : A Review of Research on Understanding and Creating Value in Municipal Quality Development by Qualitative Approaches (and Co-Creation). Paper presented at the 20th QMOD Conference, Helsingör, Denmark, 4-7 August, 2017
Ingelsson, P. , Bäckström, I. , Snyder, K. , Lilja, J. & Hedlund, C. (2017). Truly changing the culture – learnings from a value-based top leader. I 20th QMOD conference : Challenges and Opportunities of Quality in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Snyder, K. , Hedlund, C. & Lilja, J. (2016). Collection of baseline data – expanding the scope. I EurOMA 2016 - Interactions.
Boström, J. , Hillborg, H. & Lilja, J. (2016). Cultural Impact of Applying User Involvement for Improving Healthcare Quality : A review of the impact on attitudes, values and assumptions among healthcare professionals and users. I Proceedings of the 19th QMOD Conference : Building a Culture for Quality, Innovation and Sustainability.
Jørgensen, R. , Hansen, D. & Lilja, J. (2016). How positive practices can accelerate transformation to a Lean improvement culture. I EUROMA 2016.
Lilja, J. , Bäckström, I. , Forsgren, O. , Ingelsson, P. , Noaksson, E. , Nätterlund, K. , Richardsson, D. & Åslund, A. (2016). Insights from Sustainable Cleveland 2019: An Initiative Driving Sustainable Regional Development by Large Scale Summits, Collective Visioning, and lots of Creativity, Culture, and Appreciation. I Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Regional Development. Östersund : . S. 255--258.
Lilja, J. , Hansen, D. , Fredrikson, J. & Richardssson, D. (2016). Is Innovation the Future of Quality Management? : Searching for signs of quality and innovation management merging in current practices and concepts. I Proceedings of the 19th QMOD Conference : Building a Culture for Quality, Innovation and Sustainability.
Hedlund, C. , Lilja, J. , Ingelsson, P. , Bäckström, I. & Snyder, K. (2016). Research On Toyota Kata? Proposing A Future Research Agenda For The Emerging Practice. I EurOMA Conference Proceedings : Interactions 2016.
Stenmark, P. , Lilja, J. & Hansen, D. (2016). Using appreciative inquiry practices as a starting block for product innovation and development. Paper presented at the EUROMA 2016, june 17-22, Trondheim, Norway
Lilja, J. , Hansen, D. & Richardsson, D. (2015). Design Questions for Life : Connecting Engineering Design, Appreciative Inquiry, and Other Question-based Models. I Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED.. S. 163--172.
Zillinger, M. & Lilja, J. (2015). The geography of team park mobility : interpretations of visitor tracks, experiences and methods. I Proceedings of Nordic Geographers Meeting.
Stenmark, P. & Lilja, J. (2014). Exploring a new methodology for customer- involved ideation with a focus on high-level Needs. Paper presented at the Qmod 2014
Palm, K. & Lilja, J. (2014). From Reducing to Dynamically Managing Operational Deviations in the Service Sector : Towards Integrating Quality and Innovation Management in Practice by Ambidextrous Deviation Management (ADM). Paper presented at the QMOD 2014 - Conference on Quality and Service Sciences
Åslund, A. & Lilja, J. (2013). Towards Capturing and Visualizing Value Creation : Exploring and Elaborating Attribute-Value Mapping. Paper presented at the 16th QMOD-ICQSS conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, 2013 (September 4-6)
Palm, K. & Lilja, J. (2012). Towards Improving InnovAbility : Elaborating on the Ability to Measure Innovation Quality in Service Organizations. I Electronic Proceedings of the 15th QMOD Conference.
Stenmark, P. & Lilja, J. (2011). Exploring environmental labeling as a means of product differentiation in the outdoor industry.
Lilja, J. & Richardsson, D. (2011). Putting Appreciative Design into Practice : A Case Study of a Course Evaluation and Design Process. Paper presented at the 14th QMOD Conference
Lilja, J. & Eriksson, M. (2010). From problem to Attraction Detection Study (ADS) : towards a new methodology for quality practice. I Electronic Proceedings. Cottbus, Germany :
Eriksson, M. , Ingelsson, P. & Lilja, J. (2007). Achieving shared values : Learning from Disney.
Lilja, J. , Eriksson, M. & Ingelsson, P. (2007). Commercial experiences from a customer perspective : Elaborated, defined and distinguished. I Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development, Lund 18-20/6 2007. Lund : (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings)
Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2005). Getting emotional about quality: questioning and elaborating the satisfaction concept. I Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development, Palermo, 29 June – 1 July 2005: 8th QMOD Conference.
Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2005). Quality Practice and External Customer Value : Critical reflections on the ideal linkage. I Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development : QMOD 2005, Palermo, Italien, 29.06.2005 - 01.07.2005... S. 281--292.
Lilja, J. (2005). Quality practice and customer value: strengthening the ideal linkage. Lic.-avh. Luleå : Luleå tekniska universitet, 2005 (Licentiate thesis / Luleå University of Technology : 2005:50)
Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. The need for re-understanding TQM : introducing the TQM Tree Model.