Ulla Näppä

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Leg. sjuksköterska med specialistutbildning i onkologi och palliativ vård.


Palliativ vård
Transition i vård


Ledarskap för god vård på Särskilda boenden - ett projekt inspirerat av Magnetmodellen
Efterlevande i palliativ vård


Palliativ vård
Kvantitativ metod
Uppsats- och doktorandhandledning


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Gyllander, T. , Näppä, U. & Häggström, M. (2024). A journey through transitional care–family members' experiences post a life-threatening situation : A qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences,    

Stenman, T. , Rönngren, Y. , Näppä, U. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2024). “Unless someone sees and hears you, how do you know you exist?” Meanings of confidential conversations – a hermeneutic study of the experiences of patients with palliative care needs. BMC Nursing, vol. 23: 1    

Stenman, T. , Näppä, U. , Rönngren, Y. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2023). “Daring to deal with the difficult and unexpected” registered nurses’ confidential conversations with patients with palliative care needs : a qualitative interview study. BMC Palliative Care, vol. 22: 1  

Näppä, U. , Nässén, E. & Winqvist, I. (2023). Palliative care in rural areas – collaboration between district nurses and doctors : an interview study. BMC Palliative Care, vol. 22: 1  

Winqvist, I. , Näppä, U. & Häggström, M. (2023). Quality of care during rural care transitions : a qualitative study on structural conditions. BMC Nursing, : 22  

Winqvist, I. , Näppä, U. , Rönning, H. & Marie, H. (2023). Reducing risks in complex care transitions in rural areas : a grounded theory. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, vol. 18: 1  

Gyllander, T. , Näppä, U. & Häggström, M. (2023). Relatives’ experiences of care encounters in the general ward after ICU discharge : a qualitative study. BMC Nursing, vol. 22: 1  

Näppä, U. & Björkman Randström, K. (2020). Experiences of participation inbereavement groups from significant others’ perspectives : a qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care, vol. 19: 124    

Näppä, U. , Lindqvist, O. , Rasmussen, B. H. & Axelsson, B. (2016). Routine assessment of performance status during palliative chemotherapy when approaching end-of-life. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, vol. 21, ss. 266-271.  

Näppä, U. , Lundgren, A. & Axelsson, B. (2016). The effect of bereavement groups on grief, anxiety, and depression - A controlled, prospective intervention study. BMC Palliative Care, vol. 15: 1    

Näppä, U. , Rasmussen, B. H. , Axelsson, B. & Lindqvist, O. (2014). Challenging situations when administering palliative chemotherapy : A nursing perspective. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, : 21, ss. 266-271.  

Näppä, U. , Lindqvist, O. & Axelsson, B. (2012). Avoiding harmful palliative chemotherapy treatment in the end of life : Development of a brief patient-completed questionnaire for routine assessment of performance status. The journal of supportive oncology, vol. 10: 6, ss. 230-237.

Näppä, U. , Lindqvist, O. , Rasmussen, B. & Axelsson, B. (2011). Palliative chemotherapy during the last month of life. Annals of Oncology, vol. 22: 11, ss. 2375-2380.  


Näppä, U. (2014). Dilemmas in palliative chemotherapy when approaching end-of-life. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Umeå : Print & Media, Umeå universitet, 2014 (Umeå University medical dissertations : 1660)


Gyllander, T. , Näppä, U. & Häggström, M. (2024). A journey through transitional care Family members’ experiences post a life – threatening situation : A qualitative study. I Program and book of abstracts.. S. 71--71.  

Winqvist, I. , Näppä, U. & Häggström, M. (2024). Focusing on responsibilities when lacking consensus : A qualitative study on nursing leaders' creating quality in rural care transitions. Paper presented at the 6th Nordic Conference in Nursing Research 2024, Stockholm, October 2-4, 2024

Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Sten, L. , Häggström, M. & Näppä, U. (2024). Increased quality of care—the magnet model from the lens of TQM. I Transforming people and processes for a better world.

Winqvist, I. , Näppä, U. , Rönning, H. & Häggström, M. (2023). Att minska riskerna vid komplexa vårdövergångar i gles landsbygd : En Grundad Teori. Paper presented at the Norrskenskonferensen, Luleå, 14-15 september, 2023  

Gyllander, T. , Näppä, U. & Häggström, M. (2023). Närståendes vårdmöten med sjuksköterskor på allmän vårdavdelning; en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Paper presented at the Norrskenskonferensen 2023, Luleå, 14 - 15 sep, 2023

Näppä, U. , Winqvist, I. & Nässén, E. (2023). Palliative care in rural areas – Collaboration between district nurses and doctors. Paper presented at the 18th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 15-17, 2023  

Stenman, T. , Rönngren, Y. , Näppä, U. & Melin-Johansson, C. (2022). Förtroliga samtal i palliativ vård - Personalens och patienters erfarenheter. Paper presented at the 7:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, Göteborg, 5-7 september, 2022

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13