Susanna Öhman
- Tjänstetitel: Professor
- Akademisk titel: Professor
- Annan titel: Sociologi
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428185
- E-postadress:
- Rumsnummer: Ej Angivet
- Ort: Östersund
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Sociologi
- Forskningscentra:
- Risk and crisis research centre, RCR
Människa, mått och motståndskraft: Nya sätt att studera riskkommunikation, ansvar och beredskap
Utvärdering av Länsstyrelsen Västernorrlands krisledningsarbete med anledning av Covid-19
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Mulinari, S. , Soneryd, L. & Öhman, S. (2021). Sociological research on the Covid-19 pandemic - an introduction. Sociologisk forskning, vol. 58: 1-2, ss. 5-14.
Giritli Nygren, K. , Klinga, M. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2021). The language of risk and vulnerability in covering the covid-19 pandemic in swedish mass media in 2020 : Implications for the sustainable management of elderly care. Sustainability, vol. 13: 19
Öhman, S. , Olofsson, A. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2018). A Methodological Strategy for Exploring Intersecting Inequalities: An Example from Sweden. Zhurnal Issledovanii Sotsial'noi Politiki / The Journal of Social Policy Studies, vol. 16: 3, ss. 501-516.
Giritli Nygren, K. , Öhman, S. & Olofsson, A. (2017). Doing and undoing risk : The mutual constitution of risk and heteronormativity in contemporary society. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 20: 3, ss. 418-432.
Öhman, S. (2017). Previous Experiences and Risk Perception : The Role of Transference. Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, vol. 23: 1, ss. 1-10.
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2016). An intersectional risk approach for environmental sociology. Environmental Sociology, vol. 2: 4, ss. 346-354.
Giritli Nygren, K. , Öhman, S. & Olofsson, A. (2016). Everyday places, heterosexist spaces, and risk in contemporary Sweden. Culture, Health and Sexuality, vol. 18: 1, ss. 45-47.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2016). Monster Cows and the Doing of Modern Biotechnology in Sweden : An Intersectional Risk Analysis. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, vol. 6: 4, ss. 186-196.
Öhman, S. , Giritli Nygren, K. & Olofsson, A. (2016). The (un)intended consequences of crisis communication in news media : a critical analysis. Critical Discourse Studies, vol. 13: 5, ss. 515-530.
Linnell, M. , Johansson, C. , Olofsson, A. , Wall, E. & Öhman, S. (2015). Enhancing public resilience : A community approach. Planet@Risk, vol. 3: 1, ss. 33-44.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2015). Vulnerability, values and heterogeneity : One step further to understand risk perception and behaviour. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 18: 1, ss. 2-20.
Sparf, J. & Öhman, S. (2014). On Risk and Disability : Investigating the Influence of Disability and Social Capital on the Perception and Digital Communication of risk. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, vol. 4: 1, ss. 20-33.
Meijnders, A. , Midden, C. , Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. , Matthes, J. , Bondarenko, O. , Gutteling, J. & Rusanen, M. (2009). The Role of Similarity Cues in the Development of Trustin Sources of Information About GM Food. Risk Analysis, vol. 29: 8, ss. 1116-1128.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2007). Cosmopolitans and Locals : An empirical investigation of cosmopolitanism. Current Sociology, vol. 55: 6, ss. 877-895.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2007). Views of risk in Sweden : Global fatalism and local control. An empirical investigation of Ulrich Beck´s theory of modern risks.. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 10: 2, ss. 177-196.
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. & Rashid, S. (2006). Attitudes to Gene Technology : The Significance of Trust in Institutions. European Societies, vol. 8: 4, ss. 601-624.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2006). General beliefs and environmental concern : Transatlantic comparisons. Environment and Behavior, vol. 38: 6, ss. 768-790.
Fjæstad, B. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2003). Gentekniken vinner terräng. Forskning & Framsteg, vol. 37: 6, ss. 51-53.
Fjæstad, B. , Öhman, S. & Olofsson, A. (2003). Svenskar mest negativa till gentester. Dagens Nyheter, : 10 juni
Gaskell, G. , Allum, N. , Bauer, M. , Durant, J. , Allansdottir, A. , Bonfadelli, H. , Boy, D. , de Cheveigné, S. & et al. (2000). Biotechnology and the European public. Nature Biotechnology, vol. 18: 9, ss. 935-938.
Wagner, W. , Torgerson, H. , Einsiedel, E. , Jelsoe, E. , Fredrickson, H. , Lassen, J. , Rusanen, T. , Boy, D. & et al. (1997). Europe ambivalent on biotechnology. Nature, vol. 387, ss. 845-847.
Fjæstad, B. & Öhman (Olsson), S. (1997). Ny stor undersökning: "Därför gillar vi inte gentekniken". Forskning & Framsteg, vol. 32: 6, ss. 11-15.
Giritli Nygren, K. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2020). A framework of intersectional risk theory in the age of ambivalence. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan (Critical studies in risk and uncertainty ).
Öhman, S. (2002). Public Perceptions of Gene Technology : On the edge of risk society. Diss. Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2002 (Akademiska avhandlingar vid Sociologiska institutionen, Umeå universitet : 30)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Giritli Nygren, K. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2022). Actor, structure and inequality : an intersectional perspective of risk. I Handbook on Risk and Inequality. Edward Elgar Publishing (Elgar Handbooks on Inequality). S. 107-127.
Danielsson, E. & Öhman, S. (2021). Krishantering : Central samordning och lokal samverkan. I I en tid av pandemi – en ESO-antologi med samhällsvetenskapliga reflektioner. Stockholm : Expertgruppen för Studier i Offentlig ekonomi (ESO) (Rapport till Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi ESO). S. 73-86.
Giritli Nygren, K. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2020). Intersektionell riskteori. I Genus, risk och kris. Studentlitteratur AB. S. 217-237.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2019). Sverige och gentekniken - hur gick det sen?. I Festskrift till Björn Fjæstad: Utvecklingen av en forskningsmiljö : Ett verksamhetsnära engagemang på distans. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. S. 137-156.
Öhman, S. & Olofsson, A. (2018). Quantitative analysis of risk positions : An exploratory approach. I Researching Risk and Uncertainty : Methodologies, Methods and Research Strategies. Palgrave Macmillan (Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty). S. 265-286.
Olofsson, A. , Giritli Nygren, K. & Öhman, S. (2018). Teoría interseccional de riesgo en un mundo ambivalente. I Sociología del riesgo : Marcos y aplicaciones. Mexico City : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. S. 81-99.
Olofsson, A. , Giritli Nygren, K. & Öhman, S. (2016). Samhällets sårbarhet och resiliens : en kritisk begreppsgranskning ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv. I Katastrofriskreducering : Perspektiv, praktik, potential. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. S. 61-80.
Danielsson, E. , Wall, E. & Öhman, S. (2015). Ethical Perspectives on Volunteer Participation : Training CBRN Incidents Live. I Ethics and Risk management. Charlotte : IAP Information Age Publishing. S. 141-158.
Öhman, S. (2009). Risker i ett heteronormativt samhälle. I Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 237-260.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2009). Sårbarhet i det heterogena risksamhället. I Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 261-284.
Öhman, S. (2009). Teorier om risksamhället. I Risker i det moderna samhället. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 103-121.
Kohring, M. , Gutteling, J. , Matthes, J. , Meijnder, A. , Midden, C. , Öhman, S. , Olofsson, A. , Rusanen, M. & et al. (2006). Whom to trust with genes on the menu?. I Genomics and Society : Legal, Ethical and Social Dimensions. London : Earthscan Publications Ltd.. S. 60-75.
Fjæstad, B. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2004). Gentekniken vinner terräng. I Ekengrens svenska : Språkbok C. Stockholm : Natur och kultur.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2003). Ok... så vad får jag i gengäld? . I Miljömål i Jämtlands län. Östersund : Länsstyrelsen (Skrift från Länsstyrelsen i Jämtlands län). S. 5-.
Olofsson, A. , Rashid, S. & Öhman, S. (2003). The division of attitudes to GM food between the north and south of Europe.. I Integrating and Articulating Environments : A Challenge for Northern and Southern Europe.. Lisse : Swets & Zeitlinger. S. 91-108.
Öhman, S. (2002). Pandora's Genes : Images of Biotechnology and Nature in Europe. I Biotechnology : The making of a global controversy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Öhman, S. (2002). The evolution of public opinion on biotechnology. I Biotechnology : the making of a global controversy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Midden, C. , Boy, D. , Einsiedel, E. , Fjæstad, B. , Gaskell, G. , Liakopoulos, M. , Miller, J. , Öhman, S. & et al. (2002). The structure of public perceptions. I Biotechnology : The making of a global controversy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. S. 203-223.
Nielsen, T. , Jelsoe, E. & Öhman, S. (2002). Traditional blue critique and modern green scepticism. I Biotechnology : the making of a global controversy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Fjæstad, B. , Öhman, S. , Olofsson, A. , von Bergmann-Winberg, M. & Seger, N. (2001). Sweden, the lid is on, but for how long?. I Biotechnology 1996-2000 : The years of controversy. London : Science Museum. S. 267-281.
Fjæstad, B. , Öhman (Olsson), S. , Olofsson, A. & von Bergmann-Winberg, M. (1998). National profile: Sweden. I Biotechnology in the public sphere : A European sourcebook. London : Science Museum. S. 130-143.
Giritli Nygren, K. , Öhman, S. , von Essen, M. & Olofsson, A. (2022). 20 years of studies of risk and intersectionality. I Book of Abstracts : Living with Risks: Sharing the Good Practice.. S. 62-
Giritli Nygren, K. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2017). Media Portrayals of Unaccompanied Child Refugees : Exploring the security/migration nexus through the gendering and racialization of risks in Sweden.. Paper presented at the (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities 13th ESA Conference ,Athens, Greece, 29.08.2017 – 01.09.2017
Giritli Nygren, K. , Öhman, S. & Olofsson, A. (2017). Methods for National Level Risk Mapping . Paper presented at the Risk and Security. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)3rd Nordic Chapter Conference, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, November 2-3, 2017.
Olofsson, A. , Giritli Nygren, K. & Öhman, S. (2017). Swedish Policy for the Arctic : A Feminist Risk Analysis. Paper presented at the NEW CHALLENGES, NEW THREATS: RESILIENCE AND ADAPTATION IN A RISKY WORLD. The 26th Annual meeting of Society for Risk Analysis Europe (SRA-E) Lisbon, Portugal,19-21 June, 2017
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2016). An intersectional risk approach to environmental sociology. Paper presented at the Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference Understanding Risk: From Theory to Application in Policy and Practice in Bath, UK 20th -22 June 2016
Giritli Nygren, K. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2016). Rearticulating Intersecting Structures of Risk in Everyday Life of Adolescents. Paper presented at the EARA 2016 European Association for Research on Adolescence, XV Biennial Conference La Barrosa, Cádiz, Spain, 16-19 Sep. 2016
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2016). Rearticulating Intersecting Structures of Risk in Everyday Life of Young Migrants. Paper presented at the SRA Europe 2nd Nordic Chapter Meeting, Gothenburg 14-15 November, 2016.
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2016). Risk as a driving force of contemporary societies, economy & politics. I Economic and Social Development : 13th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. (International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development). S. 389--400.
Öhman, S. (2016). Towards a methodology for quantitative intersectional analysis of health risk positions. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference of the Thematic Group Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty of the International Sociological Association (ISA) at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico, February 23th -26th 2016
Öhman, S. & Olofsson, A. (2015). Doing and Undoing Risk : The Constitution of Risk and Heteronormativity in a Transforming Society. Paper presented at the 2015 ESA RN22 Mid-Term Conference Risk, Uncertainty and Transition, Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty Research Network 22 (ESA), University of Stuttgart, Germany, 8-10 April 2015
Giritli Nygren, K. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2015). Intersectional Approaches To Environmental Sociology. Paper presented at the International workshop: Core Concepts in Environmental Sociology, Arranged by the Environmental Sociology Section, Örebro University, Sweden in collaboration with Research Committee 24 (Environment and Society) of the International Sociological Association, Örebro, 23-25 September 2015
Öhman, S. , Olofsson, A. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2015). Quantitative Interpretation of Intersectionality. Paper presented at the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) 9th Annual International Conference on Sociology 4-7 May 2015, Athens, Greece
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. , Giritli Nygren, K. & Rashid, S. (2015). The unintended consequences of human crisis communication – a critical analysis. Paper presented at the , The International Crisis and Risk Communication (ICRC) Conference, University of central Florida, Orlando, US, March 2015
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2015). Towards a methodology for quantitative intersectional analysis of risk positions. I DIFFERENCES INEQULITIES AND SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION ESA 2015 12TH CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 2015 PROGRAMME BOOK.
Linnell, M. , Johansson, C. , Olofsson, A. , Wall, E. & Öhman, S. (2014). Enhancing public resilience : A community approach. I Proceedings of the International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos 2014 : Extended abstracts. Davos : . S. 541--544.
Öhman, S. (2010). Risks in a Heteronormative Society - Sense-Making of Everyday Risks among Gays in Sweden .
Öhman, S. & Olofsson, A. (2010). Sense-making of risk in Sweden and Wales.
Öhman, S. (2010). The Impact of Gender and Sexual Orientation on Risk Perception and Risk Behaviour.
Öhman, S. & Olofsson, A. (2009). National, international or global threats – who fears what? Societal risk perceptions in Sweden 2004 and 2008.. Paper presented at the From the Everyday to the Extraordinary: SRA-Europe Conference 2009
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2009). Risk perception in a heterogeneous society: The impact of basic values and experiences of vulnerability. Paper presented at the European Society or European Societies
Öhman, S. , Kloep, M. & Olofsson, A. (2008). Differences in Sense-Making of Risk: Are there Contextual Differences between Groups?. I 'The End of Rationality?' The Challenge of New Risks and Uncertainties in the 21st Century. 'Sociology and Public Debate' Barcelona, September 5-9..
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. & Rashid, S. (2007). Differences in risk perception among groups in society and the impact of basic values and experiences of vulnerability : Paper presented at Risk & Rationalities, Queens' College, Cambridge, 29-31 March 2007.
Öhman, S. (2007). The Impact of Gender and Sexual Orientation and the Mediating Role of Values and Experiences of Vulnerability.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2006). Cosmopolitans and locals - An empirical investigation of cosmopolitanism : Paper presented at Sveriges Sociologförbunds årskonferens, Staden och Östeuropa, Feburary 9-10, Södertörns University College, Stockholm..
Sparf, J. & Öhman, S. (2006). Resources and risk perception : XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology, Durban, South Africa, 23-29 July 2006.
Sparf, J. & Öhman, S. (2006). Risk perception among disabled people in Sweden: The role of social involvement and resources : New Perspectives on Risk Communication Uncertainty in a Complex Society. A Multi-Disciplinary International Research Conference. 31 August - 2 September, 2006 Göteborg, Sweden..
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2005). Cosmopolitans and locals, an empirical investigation of cosmopolitanism : Paper presented at the 7th ESA conference: Rethinking Inequality, September 9-13, 2005, Institute of Sociology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun.. Paper presented at the 7th ESA conference: Rethinking Inequality, September 9-13, 2005, Institute of Sociology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun.
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. & Rashid, S. (2005). Views of risk in late modernity: Do people´s views of risk define our time? : Paper presented at ISA conference "Environment, knowldege & democracy", July 6-7, Marseille..
Olofsson, A. , Rashid, S. & Öhman, S. (2003). Attitudes to gene technology, the importance of institutional trust.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2003). Clustering environmental attitudes, transatlantic comparisions.
Danielsson, E. , Alirani, G. , Oscarsson, O. , Große, C. , Olausson, P. M. , Jacobsson, J. & Öhman, S. (2023). Att ta ledartröjan i krisen : Utvärdering av MSB:s samordningsuppdrag under Coronapandemin. Mid Sweden University (RCR Working Paper Series 2023:2).
Olausson, P. , Danielsson, E. , Gunneriusson, H. , Mujezinovic, D. & Öhman, S. (2022). Länsstyrelsen Västernorrland - Intern utvärdering av krisledningsarbete med anledning av Covid‐19. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (RCR Working Paper Series 2022:2).
Olausson, P. M. , Ahrens Kayayan, V. , Alirani, G. , Danielsson, E. , Lundgren, M. , Mujezinovic, D. , Petersson, F. & Öhman, S. (2021). Sandvikens kommun – Hanteringen av Corona-pandemin våren 2020. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet
Giritli Nygren, K. , Olofsson, A. , Pramanik, R. & Öhman, S. (2018). Mapping of Risk Perception and Assessment : Inspiring Methods for National Level Risk Mapping in Sweden. Stockholm : Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB ).
Linnell, M. , Johansson, C. , Olofsson, A. , Wall, E. & Öhman, S. (2014). Experiences and requirements for a community approach involving social groups in crisis preparedness and response.
Demarin, E. , Danielsson, E. , Eliasson, L. , Johansson, R. , Olofsson, A. , Sparf, J. & Öhman, S. (2010). Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv på risk och kris : Uppfattning, kommunikation och organisation..
Öhman, S. & Olofsson, A. (2009). Kris och risk i det heterogena samhället. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Social Science Reports from Mid Sweden University 2).
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2006). Att mäta och värdera risk och säkerhet i ett heterogent samhälle (ROHS) : Slutrapport. Räddningsverket
Gaskell, G. , Allum, N. , Stares, S. , Fjæstad, B. , Öhman, S. & Olofsson, A. (2003). Europeans and biotechnology in 2002 - Eurobarometer 58.0 : A report to the EC Directorate General for Research from the project "Life Sciences in European Society". Brussels : European Commission
Fjæstad, B. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2003). Svenskarna och gentekniken. Rapport från 2002 års Eurobarometer om bioteknik.. Östersund : Mitthögskolan. Institutionen för samhällsvetenskap
Olsson, S. & Olofsson, A. (1995). Spara eller slösa? : en studie om energisparande och livsstilar. Östersund : Mitthögskolan (Rapport / Mitthögskolan 1995:23).
Wolvén, L. , Olsson, S. , Bengtsson, J. , Ekholm, S. & Nordin, T. (1994). Att ta steget in i framtiden - om småföretagare och informationsteknologi i lokalsamhället : Slutrapport från projektet Apple Village Årefjällen. Östersund : Mitthögskolan (Rapport / Mitthögskolan 1994:3).
Olsson, S. , Wolvén, L. & Olofsson, A. (1994). Service och livskvalitet i Östersunds kommun. Östersund : Mitthögskolan (Rapport / Mitthögskolan 1994:22).
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Danielsson, E. (ed.) , Johansson, R. (ed.) , Olofsson, A. (ed.) & Öhman, S. (ed.) (2019). Festskrift till Björn Fjæstad: Utvecklingen av en forskningsmiljö : Ett verksamhetsnära engagemang på distans. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University
Olofsson, A. (ed.) & Öhman, S. (ed.) (2009). Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur