Martin Shaw

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Jag kommer från Sheffield i England och flyttade till Sverige under1994. Jag är universitetslektor i engelskspråkig litteratur- och kulturvetenskap vid Institutionen för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap (HSV). Jag skrev min avhandling om resande och Romani/Resande självbiografi vid Umeå universitet och försvarade den i april 2006.


The politics of (mis)recognition, the violence of categorisation, the taken for granted, paratextual analysis, nostalgia.

Autobiography studies
Romani/Traveller/Gypsy Life story: UK


Autobiography (Life Story)
Postcolonial Criticism
Postcolonial Ecocriticism
Politics of (mis)recognition
Romani Studies


Campus och distans undervisning
Engelskspråkig litteraturvetenskap på grundnivå (A, B, C) och avancerad nivå (inom magisterprogrammet)
Lärarutbildning F3 och 4-6
Lärarutbildning 7-9, gymnasier
Lärarlyftet 4-6
Uppsatshandledning (kandidat och avancerad nivå)
Uppsatshandledning 4-6


Article Preliminarily Accepted for Publication 2025

 "Nostalgia and Discursive Dissonance in Eva Petulengro’s The Girl in the Painted Wagon: Memories of a Romany Childhood"   Journal: a/b: Auto/Biography Studies

Article Accepted for Publication 2024

"Paratextual Ethics, Disrespect and Imperial Nostalgia in Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A Message from Chief Seattle"    Journal: The Lion and the Unicorn




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Artiklar i tidskrifter

Allan, R. , Shaw, I. & Shaw, M. (2023). Building a Corpus of Written Tasks of Swedish National Tests in English : Motivation, Method and Research Applications. Nordic Journal of English Studies, vol. 22: 2, ss. 128-154.  

Shaw, M. (2021). The End of Imperialisms in Paul Torday’s Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, vol. 28: 2, ss. 761-781.  

Shaw, M. (2019). Za tajemstvím doprovodných textů : Politická agenda v kolaborativním životním příběhu Gordona Silvestera Boswella The Book of Boswell: Autobiography of a Gypsy. ROMANO DŽANIBEN, vol. 26: 1, ss. 67-91.  

Shaw, M. (2018). Intersecting stories and gender support systems in Violet Cannon’s Gypsy princess: The true story of a Romany childhood. Romani Studies, vol. 28: 2, ss. 219-238.  

Shaw, M. (2016). Authentic violence : The changing sameness of ‘real’ Romani discourse in Dominic Reeve’s life story. Romani Studies, vol. 26: 2, ss. 129-149.  

Shaw, M. (2012). Hybridity and Violence in Nan Joyce's Traveller and My Life on the Road. NIS, vol. 11: 1, ss. 63-78.

Shaw, M. (2011). "Warning Signs: Violence and Flexibility in the Story of Irish Traveller Nan Joyce's Arrest". NIS, vol. 10, ss. 79-96.

Shaw, M. (2006). "Hopsvetsade röster". Invandrare och Minoriteter, vol. 3, ss. 21-24.


Shaw, M. (2006). Narrating Gypsies, Telling Travellers : A Sudy of the Relational Self in Four Life Stories. Diss. Umeå : Moderna språk, 2006  

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Shaw, M. (2023). Political Interventions in Space and Place in Uriah Burton's Uriah Burton "Big Just" : His Life, His Aims, His Ideals. I Approaches to a "new" World Literature : Romani Literature(s) as (re)writing and Self-Empowerment. Munich : Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München (Ästhetik(en) der Roma- Selbst-under Fremdrepräsentationen / Romani Aesthetic(s) - self and external representation). S. 47-65.  

Shaw, M. (2011). "Warning Signs and Reflexivity in Nan Joyce's Anti-Traveller Protest Story". I Beyond Ireland: Encounters Across Cultures. Bern : Peter Lang Publishing Group (Reimagining Ireland). S. 139-157.


Allan, R. , Shaw, I. & Shaw, M. (2022). Swedish National Tests in English : A corpus resource for teachers. Paper presented at the 15th Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC) Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland, July 13–16, 2022.    

Shaw, M. (2022). The Time of the Gypsies : Covering Life Stories. I National Assocition for English Studies, 2022. Stockholm, 11-13 May.

Shaw, M. (2021). Fighting for Peace inUriah Burton’s Life Story UriahBurton ”Big Just” His Life, His Aims,His Ideals (1979). I 2021 Gypsy Lore SocietyAnnual Meeting and Conferenceon Romani Studies : Book of Abstracts.. S. 119-  

Shaw, M. (2020). Forgotten and Ignored, but not Defeated : Political Acts and Informal Justice in Romani UriahBurton’s Big Just”: His Life, His Aims, His Ideals (1979).. Paper presented at the Political Literatures, Sundsvall, Sweden, June 16, 2020.

Shaw, M. (2019). Maggie Smith-Bendall's Romany Gypsy Life Story : Judging Books by their Covers. I Book of abstracts. Madrid :

Shaw, M. (2019). Towards Nature: Gordon Boswell’s The Book of Boswell: The Autobiography of a Gypsy (1970) and Beyond. I Book of Abstracts.

Sidan uppdaterades 2025-01-21