Sara Skott
Docent|Associate Professor
- Tjänstetitel: Docent
- Akademisk titel: Docent
- Annan titel: Ämnesföreträdare i kriminologi
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1427821
- E-postadress:
- Besöksadress: M-huset, Sundsvall
- Rumsnummer: M 314B
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Kriminologi
Dödligt våld och våld
Sexuellt motiverade mord
Våld och maskulinitet
Kritisk kriminologi
Gotisk kriminologi
Hemsökande kriminologi
Homicide and violence
Sexual homicide
Violence and masculinities
Critical Criminology
Gothic Criminology
Ghost Criminology
Människa, mått och motståndskraft: Nya sätt att studera riskkommunikation, ansvar och beredskap
Dödligt våld i ungas parrelationer
Våld i Vardagen: Att förstå och förhindra våldsutsatthet och våldspraktiker bland unga
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Artiklar, recensioner
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Nyhlén, S. , Skott, S. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2024). Haunting the Margins : Excavating EU Migrants as the ‘Social Ghosts’ of Our Time. Critical Criminology, vol. 32: 2, ss. 479-496.
Suonpää, K. , Kivivuori, J. , Aarten, P. , Ahven, A. , Granath, S. , Markwalder, N. , Skott, S. , Thomsen, A. H. & et al. (2024). Homicide drop in seven European countries : General or specific across countries and crime types?. European Journal of Criminology, vol. 21: 1, ss. 3-30.
Caman, S. & Skott, S. (2024). Invisible Victims : Exploring Gendered Trends in Youth Intimate Partner Homicide. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research,
Nyhlén, S. , Giritli Nygren, K. & Skott, S. (2024). The Spectropolitics of the Swedish People’s Home : Tracing the ‘no longer’ and the ‘not yet’ in the Swedish 2022 Election Campaign. Synthesis, : 16, ss. 29-47.
Caman, S. & Skott, S. (2024). Youth Intimate Partner Femicide : Identification of Factors Specific to Femicide Against Adolescent and Young Adult Victims. Journal of family Violence,
Skott, S. (2023). “It’s Kind of Our Everyday Life. It Sort of Becomes Natural” : Everyday Violence and Violent Practices Among Young People. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 38: 13-14, ss. 8422-8452.
Skott, S. & Skott Bengtson, K. (2022). ‘You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?’ : A Hauntological Analysis of Carceral Violence in Majora’s Mask. Games and Culture, vol. 17: 4, ss. 593-613.
Skott, S. (2021). Disaggregating Violence : Understanding the Decline. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 36: 15-16, ss. 7670-7694.
Skott, S. , Nyhlén, S. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2021). In the Shadow of the Monster: Gothic Narratives of Violence Prevention. Critical Criminology, vol. 29: 2, ss. 385-400.
Skott, S. , Beauregard, E. & Darjee, R. (2021). Sexual and Nonsexual Homicide in Scotland: Is There a Difference?. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 36: 7-8, ss. 3209-3230.
Skott, S. , Beauregard, E. , Darjee, R. & Martineau, M. (2021). The consistency of sexual homicide characteristics and typologies across countries : a comparison of Canadian and Scottish sexual homicides. Journal of Sexual Aggression, vol. 27: 1, ss. 18-34.
Skott, S. (2019). Disaggregating Homicide : Changing trends in subtypes over time. Criminal justice and behavior, vol. 46: 11, ss. 1650-1668.
Skott, S. , Beauregard, E. & Darjee, R. (2019). Female Sexual Homicide Offenders: A Descriptive and Comparative Study. Journal of Forensic Sciences, vol. 64: 1, ss. 154-162.
Skott, S. (2019). Sexual Homicide Targeting Children : Exploring Offender, Victim, and Modus Operandi Factors. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, vol. 63: 9, ss. 1663-1680.
Skott, S. (2015). Homicide in Scotland : The need for a deeper understanding. Scottish Justice Matters, vol. 3: 3, ss. 36-37.
Artiklar, recensioner
Skott, S. (2024). Tea Fredriksson (2023) Haunting Prison : Exploring the Prison as an Abject and Uncanny Institution. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy,
Skott, S. (2022). Homicide : Towards a deeper understanding. Taylor & Francis
Skott, S. (2018). Changing Types of Homicide in Scotland and their Relationship to Changing Types of Wider Violence. Diss. Edinburgh : The University of Edinburgh, 2018
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Skott, S. & Skott Bengtson, K. (2024). “Are You Sure the Only You is You?” : Domestic Violence and Critiquing the Other in the Spectral Remains of P.T.. I Video Games, Crime, and Control : Getting Played. London : Routledge. S. 51-69.
Skott, S. (2019). Homicide and Violence in Scotland : Changing Subtypes over Time. Paper presented at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2019, STOCKHOLM JUNE 10-12, 2019
Skott, S. (2019). Maskulinitet och våld i förändring : Vertigo of Masculinity. Paper presented at the Genusmarathon 2019, Östersund, 21 mars, 2019
Skott, S. (2018). A Typology of Homicide in the Context of the Crime Drop. Paper presented at the European Society of Criminology Conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, Aug 29 - Sep 1, 2018
Skott, S. (2016). Homicide in Scotland – the need for a deeper understanding. Paper presented at the The 72nd Annual American Society of Criminology Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov 16-19, 2016
Skott, S. (2016). Homicide in Scotland: The need for a deeper understanding. Paper presented at the The 16th Annual European Society of Criminology Conference in Muenster, Germany, September 21-24, 2016
Skott, S. (2016). Homicide in Scotland: Changing subtypes over time. Paper presented at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2016, June 10-12, 2016
Skott, S. (2016). The Relationship between Homicide and Serious Violence: The need for further examination. Paper presented at the International Homicide: The EHM and methodological challenges - An international homicide symposium in Edinburgh 2016
Skott, S. (2015). The Relationship between Homicide and Serious Violence: The Need for Further Examination. Paper presented at the The 15th Annual European Society of Criminology Conference in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5, 2015
Skott, S. (2024). Våld i Vardagen - kortrapport.
Caman, S. & Skott, S. (2023). Dödligt partnervåld mot unga. Jämställdhetsmyndigheten
Olofsdotter, G. , Bolin, M. , Giritli Nygren, K. , Haj Brade, L. , Nyhlén, S. & Skott, S. (2020). "Att planera ett träd och låta det växa" - om arbete med jämställdhet och mångfald i SCA Skog AB. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University
Skott, S. & McVie, S. (2019). Reduction in homicide and violence in Scotland is largely explained by fewer gangs and less knife crime (AQMeN Research Briefing).
Skott, S. , Beauregard, E. & Darjee, R. (2017). Sexual Homicide in Scotland (AQMeN Research Briefing).