Benny Thörnberg
Docent|Associate Professor
- Tjänstetitel: Docent
- Akademisk titel: Docent
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428917
- E-postadress:
- Rumsnummer: Ej Angivet
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Elektronik
- Forskningscentra:
- Sensible Things that Communicate, STC
SENAVIS - Sensorteknologi för smart avisning
Autonom friktionsmätning och övervakning av flygplatser
Flis - Karakterisering av träsönderdelningsprocesser
Framtidens flygplats med Remote Tower (förstudie)
Förstudie för SMART - Smarta System och Tjänster för ett effektivare samhälle
In2Track3 - detektering av olika föroreningar på räl
Interreg – Transnationell miljö för innovation, forskning och utbildning
Method for Cost Optimized Volumetric Object Monitoring Systems
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Licentiatavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Artiklar i tidskrifter
An, S. , Krapohl, D. , Thörnberg, B. , Roudot, R. , Schyns, E. & Norlin, B. (2023). Characterization of micro pore optics for full-field X-ray fluorescence imaging. Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 18: 01
Shaikh, M. S. , Jaferzadeh, K. & Thörnberg, B. (2022). Extending Effective Dynamic Range of Hyperspectral Line Cameras for Short Wave Infrared Imaging. Sensors, vol. 22: 5
Shaikh, M. S. & Thörnberg, B. (2022). Impact of water vapour on polymer classification using in situ short-wave infrared hyperspectral imaging. Journal of Spectral Imaging, vol. 11
Fedorov, I. , Thörnberg, B. , Alqaysi, H. , Lawaly, N. & O'Nils, M. (2021). A two-layer 3D reconstruction method and calibration for multi-camera-based volumetric positioning and characterization. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70
Shaikh, M. S. , Jaferzadeh, K. , Thörnberg, B. & Casselgren, J. (2021). Calibration of a hyper-spectral imaging system using a low-cost reference. Sensors, vol. 21: 11
Alqaysi, H. , Lawal, N. , Fedorov, I. , Thörnberg, B. & O'Nils, M. (2021). Cost Optimized Design of Multi-Camera Domefor Volumetric Surveillance. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21: 3, ss. 3730-3737.
Vilar, C. , Krug, S. & Thörnberg, B. (2021). Processing chain for 3D histogram of gradients based real-time object recognition. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, vol. 18: 1
Rydblom, S. A. L. & Thörnberg, B. (2020). Measurement of Atmospheric Icing and Droplets. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 69: 8, ss. 5799-5809.
Rydblom, S. , Thörnberg, B. & Olsson, E. (2019). Field Study of LWC and MVD Using the Droplet Imaging Instrument. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 68: 2, ss. 614-622.
Nyström, J. , Gradin, P. & Thörnberg, B. (2018). An experimental study of the chipping process with focus on energy consumption and chipping angles. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 33: 3, ss. 460-467.
Amir, Y. M. & Thörnberg, B. (2017). High Precision Laser Scanning of Metallic Surfaces. International Journal of Optics,
Rydblom, S. & Thörnberg, B. (2016). Liquid Water Content and Droplet Sizing Shadowgraph Measuring System for Wind Turbine Icing Detection. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16: 8, ss. 2714-2725.
Malik, A. W. , Thörnberg, B. , Anwar, Q. , Johansen, T. A. & Shahzad, K. (2015). Real Time Decoding of Color Symbol for Optical Positioning System. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, vol. 12: 5
Jonsson, P. , Thörnberg, B. & Casselgren, J. (2015). Road surface status classification using spectral analysis of NIR camera images. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15: 3, ss. 1641-1656.
Malik, A. W. , Thörnberg, B. , Imran, M. & Lawal, N. (2014). Hardware Architecture for Real-time Computation of Image Component Feature Descriptors on a FPGA. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, , ss. Art. no. 815378
Meng, X. , Thörnberg, B. & Olsson, L. (2014). Strategic Proactive Obsolescence Management Model. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 4: 6, ss. 1099-1108.
Malik, A. W. , Thörnberg, B. & Palaniappan, P. K. (2013). Comparison of Three Smart Camera Architectures for Real-time Machine Vision System. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, vol. 10, ss. Art. no. 402
Imran, M. , Khursheed, K. , Malik, A. W. , Ahmad, N. , O'Nils, M. , Lawal, N. & Thörnberg, B. (2012). Architecture Exploration Based on Tasks Partitioning Between Hardware, Software and Locality for a Wireless Vision Sensor Node. International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, vol. 3: 2, ss. 58-71.
Cheng, X. , Thörnberg, B. , Malik, W. & Lawal, N. (2010). Hardware centric machine vision for high precision center of gravity calculation. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: An International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 40, ss. 576-583.
Thörnberg, B. , Palkovic, M. , Hu, Q. , Olsson, L. , Kjeldsberg, P. G. , O'Nils, M. & Catthor, F. (2007). Bit-Width Constrained Memory Hierarchy Optimization for Real-Time Video Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 26: 4, ss. 781-800.
Thörnberg, B. , Hu, Q. , Palkovic, M. , O'Nils, M. & Kjeldsberg, P. G. (2006). Polyhedral space generation and memory estimation from interface and memory models of real-time video systems. Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 79: 2, ss. 231-245.
Lawal, N. , Thörnberg, B. , O'Nils, M. & Norell, H. (2006). Ram allocation algorithm for video processing applications on FPGA. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, vol. 15: 5, ss. 679-699.
Thörnberg, B. (2006). Memory modeling and synthesis for real-time video processing systems. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, 2006 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 8)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Thörnberg, B. , Krapohl, D. & Norlin, B. (2024). Avbildande materialanalys. I Globala utmaningar – lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Mittuniversitetet. S. 37-38.
Thörnberg, B. & O'Nils, M. (2002). Analysis of modeling and simulation capabilities in systemC and Ocapi using a video filter design. I System on chip design languages : : extended papers : best of FDL’01 and HDLCon’01. Boston, Mass : Kluwer Academic Publishers (The ChDL series). S. 283-.
Thörnberg, B. (2022). The Material Imaging Analyzer MIA. I 2022 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2022 - Proceedings.
Alqaysi, H. , Lawal, N. , Fedorov, I. , Thörnberg, B. & O'Nils, M. (2019). Design Exploration of Multi-Camera Dome. I ICDSC 2019 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras. New York, NY :
Vilar, C. , Thörnberg, B. & Krug, S. (2019). Evaluation of embedded camera systems for autonomous wheelchairs. I VEHITS 2019 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems.. S. 76--85.
Vilar, C. , Krug, S. & Thörnberg, B. (2019). Rotational Invariant Object Recognition for Robotic Vision. I ICACR 2019 Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Conference on Automation, Control and Robots.. S. 1--6.
Rydblom, S. & Thörnberg, B. (2018). Particle Measurement Volume and Light Intensity in a Shadowgraph Imaging System. I IST 2018 - IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings.
Fedorov, I. , Lawal, N. , Thörnberg, B. , Alqaysi, H. & O'Nils, M. (2018). Towards calibration of outdoor multi-camera visual monitoring system. I ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. New York, NY, US :
Rydblom, S. & Thörnberg, B. (2016). Droplet Imaging Instrument Metrology Instrument for Icing Condition Detection. I 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGING SYSTEMS AND TECHNIQUES (IST). (IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques). S. 66--71.
Imran, M. , O'Nils, M. , Munir, H. & Thörnberg, B. (2015). Low complexity FPGA based background subtraction technique for thermal imagery. I ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.. S. 1--6.
Jonsson, P. , Thörnberg, B. , Dobslaw, F. & Vaa, T. (2015). Road Condition Imaging: Model Development. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 2015 Annual Meeting
Anwar, Q. , Malik, A. W. & Thörnberg, B. (2013). Design of coded reference labels for indoor optical navigation using monocular camera. I 2013 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2013. (International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation). S. Art. no. 6817925-
Zhao, J. , Thörnberg, B. , Shi, Y. & Hashemi, A. (2012). Color Segmentation on FPGA Using Minimum Distance Classifier for Automatic Road Sign Detection. I IST 2012 - 2012 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings.. S. 516--521.
Meng, X. , Thörnberg, B. & Olsson, L. (2012). Component obsolescence management model for long life cycle embedded system. I AUTOTESTCON (Proceedings). Anaheim, California : . S. 19--24.
Hashemi, A. & Thörnberg, B. (2012). Hardware Centric Automatic Recognition of Road Signs. I ISCAIE 2012 - 2012 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics.. S. 157--162.
Meng, X. , Haoming, Z. , Lawal, N. & Thörnberg, B. (2012). Portability Analysis of Soft Microprocessor for FPGA. I 2012 Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2012.. S. 5--8.
Malik, A. W. , Thörnberg, B. , Meng, X. & Imran, M. (2012). Real-Time machine vision system using FPGA and soft-core processor. I Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.. S. Art. no. 84370Z-
Lawal, N. , Thörnberg, B. & O´Nils, M. (2011). Architecture driven memory allocation for FPGA Based Real-Time Video Processing Systems. I Proceedings of the 2011 7th Southern Conference on Programmable Logic, SPL 2011 2011, Article number 5782639.. S. 143--148.
Meng, X. , Thörnberg, B. & Lawal, N. (2011). Embedded System Design with Maintenance Consideration. I Proceedings of the 34th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO.. S. 124--129.
Khursheed, K. , Imran, M. , Malik, A. W. , O'Nils, M. , Lawal, N. & Thörnberg, B. (2011). Exploration of tasks partitioning between hardware software and locality for a wireless camera based vision sensor node. I Proceedings - 6th International Symposium on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering, PARELEC 2011.. S. 127--132.
Cheng, X. , Thörnberg, B. & Abdul Waheed, M. (2011). Optimized Color Pair Selection for Label Design. I Proceedings Elmar - International Symposium Electronics in Marine. Zadar, Croatia : . S. 115--118.
Meng, X. , Thörnberg, B. & Lawal, N. (2011). Portability analysis of an M-JPEG decoder IP from OpenCores. I SIES 2011 - 6th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, Conference Proceedings.. S. 79--82.
Malik, A. W. , Thörnberg, B. , Cheng, X. & Lawal, N. (2011). Real-time Component Labelling with Centre of Gravity Calculation on FPGA. I 2011 Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Systems.
Meng, X. , Thörnberg, B. & Lawal, N. (2011). Soft-IP Interface Modification Methodology. I Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Information and Electronics Engineering.
Cheng, X. , Thörnberg, B. , Malik, W. & Lawal, N. (2010). Hardware Centric Machine Vision for High Precision Center of Gravity Calculation. I PROCEEDINGS OF WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY. (PROCEEDINGS OF WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY). S. 736--743.
Thörnberg, B. & Lawal, N. (2009). Real-time Component Labelling and Feature Extraction on FPGA. I 2009 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, ISSCS 2009.. S. 5206100-
Thim, J. , Manuilskiy, A. , O´Nils, M. , Thörnberg, B. , Lindgren, J. & Lidén, J. (2009). The Impact of Surface Movement in Online Paper Topgraphy Cahracerization Using Light Triangulation. I Proceedings fo the Papermaker´s Research Symposium.
Thim, J. , O'Nils, M. , Manuilskiy, A. & Thörnberg, B. (2008). Simulating the Impact of Topographical Microstructures on Triangulation Measurement Setups using Matlab. I Proceedings of Nordic MATLAB User Conference.
Lawal, N. , O´Nils, M. & Thörnberg, B. (2007). C++ based System Synthesis of Real-Time Video Processing Systems targeting FPGA Implementation. I Proceedings - 21st International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2007; Abstracts and CD-ROM. Long Beach, CA : . S. 1--7.
Lawal, N. , Thörnberg, B. & O'Nils, M. (2007). Power-aware automatic constraint generation for FPGA based real-time video processing systems. I 25th Norchip Conference, NORCHIP. New York : . S. 124--128.
Lawal, N. , O'Nils, M. & Thörnberg, B. (2006). C++ based System Synthesis of Real-Time Video Processing Systems targeting FPGA Implementation. I Proceedings of the FPGA World Conference 2006.
Lepistö, N. , Thörnberg, B. & O'Nils, M. (2006). Design Exploration of Video Pre-Processor for FPGA based SoC. I Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Berlin : (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE). S. 87--92.
O'Nils, M. , Thörnberg, B. & Lawal, N. (2006). High-Level SystemC Synthesis for FPGA based Real-Time Video Processing Systems. I Proceedings of the FPGA World Conference.
Thörnberg, B. & O'Nils, M. (2006). Impact of Bit-Width specification on the memory hierarchy for a real-time video processing system. I Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE. Piscataway, NJ : (Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Expo). S. 750--751.
Lawal, N. , Thörnberg, B. & O'Nils, M. (2005). Address Generation for FPGA RAMs for Efficient Implementation of Real-Time Video Processing Systems. I Proceedings - 2005 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL.. S. 136--141.
O'Nils, M. , Lilljefjäll, P. & Thörnberg, B. (2005). Data Partitioning for Parallel Implementation of Real-Time Video Processing Systems. I Proceedings of the 2005 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design : vol. 1.. S. 213--216.
Lepistö, N. , Thörnberg, B. & O'Nils, M. (2005). High Performance FPGA based Camera Architecture for Range Imaging. I 23rd NORCHIP Conference 2005.. S. 165--168.
Thörnberg, B. , Olsson, L. & O'Nils, M. (2005). Optimization of memory allocation for real-time video processing on FPGA. I 16th International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, Proceedings - SHORTENING THE PATH FROM SPECIFICATION TO PROTOTYPE.. S. 141--147.
O'Nils, M. , Norell, H. & Thörnberg, B. (2004). A Comparison between Local and Global Memory Allocation for FPGA Implementation of Real-Time Video Processing Systems. I Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems.
Thörnberg, B. & O'Nils, M. (2003). Automated implementation of interface- and memory models for real-time video processing systems. I Proceedings of IEEE Norchip Conference, November 2003 (Riga).
Norell, H. , Thörnberg, B. & O'Nils, M. (2003). Automatic Hardware Synthesis of Spatial Memory Models for Real-Time Image Processing Systems. I Proceedings of IEEE Norchip Conference 2003 : Riga, Latvia, Nov 10-11, 2003.. S. 171--175.
Thörnberg, B. , Norell, H. & O'Nils, M. (2002). Conceptual Interface and Memory-Modelling for Real-Time Image Processing Systems- IMEM: A tool for Modeling, Simulation and Design Parameter Extraction. I Proceedings of 2002 IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, MMSP 2002 : 9-11 Dec. 2002 , St.Thomas, VI, USA.. S. 138--141.
Thörnberg, B. , Norell, H. & O'Nils, M. (2002). IMEM: An Object Oriented Memory- and Interface Modeling Approach for Real-Time Video Processing Systems. I Proceedings / FDL '02, Forum on Specification & Design Languages, Marseille, France, Sept 24-27, 2002 : FDL ; 5 (Marseille) : 2002.09.24-27. Marseille :
Thörnberg, B. (2004). Memory modeling and synthesis for real-time video processing systems. Lic.-avh. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mitthögskolan, 2004 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 4)
Cheng, X. , Abdul Waheed, M. & Thörnberg, B. Color Symbol Design and Its Classification for Optical Navigation.
Meng, X. & Thörnberg, B. Design Technology Selection for Obsolescence Management Cost Avoidanc.
Abdul Waheed, M. , Thörnberg, B. , Cheng, X. , Lawal, N. , Imran, M. & Kjeldsberg, P. G. Generalized Architecture for a Real-time Computation of an Image Component Features on a FPGA.
Jonsson, P. , Vaa, T. , Bogren, J. & Thörnberg, B. Road Condition Imaging - Case Study.
Thörnberg, B. (2020). Avbildande materialanalysator samt förfarande för att använda denna .
Svelander, L. & Thörnberg, B. (2013). Belysningsanordning för fordon .
Thörnberg, B. (1992). Medical Environment Interface .